23:48 Pretty boozed up. Nearly two (light, pale ale) beers, an end of a bottle of apple cider and two glasses of Samos Muscat. Will open save about now.
23:54 Reclaim. Gonna be promising... let's see
23:56 all dem hhammer dwarves
the wooden phallus is still erect, i consider it a personal victory
also there's a water system at the same level. and cock is filled up with
unknown substance Heh. I mean water. Heh, unknown substance.
Alright, time to unpause. If there are hdamemrm dwarves there mst be shit inside the fortress
in more ways than one perhaps
23:58 glorious unpausing
00:01 there seems to be no threat to the safety of the fort
seems being the wword
Apart from dead people everywhere, which will doubtlessly PTSD the hell out of this squadron. Ah well, it was inevitable.
00:03 also ghosts, are there some murderous/berserk/violent ones ? we'll see
00:06 coffins, have build all the coffins, must build more
everyone will be a woodmaker to maek wooden coffins and swwood stockpile
so we may fuck the elves even more (not literally gee)
00:10 went to the toilet, there was a babby centipede, -this species probably
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scutigera_coleoptratabut it was nearly a centimeter long instead of the larger mature specimens. so tiny, tiny legs, i blow on it and it fled, SO CUUUTE
i didn't think centipedes could be cute but w/e
back to the fort
so, build some carperenters or however that is sepflt , hah
need to drink more, don't have booze next to me at the moment.
also all the dwarves are seeking for wood fo rr my swood stocpile. heh getddidt . wood. hah that's not evenf funny
00:15 i think ki is should wall the fort up so some goblin doesn't got to piss uf oddff
but then again goblins with tseven dwarves what i am
smoking drining actually
00:17 opening dwarf the violator, time to put them all to carpentry
yes, i'm sorry for this elf-like behavior
00:19 a casket is a wooden sarcophagus yes ? right ? heh, sarcophagus, eater of flesh
00:23 there, casketing in progress. i should make three more woodworker 's cworkcshodp feh carptentry (wwoww) so all the dwarves go t owwork
00:27 wooden caskets are being built
quite seriously
maybe we'll bury them all ?
00:30 i think that may be enough caskets. still have lots of wood left ! (<= le freuudian eimagery)
anyways, go go burial dwarves.
also i have made some dorfing
don't worry, they're ALL victims. The woodworkers just don't believe they are.
They all think they will survive and not fall into madness ! They all believe they will survive the horror !
Oh how deliciously
naive they are !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb8fWUUXeKMalso apparently Scruffy is a girl. This is making me feel very odd.
00:41 The coffining is going well.
00:47 two ghosts have been put to rest
also our mantislord has been webbed while sleeping, OH SHIT GCS - oh wait that's not a gcs, some cave spider webbed
a bed apparently. what the fuk
also apparently the dwarves don't want to put a skeleton inside a coffin, whatever I do. maybe the skeleton is too big ?
00:52 out of coffins, build more coffins, all the seven dwarves
and snow white went to work on the carpentries
soon we will have enough coffins
this sounds more omnious that it is, really...
00:55 nearly been two months. will stop quickly, i think.
anyways my dwarves, haunted by them ghosts, are bravely building wooden caskets
soon they will all be carpetners.
00:58 something has collapsed on the surface, with some water and mist... no idea what it is
also it is now summer.
naryar got nailed by the cave-in, no harm done though
01:07 brewing plump helmets
not a lot of drink, so i'm build ing a still and ordering more, food should be enough
01:13 dwarf the rapist is still elping me, need lmore nbooze, also i am now making and engraving slabs en masse so the ghosts can be fixed
01:16 migrants, two fishery worekrs and two rangers, that's exactly what i need
01:35 We are done with ghosts !
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytAYsn__ZZI after three dozen slabs, therre are no more ghsots
although there will be more, i guess.
Also Random_Dragon, Hapless Victim (oh of all fitting names) has been missing for a week. I don't know how he died. No combat reports.
What is it ? Unknown death ? A ghost killing it ? Stealth weremammoths ? Do you even care ?
Anyways, that's it with the turn today. I'll just try and upload it.
We're in the 22nd of galena, and i started in feliste a think. so it's been 1/2 year or so (approximatively)
time to upload the game. I think this reclaim can be done.
there are reptile men "ambushes" in the carvens, they are fighting giant bats
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRZAk2rfESUwill post pictures tomorrow.
alright, here's the save.