Todays drinks:
-A bottle of red ale and a shot of salmiak vodka at a bar
-A can of Strongbow and another of Magners
-Mostly fermented potato wine. Just moved it from a bucket into a carboy and the carboy was a bit too small so had some leftover and don't want to waste it. The rest will mature for half a year or so.
Still unfiltered and contains yeast but that can be quickly killed with heating. Won't taste very good though
-Red currant wine from last summer. Don't really like the taste. I have to add some other berries in the mix next time.
Chucked a glass of 'wine' and the Strongbow. Starting to feel a bit drunk.
Setting up the game. Will go ascii this time. Usually I avoid it while drunk.
DAMN IT. Why do the dorerfs still use this tileset? Reinstalling ascii graphics.
Still not working. Can't seem to fix it. Will redownload DF and save
Not working..
Now it is using the example tileset...
Deleted the graphics folder. This should fix it. FOR GOOD
Ordered some embracing. Engraving..
wheres the dorf booze gone?
need more booze for dorflings
STOP ENGRAVING VERMIN! DAMN IT KAMINS and Shorukesomenumber. all you keep engraving are various kidns of spiders, worms and rats
and pictures of naryarrr admiring a shield and bobnova cooking legendary biscuits
also something about kamin killing dorfs
sp ,amy So many dorfs died in hte hospital. it was a damn morque
The few survivors are all "under a great deal of stress" due to seeing half a dozen of their closest friends slowly starve to death and start to rot on the beds and tables next to them
while being too wounded to help or leave themselevs. horrors
msut find water
we must explore tha vaverns! we have the dorgfpower!
unseal cavers
All 90 soldiers looking for waterr
noone has socks. general grumpiness. the hairy midgets need their socks
no praising. filthg, non-boozoholic liquid
why ist the bottom of the lakje covered in blood?
im startging to like this lake already
engravings of engracings
kingmurdoc admiring quivers
kingmurdoc being surrounded by hard wheat
foolish burning miner
teehee. you said xcorpsex
dig dorfs dig! you are suck in that hole untill yoiyu finish
dig and you shall be free, laze off and you will starve in the hole you dug yourselfg
Cavein. Kiledd all of my miners except oen. ALL EXCEPT ONE!
must repair the dorf face. constructing a support pillar
,mre dead miners. ops?
Taking a break.
food now, phallos later
..why the hell did i save some of the pics in .dib format? Didn't even know that such a format existss. Had to converts themm all into .jpg
downed another two glasses. drinking a bit too fast.
Trying to post pics
woah, did this stuff in the pictures relly aheepen? Happen? Oh yes, it dit. Forgot for a momenbt
continuing soon...
drabk too fast. 1l of 15% in an hour or so and 0.5l of 4,5%. argh
I wonder if I can cosntruct a great dick in this shape. Must try. The dick waits for no man
I SHALL NAME IT:... Dickus Dorfimus
or perhaps Dorfus Dickus? Dickus maximus? Dickus Dorfimus Erectimus?
Darmn it. Dickus Dorfimus maximus.
Must sound horrpbie but it sounds good to me since iäm drunk.
A monumet to dwarven potency and vigor.
wait? df tiles are TALLER than wide?
¤=#)¤ =EWSD I spent ages designing the ubercok under the pretense that the tiles were WIDER than TALL!
Now the whole thing will look like a damn pointy arrow or something
somethow i had managed to remove tje f1 zoom to main level hotkey
more random collapses on surface. what the hell? granite just rains fro mthe sky?
stopping militia traing i for now. they are all already legendayr. that is enough
now we meed builders. ALO T OF PENISCRAFTDORFS
oh. opened dorfrapist. many dorfs are unhappy dyue to not wearing pants or sicks.. or shirts
all htey have are hats. Naked but with hats and hoods
only somewhat) sklilled dorfs are allowerd to detail stone. I want proper engravings, not some pictures of cheese, wrwoms and kamin making biscuitws
m,ore bedrooms
why can't dorfs share bedrooms? it is not like they have anyuthig interesting going on
ugh. i hate thsese bedrooms. who made this crap?
wait.. i think that i started this bedroom level
damn it
we have about a hundere spare berds. forgot them on repeat craft last turn i think
mre clothier workshops. we need pants. this is tegeting embarashing
also screwbresses. some nutcakes
not sure if i will be able to finsish the dick so made shoruke a spare office
babykamin is posdses
why is everyone hanging around on top of the volcagne?
a hundr3ed cabinets but no coffers
ir something. forgot what i awas ogoing to frite. darmn
WHY DO WE HAVE 79 lead doors=!=
cavein. more dead miners
forgot about the drinking well thingig. Swimming pool., must construct it
constructing additional space for finsighit scruffyleaym. previously the mountainside was in the way'
drinking more- presonally
swimmingpool. soon
the dick startgs here!
the smith is clover
edit: brewer
da,m jheö,et smales
Helmet snakes
re,e,teberd Remembered to add some workshop roders orders
upi dorfs wamt some cabinets? have some bloody cabinets
Cock not being erected yet. Lazy miners
too drunk for this shit
less jauing more mining!
why are anl the miners lazing around?
oops. erm.. lets not talk about this
they are working now. humiliating
STOP TRAINING YOU DAMN EX-MILItIA! YOU ARE 90% of the living workfoce and you are training!
kamin999 failed mood. went berserk
cat drowned in the volcano.
miasma in the training halls
misspalced the cock blueprints
it will end up looking weird due to b eing designed for wider tiles, not tall ones
looks tgstange strange in 2d. i wonder if we fanc see it in 3df somehow?
the cock is slowly rising
we will erect a monumet to the dwarven determination
yet another surface collapse. tree?
we are going to erect a lasting monumet to our name.
something that will show the rest of the world and our future generations: here stood runkfort!!, BUGGER OF YOU GITS!
nothign s being done? what the hell had i assigned istead of dig/build/deconstruct ordesrs? Something waw ordered byt nobody ws doing it. strange
damn iditso deconning a flor someone iststaning on
2 kamins are just fishing here while dorfgs are drowning beneath them
technoxzan is jsut walking in the flooded area and swimmingt around to fetch a hat from a driowned miner
fist stockpies and workships.
for wishing. Fishing
workshop area for the dickproject 2
DAMN IT WATER pressure
it stpppåed rising one z-level too lowe
some random dorf ois feeling pleasure staring at shoruke5's tomb. liks coffins or somthing
damn it. an other double turn to finish the dick
naryar4 has made atleast 3 silver statues of large roaches and kamin admiring flutes and a statue of bogeymen
,amaged t foöö tje swimming pool by digging another passage and making trenches
someone made alpaca wool pants artifact. warm?
still drinking but I thin k I should stop since it is not fgair to take so many double turns.
but I don't care. The dict needs erecting
fistherdorfs are fishign and doctors are watrerfeeding happily. wate helped alot. water is good. not booze but still important
The tiny secondary dick for shoruke tomb is finished
so many engravings ab out recluse spiders and masterful perpared meals
aslo a few pictures of dorefs "withering away" and dieing jervill and kamin killing bears and badgets
..erm. oops. jervil1 drowned in the swimming pool
wait? it hasn't been even a year yet? the first caravan` what?
why is one of my tombs full of engravings of shoruke? most of them either dieing or bveinb rejected
first fawgve pf ,ogramts
the turn seems low. SLOW.
must be due to having nedarly 200 dorfs working
stpp collasping penis!
time for the dick to rise upwards
8 more z-leves and i can start the tip
silver statues. so many silver stantues.
53 i thin k
okaced tgen ub tombs
the erect monument is now full of tombs
the last resting plafe fo the dorfen kind
wjy ios the site burning?
the whole phallos is a massibe burial chamber. so many coffnms
half asleepp...
the shaft isnt fisniehd yet
last glass og booze going
almost finsihed with the shaft
, bpit out of booze. just one glass of wine left
won't give up before i reach the tip
caravan? has it been a year again?
two and half year turn?
the whole site is just ashesd
more masterpice pants
building the tip
part of the cokc collapes. crushjed all of the traders. merchats are dead. cause:falling penis
DAMN it took long
Finally something to remember us by. Something to say bufger off to every passing cr3ature. the DICKUS DORFUS MAXIMUS
bed now
so many engravigns of kamin1 dieing
kamin1 resting o nthe top fo the monument.
sleeping nwo save later
edit: it is still lacking balls