Okay, I don't really feel like playing DF but I suppose that I have to make this sacrifice for the good of the drunken dorfkind and take a turn.
Just a warning though. I may not be paying full attention to the game events since my attention will most likely be partially diverted to watching tv. (I made a bet that I would watch all of star trek in a year. 4months to go and 6 episodes of TOS, a couple seasons of voyager and 2 seasons of DS9 to go. And Enterprise. Nothing beats watching TOS drunk)
I only have a 0.75l bottle of 15% ...something. I suppose it is fruit wine but it does not say what it is made of in the bottle.
Oh, and 1l of 8.5% of homemade stout. More if it runs out.
Drank 0.5l of the wine. Should weel the effects pretty soon
Checked the save:
Such a sad gaping hole whjere my lovely inner sanctum and bendrooms used to be. Oh the dorfinity.
Got rid of a 1dorf squad. Organized it a bit better. W eodnt need to se lazy bums asr workers anyway. Let em fight.
75layers of our mines are flooded with magma? From 72 to -3? WE NEED MORE MINES! MORE CANDY! FROEGES! DORFNESS!
Commencing candy operation alpha. dorf protocols initiated
If we do get candy what should we do with it? Amror to keep your beloved lil dorfs alive? Nonsesnse! More axers! AXES! Axes and canduy statyes of dorfs hugging honey badgers! Yes!
As all my turns, this bouls douwn to MORE MINERS! Every uselewss dorf wikll mine for the FREATER DORFNESS! MINE! MINE MY MIONIONS!
Mine and make us great again!
Too many growers. hey ill never accomptilis anything. Redoing workthingies.
More militia.- Led by rusit. Why? He is urist! URIST MILITIA COMMANDER! Dorfness ensured-
I brelieve I am quite, quite drunk. Mu bfirst bottle is gone. When? Wha>?
Something happened. Ho idea what it was
Building slaps. Why are half o tem siquo?
More seed stockiunpes and farming.
Mining the hell of utr this rock
Oh I LOVE DRUNKFORTERSS! I need ot contunue my own fort iwhine drunk. Yes. Sobriety is for fools. No work tomorrow nayway. Freeday. Holiday. Dorfs
Waööed off a part pof teh cavenrsn.
I am drunk. Darmn. Hugry
Made food stockipiesl
I MUISS MY LOVEY 5 pr 6 layers of drofr lovelyness. Why did nyiou pull the lever? It was perfect! Beds. Levers. Loery workshops. Perfect. All ruoned. Ruined bu you who pulled the lever. Of honk.
Ebvery dorf who sint i,portnat is mining. Mining is what dorfs do! MINE!
Mor3e fböpcls- BLOCKS: We will constuct the hewaqeven heavern of dorfkind.
So many typoes. I beleave in the puirity of dorfness. Must ot wif nex. FIX theM. Not to fisx the tyupos. DOE TEH DORFNEsS:
Okay, that made no sense. Must not fix the tupos. That is what I ment. Will stop fixing them agter this qagain.
Mines full o forness. Magfma. Why?= Whow?
Lost all me bpets miners. PÅoor dorfs. Teyy will be replaced. All dorfs are replacable.
Even yoours!
So many picls östo PÅICKS LOSRT in tyhe magma
Magma. Picks. Lost . You get the idea. So many.
Wahat de fuck are dese?
Which lever do I bupp lto close the ates?
Which lever Do I pull tto close the cgates?
Aww fuck.
This fort hat cgrown to bvecaome the epitome of dorness the EPIGOTME OF DRUNKFTORTRESSS!
The frunkfotressess of DRUNKFORTRESSEs
Ofg lall time
So drunk fort.
So unbeayable
Nyanananana pdi dausdukioui. HONK du nay!
De,m dorfs man!
Potashmaker goes dorf. Warndarsss from siciaty
Fidrass from society
Thjins gong to hell
Cant fint camdy. Cant find candy,
Well, tjat os upor problem
There. Nyahahah
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=8096Edit: I think that these are the right pictures. I feel like I have seem them before but don't really remember taking them. Hmm
Okay, this turn confuses me. Drank too fast. Seems like many things happened I forgot to mention. I believe that one of the bobnovas (bobnovae?) got wrestled to death by a bat using jointlocks