I'm going to eat, check out the fortress and start drinking. I will probably continuously edit this post. I am also very prone to distraction when I'm the least bit inebriated so don't expect miracles. Any challenge stuff I should make note of?
EDIT1: Now I remember why I don't like sambuca shots. first down, sipping water and/or premixed margarita stuff THAT DOES NOT HAVE GOLD QUALITY TEQUILA like it states! May go on to the teamspeak channel advertised on fortress mode- Holy hell I'm a cheap drunk, I'm starting to feel it.- discussion - False alarm, I can still spell, second shot - ok now I'm starting to feel it.
10:21 didn't look before drinking, correcting every eight letter, lets, go! No miners? *loads up therapist*
10:23 That's a funky idea for outlining trees.
10:25 fixed, also unhappy dwarves started-fixing um. notified boyfriend of stupidity.
10:30 all women with children named breeder and made either miners or maybe weavers? checks stocks. lol 2 buckets of magma, maybe a problem later.
10:39 thats a lot of bodies in the watter source.
10:40 tired already, what's on the boob tube/mix another drink-bathroom going to go lots of times,
10:46 oh, pers of int, likey, set elementary after. terrible commercial. whoops, left ging, several animals grew up. set stray cavysows to butcher.
1059 new butcher.
10:05 what forgotten beast? argh I forgot how much I liked that intro.
10:18 butchering extra animals
Edit 2: working on third shot, second drink. Also this version of sherlock is an asshole. (watching rerun)
11:36 what the hell is with these huge area's undrground ment to be dug- meh, I'll leave them, building seige warren.
11:40 3rd slate save init edit load.
11:42 parents with children rename breeder, truing to remember what else- meh, it'll come. tired nothing worth pics yet.
11:46 third shot done,second drink halfway done, really started talkng to myself out loud. pretty normal for a long term drunkeness.
11:50 mood already!? Heartless bastard, seems legit. no way just miserble as is Sibrek Idcubor...
12:02 feeling tired, eating the occasional bear cracker-seemed appropriate.
12:13 ghost been put to rest 1 down, 3 to go.
12:15 pring fourth shot.
12:20 watching criimal minds sort of.
12:25 GUNNAR ROCKSTAR has been found dead from dehydration.
12:39 some guy with a fractuered leg refuses diagnosois... made generic puppy/kitty cage. will mark later.\
12:40 STUCK LIMONITE fuel baby! no wait that's lignite... IRONNN !!!! time to start proper steel production. found something everyone needed, taking shot.
EDIT: 3 : taken fourth shot
12:47 getting more bear crackers and another shot- sambuca is not my favorite shot.
12:50 seems like 11fps
1253 afer all this betrayel this coountry was easy I've seen this before.
1:00 watching doctor who. never mind best of episode.funniest home videos.
1:06 maybe after digging the vein out.
1:14 the migrants were mostly left to haul, medics were specialized. I shuld choose someone to name: picked a trapper that was estatci,m she looked interestoing.
118 lol cat singing bday card, yay reruns! cat lady/man maybe?
1:21 wait what possesion, i dint sanctiont hatQ!
1:25 figgen germans a gin is overkill.
1:30 wait lolwat? running ACROSS WARER also possed claimed workshop.
135 galena +logs.... ok Nagalkast?
1:38 fake lottery ticke pout awesome.
140 fifth shot not drink away. stall becausee of laughing on tV NOTE: prolly closer to 2 ounces at this point.
marrygo round fun
150 unamed admin misssing, assumed becoua of vamppy. also galena ring- nothing special, shame.... yep, confirmed, oh well, not like he was useful...
1:52 what's grampa say: *farting noises*
1:54 prohibiting flasks... meh.
Edit 5: getting another shot.
4th felsite, debatiing on nap...
2:02 deciciated brewer, dedicated cook, we should nbe ok/... watching house
211 stomach iffy switching to water for while.
217 ppuked, going on justy water for while, leftver rice till losing buzz.
237 feeling better. going to finish the rest and 1hr before drinking more. scheduled kittem viewing afterward.
16th felsit, might go down for a nap...
259 merchants here, kobolds running around goig for nap after water finnished. TOO CUTE!!!
3:02 oh right mentalist. meh, not going online.
525 sorry gy's summmer is all she wrote.
anyways I'msorry my drunk/till puke/is useless. put the rest latter.
The next day: