what is this i don't even
...an AQUIFIER? Really??
So... there's just... there's a river of magma flowing into a river of water, because why wouldn't there be?
I need a drink.
Right, and there's no booze. WHICH IS IRONIC.
Hey, notice how we're not growing any fucking plmp helmets? jesus fuck, whatr did i get myself into?
So I can't find the still. I'll build a new one! WE SHALL DOMINATE THE WORLD WITH OUR BESTEST LIQUORS!!!
Drink another, if you're keeping trasck.
Bobnova the 8th? How many times do you need to die before you take a motherfucking hint??
I CAN MAKE CANDY WAFERS. Like those shitty necco wafers that you get on halloween from old people. +1.
two more drinkkls.
Just for the record? Scruffty is a FUDKER. I think there are ore ghists than dwarves. We're all going to die.
Also: There is a bull skeleton inside of the screw pump. Because if there were a deadn bull, who WOULDN';T wedge its rotting corpse into the nearest piece of machinery?
ok. so. Magma MIGHT be flooding the fortress. To whicfh In would respond: look over there!~
I think we might survive. Also - if all living things come to an end it's the dwarves' fault.
Speaking of "Scruffy is an asshole", that reminds me:
Could you NOT kill someone? Like, once? Maybe try it on, see if it fits?
So, let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a dwarf.
He totally beat the shit out of everything near him for no reason.
By "The End", what I really meant was "is surrounded by a continual nightmare of horror"/ Which, when you think about it, is basically the same thing.
i no longer know what is happening
Right. We are interrupte\d by a giant crow.
Some asshole has gone berserk because of COuRSE he did. Zugklar? Does Zuglar mean anything to anyonje? Because I';mm pretty sure he's an asshole
So, apparently I passed out at some point after this, and blacked out quite a bit earlier. Someone went berserk, so I started playing the Mortal Kombat theme song in another tab. My notes read "15 shiots" and "i got the MOVES like jager". I'm hungover, but not as bad as I thought I'd be. A pretty poor showing on my end, though, as I only got through a single season before passing out.
That bottle was full before I started.
Here's the save, and God help whoever decides to tackle this next (still Scruffy's fault!):