Jervill is the new commander, mananger and whatevwer noble i need.
We have this big room. IO have no idea what its for. Its kist a æpt pf åoææards- Its just a pillar
in the meanwhiel Iv'e been trinking four or five shots of vodka.
New guy guy here with the othe guy, we've been drinking pertty heavily and it's time to salvea<ge thuis fortress.This might be zbigger concern than fault.
Set the mangage to not hual, he's too busy with other styuff.Some kid bled to death. Too badf.
I guess.-
Every f7cking dawrf is misralbve. Thantrum spiral right ahead. Tho9se not miseralbe are pretty down too.
Everyone is droppiogn the clothing all over, thought it is still starting too look up. This fort will be saved yet.
Stair way is complete ly full of misama. Someone is boudn to chioke on this stuff.
Tanturums, here we go.
Livestock: puyppy, kitten, calf, rabbit, chick, gholsing, and some alpaca. They must be scarred by niow..
The miner arrives at his post. There's so much theat nheds to be mined. I can't even see the end iof it. Armok have mercy on his soul, he'll not see the end of tyhis mining.
Where did all this mining even com from. What madman would designate all this rok cfor mining, it's nmot alike we hace 40 rock units ready for carafting,.
400 runits,.
Blast, a thief. He didn't get any chilcrend, but he did get away.
Found an opld dig, someone tried to dig stiars but hit the river? The stairs descend into darkeness, their secret never to be revlead.
Military totally handling all these crundles thast appeared out of nowhere. Crunekles now more..
I have no uidea why therre are two forst. It's lie they tried to make to seperate fort,s and then the onwe of them just got dumoped.
South dfort 4lyfe.
Nop åayusing now. Letting this run untill tw'ere done or the dwarfs are happy. Soem of the complain of ther decay of loved ones. Someone take care of grave, cathey can't seem tho get their heads around it for now.
Oh noyu, fell mood I thin,.
Wiothdrawal fropm society, a ranger. Eh.-
craftsorfswosrkshop. We'll ee what he makes.
He made some crundle bone statue, but thwe or9ginal poster owuldn't let m,e see what it is of-
Smoeone tell me what it is, I'mcruios,.
Ah, mdnit-
We'øre gona wrapy this up tio GRainte soon so we'll be done. I have no idea what's going on, but we're took care of most of the bforgotten gbeasts.
Thees's lotso f drink bnut people die of t jirs.
It's the original guu spekaing,
People are dying of thuirs, Too bad, reallty. There's aæsop a couple og guys ryuiing a tantro.
Dwaf carfvan arricmng,
made a bigger rfuse pile.
A cpuålæe pf guys died, because there's some goblins around.
The livestock is ortty reduxced, shut uo, the livestock doesj't really wirj abtmire,
Anymiore, I mean.
Oh god, this is really non-sensical.
26 dwarveds left. It's nmpt spt gppd-
The expedition leadter is tjrwopdm a tantru,. Tjos os mpts tp good. Not sood good, Imean.
I really an
t do anythijg to the adamantuym,
The pum operator has gone srakd raving madf!
I'm pretty sure we diob't ghave no pums-æ Well. This is prettyu obvious.
At kleast the merhcaints have arrived.æ We can trade tje, aææ tje ,-
We can trade them all. Well we don't really haver anthing to trade. God, I', raæææy druoml-
The merchaints have left again, dipishits. Fuck them, I don't want no merchnats in my fortress! EVERUPME OS FHTRONG A TRANTROND!§
Urdim has been fpund dead, this is bad.
Ojkay, we ahve found a foouts of dead warfed.s The Jervills has calemed down. God, I have no idea what
s goind on.
Thjere's 23 dwarved left. kububsks has become a cat. Dwarfm wagtever.
23 is more thna then startm, right? IO donwidr. I consider this a succces!
fuck anoher forgotyten beast. It's ØV BØRGE! OR HRRAH JØRGENM!
Goddamnit, the milirtary is practically every single dwarf in the blood y fortress!
It might not be a big problem. It's ,ade pfwa.- Ot's m,ade of water. Amd sjot-
Okay, nothings really happ+ening. Damint, someones been found dead.
Og god.
At lot of people are goijg insane, and nones really doing anything,.
22 dwarved left. Someone reallty have really have to fix this. Everyone is really go9ng ainsande. And shit. And so on.
19 dwarvd peft. No idea whaere tje wemt-
Thois is reaæy a tyanmyrums spiral gone wrong Everupme os alternmately throwing a tantroum, being found dead, and caling down.
18 left. Fuck. I'm reaææy bd at this.
Well at last, our stockpi9les are okay. Everypnes dyuing anyeay, buy hey§
16 lefty. Wtf.
I'm sorry about this, but I think ur miners have been diugging down somehwere, where the die. or something,.
Well, apparanylu,. there's nothing to catch in the central swamps. This is really bad, oh hod!
15 left. Everryone is dying, and I have bno idea why. Tjeres ,iasme all ovr te place. We're truomg tp get some emngravings-
Welææ, finaæly someone got th cpffons I ordered done.
Another pimp operater died from thirsw.t Fuck the ouims.
Seriusly, there are too many pimp operators in this foress.
12v left.Sgutl
Shit, I mean.
Some drinks wer're forbidden. Goddamnit.
Allso, a couple of people have ied of thirs.
Reallyh, the racist amounts of accents in this is growing unfooy.
11 dwarfves æeft-
Okay, 10 dwarved left. Something hafe to be less drunk, and get this fortress on iots knees.
These a marksdawrf vomiting all over th damn place. Aæpse. - Also, lots pf tjogts- Aæsp- Aæs- Also lots of ghots all voer the place.
Ghiots, serilsyious,
8 dwarves left. Oh god. We've reached a point were everuone is in the miltariy, and stark raving mad. GFoddamnit. If someone disreagerds this, its okay, seripusly.
Will be posting some picurs tp,prr.
Wiææ ne åp-
Will be posting some picties tomorrm.
Sorry, yhis is reaææt wasted- Gpdda,omt.
Here's the save: