17:13 it is time. Tiiiiime
Also 17:13 Dwarf fortress.exe has stopped working For Fucks Sake
17:18 I'm in, 3rd mug of wine is being poured
17:24 what the unbelirvable fuck are ttree hugging sapsucking fuckers doing in my DWARVEN FUCKING FORTRESS
17:27 I wanst this so bad but I knw the demond will come, I know I wll go 1 tile too fr. I always do
17:31 Who are you? Why do you want to live here~? WHY? LOOK AT THIS PLACE AND TEL Me WHYYYYYYY
17:34 WE DON'T HAVE A WAAAATERT SOTCE who desighnes this fuvcking pale?1! Hpw does a kes steal abattleaxe. HOW?! Whay are stockepiles even iina place where Keas can steal form? Do you not knak what a cage tharp is?
z2nd Granite I think I'mma start a mine on level 84 see if I find ankething fun
8th Granite: lower even than elf scum cimeng in now. fuckins Wren Woman
17:52 4th mug od wine
17:57 We don't even have a fucking manafer qqand we've gotta make 3 lasrge ghema
18:03 made manager cut gems hope large fuyuuc7ucy
18:05 realise large gems made alreadty
16thg GrNRTIE wHO PURT the damned befdrooms 100 levels bvelow antyhningh useful?
NEarly halsk out pop is nobles adminsthe fudsck
12th slate: this year seems slow
15th slate Migrants, despite the drunkeness 22 migrants, to be exact, we're over 100 again
18:49 reqalizing this was a bad Idea when I was so tired;.
6th felsite. not even a quater throyugh. Will not msake it.Maybe half a yeard
18:58 v4th mug done. feeling bad man.
22nd felsite thisd fortress is a fuckjing mess. Why dis I agrer to do this shit, I colud be in the ficking muntan homes lifving it up ijstwd I'm pesiing overt his hpt mess
227th feldsite I mean liik at this. what ven Is this shit?
3rd hema...haematitie? Hematite/ Heematite? Thid fore looks far toofdcking stymretrical
don't have ansy flodgases.How ami supposed to maake a watersource without floodgase
19:33 finished 5 mugg box of drunk nearly fone
11th of whaeever
Whyyy allk we hae to selll i vomit
18th Weer th muntainhoms invdedd by fuuking histr zomb iesro simthinng? WY ARE YOI CMING HEEAR
we hae a catt in a cage supendd oer a volcanoe. Aae w the bad gys?
27th I saaw many ravns i the sky todayy. Tis a drk omwn indee
7thh malashit the leel 84 mune iss fucking wrthless fund half a dzen worthlss pink geems after 4 mintjs of mining
4thh ga;ena s there no fcking ore here? Thers no fcking or here astall
18th Galena on of or wodo cutters went al fey on mw and claimed a craftdwarf wrkshop, wants all srts of shit we asledy hve