Come on Camulus, you can do it!
hah yes thanks to thee
SAlmost all midgets have names? Shork ye egotidtical batard.
Methiniks fort needs more boozes an such. suches.
O h the brewer dwarve is busy with taht on repeat,....
Well infite booze=profit or such CLICHE!!!!s
Multiple shork horde onfuses me drubk brain....
Well shork clones are everywhere!
amulus building thrones or tables or things everywhere
Lost uponmoi
Logic: For the waek.
chaos reiagns in this fort sadly.
Also coffee eralier so still awake at 3;16 am LOP
Somrthing is rotten in the state of denmark....
Well then continue yer valiant mifdgets of ASCII shitsicles!
Uhmmm humans worms and robins kisten...........
spelling fails.
Ok sah wot idiot did this?
Ughhhhh I watched rugby final in abar tonight, was tood runk so payed for some1 elses beer an mine.........
The dru nken mind grows weak yet strong, an paradox upon this planetoid.
Yes yes etc etc etc dwarf gam continue....
But first satisfy tobacco addciction... last cig.... welllll blasted.
I have no taste for rugby or other sports, yet I horrendous.
Ugh we need a steve irwin stingray here mates!
C'mon, leave yer barbies an yer rugga, an help this bloke with ees croc problem yea?
I do hope this bloody hell well workjs...hmmm.
Ugh t just stay in yer caves ugly abonination........later we kill ye, but not now yes?
Ok good other dru kforters have given me decentish millitary squds an uc....KIL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!
Uhhh ok so.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,army midgest must kill remmbered east thungy?
Screw the vamp, vampires are no worry if three horned beast thing kills dearves and so on........
So this time I smoke me last cig in actuality(for realz, in modern slang, i do surmise...?)
OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH enya only time: Music fer the brain indeed.
Ok so last cigdepleted.
Arak/cocacola/icetea mix depleted.
Time to kill remembered forggotten beats then.
Huh? Fb no tin units lis/....t/