Before the drinking I grabbed the save and snagged the fort's initial status.
Alright, I think we'll need booze. SanDiego, to make up my spelling fuckup last time, you're the badass axedorf and new militia commisar. Every requester and recent forum regular is dorfed save MacroAFL. Er, MarcoAFK?
Fuck, we have no plants to bew. Now to try a sip or swing of the wine. Mwerlot tastes less like elven piss than expected, 12.5% sexiness. Noqw if we survive until the elven caravan arrives, I'll loot their asses. Until then, we need a water source. Kobold Kamop has taught me well, fishing is useful when kept controlled!
I'll provide controlled access to this stream so we can fish, and build an undergroundf well in case it freezes. Plug einen swig of the 100-proof. Rumnning low on it. Also, playlist today shall be Sabaton. o3o
Elves, at last! I'll rook them of their stuff, while conscripting Yoink for fishing and The Dwarfy Un for fish cleaning.
Helgolad is on break, so I'll make any available dorf steal from tje elves. Also, I'll be the manager and bookkeeper/
Oi, we HAVBE meat on hand? Fuck, should've knoqwn. Lots of cancelled "give food" jobs, so this is bad.
Into the motherland, the german army marcjh! Comrades stand stide by side to stop the nazi charge! Fuck yeah, Sabaton. Also, siezed good shit from the elves.
You dick, we're dying here! Eventuaklkly. Maybe. Fuck.
Kamin i on break, need another mibner. Sheaim, save our asses! Also need a table and chaie to spare for my bean counting. Ahah, I didn't misspell it that timne! Also, my dorf had no jobs enable to begin with? He was destined to ber a stuff0doer.
We now have some meat and fish, so less starving to death. Might fibnd space to give SanDiego a barracks so we can have axedorfs.
As bookkeeper, I shall demand only the finest in accurate counts of how much booze we havbe. We also seem to lack storage space, I'll expand into that nearby peask.
You ass, we bneed mibers. Fine fuck you, you're fired. Kamin is finely dping stufgf now, and plus one swing of SC. Also, Scruffy must build the acess to our fishing zone!
While stuff runs, I must make the...oh wait, migrants~! New crossbowdorf shall be Macro, now...who else? Wrex?
Lovechild, how dare you run out of shit to brwe? ;_; Now, I wonder how to sing Gott Mit Uns in dwarven...gonna order more beds while I make my lemon dark stuff. Er, sdrink stuff. Fuck.
Very dizzy, feel like I'm getting risty. Aso, gotta find the craftdwarf's workshiop so we can make pht loot, and uxe whatever shwells wwe get?
Oh hey, guess you failed to nitice that is to narrow to fiot a fisher's worhsop in? Derp. Plus one swing of qwine.
Oh I derped, ramps gotta cess the tunnel to the fish thingy. Will rwemwemver to make a fgood stockpile on top of the fishing zone, duisable barrels, and not allow unprep[ared fish anywhere else.
Gonna dig armoies and shit for weapons, armor...ohfuck!
Oh man, I need to hope that SanDiego has an axes and some ar,or, and maybe somnerone else too. Who'd I xconrtript as markdorf again? Fuck it, give em hell, guiys!
Another swig of Southern Comfor, and dunno who killed him,. Looks ikw we have...3 possible wounded, fuck. A peasant got some nasty tears, but no sigh of major injuries. We lack a hospital, fuck. We have booze, close enough.
We need a tanber's woekshop and kitchen? Bleh/ Also, Miss my MKobold Kamp mod letting me make all the useful qweapons from stone./ o3o
Add barrels to the list of shit we need? Gotta find a good way to tap that volcnao for forging. Knee in mud, stick in the tewch with no way ourt!
Alaso, we need more wood I think.
Bad fridge, stY closed. Almost summer, and gonna chug a little more of the wine to styay buzzty. Still feeling it, yea. Moere Sabaton. We bneed random crafts ansd shit. Um, couldm' find path? Por que?
Oh derp, only way to that wall as a ramp near it. Doy. Also, it seems the tunnel linking out fort to the middle peak jhas no roof. Bad Lovechild, no soup for you!
Almost summer, and still have plenty of wine to remain bluuujh. plotting access to the sexy magma sio I can make armor and weapons Nnd shit. Dunno if he have amny metal though@
Oh fuck! I was worried the faggot'd turn ibnto one of them! Shit! Anyomne else bitten? oghgod...
An aNIMAL carataker has been mauled, I fear he/she might spread the curse further! I shall seal...her in to see if she turns into a sxexy gecko monster tyoo.
Fuck, we need mechanisms. Thankfully Chaosvbolt, thast being me, is a liscenced mechanisc!
Summer is here, need to devise a qway to lock the latest suspecyed weergecko in. Gonna lock her away in a lever room, then walkl it up. Also, is summer yay.
Yoink, qit beind stupid! We have foo you dummy. Oh wait, FUCK. I forgot to mine out access! Aw fuck. Trapped Wtex there too, sorry. Mining out and hoping no one dfiwa. DIES.
Also ordering totoms, horn goods, and ivory goods to be made/
A cock is boprn! ake meat pies out of the little bitch.
Sorry, but you might be a weregecko. Unlike kobolds, those are not esxy.
Too the skiiies, see Carouls riiisxe. Blargh, I should switch plats. Playlists. Gonna brw more shit, and I pobder if we'll need a secure entranxce? Hy me er...Chaosvbolt, make more mechanisms!
We need more bins too. Oh, and too cook lavbish meals! Is good. We might laxk a KITCchen though! Alsdo, little more Sourthern Comfoty, almost out!
Aw fuck yeah, resist and Bite came on. Now, repeating prepare lavish meal...
igrantg! Augh, need to screen therm. Er, and figure out who else to dorf? Squio I think, aslso divinding squards. Need both axedorfs and markdwarves!
We might need ammo and quivers too? Also, if Reg makes it until nezxt motn with no changing into a nombeast I'll let him out.
Bleh, a moody derp. At least I can make rock blocks, unlike in Kobold Kamp!
Um, he isn' claaimng anything...fuck/ Jesuis, do you EREALLY need a glass furnace? Just to be a derp, I'm building it out by the trader depot. Dumn fucker.
Reg the un-named weregecko victim has suirvived, letting him out and conscripting him. Alsio? I shall bame her...TheFlame? I remember a random post by that name...
Bobnova, ou claimed a glass furnace. ooh? Unogh, we'll need ANOTHER so we can make green glass. Also getting the vbrisge the seal our entray built!
Wait fuck, do we have any sand on this map? Fuck, I see none. either the humans bring said, or Bobn os fucked.
Augh fuck, ANOTHER of you ciocksiuckers? ine, Sandiego shall hand you your axe on a silver platter.
What? WHAT? Fuck noooo! Shit, marksdwarves assemble! ANd gimme my Manwar playlist while I'm at it! Wait, qe still need ammo. Shit, gonna hope it TFs back to normal...
Well, you're not gomnna be the next Sandfiego clearly. Ahah, assemblied botyh squsrds before the asshole turned into as human!
Litle bitch died like the dog is is. Now I hope no one else was fucked by the qweregecko dick curse/
...Jummiy! TheFlamewhoever! Fuyck, yhis vodes unwell.
ANyway, we have so apparent sand. ANd low on lohsd. Maybe I'll gun for the cavens. Wait, we are lacking soil to grow trees too? Ooh I see, I'll carve out near the farm.
Merlot tastes likepiss after having enoughh. No sand so I hope humies get here soon!@
Hah, now we must mine out the loam and I'lkl see how the new tyree growth affects underground trees. Have yet to test.
Bewing shall continie as I find natibe aluminum yay. We are critically loq on wood thouhh. More treecutting must ensdue! Piss off ALL da elves! AND one more swing of shit wine.
Late summer and still no humies? That bodes unwell. Aldo, I seem to be an architect. Neat. Now, we need copper or ieon ores.
I think we need a male dog for a bresding pair, to get wardogs.
The magma must flo, I demand metald!Restroom break, made me realize how fuzzy-jeaded I am. Bluh, still wish I was fall by nowe!
Bobbnovas has a replacement dorf as I seruiouislu fear the moody version shall flip out if no cvaravan arribes SOON.
Shit! Final protective fire, broken arrow, fucking something! CVrazy shit is crazy!
Jimmy? Jimmuy! Jiiiimmmy! ;_; This time I'll have the isolate any asuriving victoms of this shit...
Obok turned back into a dorf with 2 deaths and no wounded, so gonna isolate hom and hopr the miluitia don't cause a lotyalty cascde.
Ouir new Bob is not happy because of a lack of beds. Doy? Sorry, fuxing it.
The deaths mifght wexpalaim other unhapopy dorgfs/
Enjoy your stay in the Hotel Deathfuck, murderer! Lot of unhappy dorfgs, and I cancel a wall building bwecause some cocksucker is on break where the wall is supposed the go!
Fucvk. Oh well, there is a second VBon le Nova. Now, pump up the Manowar and skill the old Bob!
Bobnova is dead. Long live Bobnova. I must aldo question what injured Yoink, who was nowhere near the incident/ We need a real hostial.
Saving just in case of derp. Stabd and faaaace the lord of steel. owo Plus one swing of wine. Gonna order the frand high bedroom cluisterfuck to the...o b, to be smoothed and engraved. Also, cats reduced to elicous sexy roat puissy.
Fall ois upon me, and still need shells folr assorted armior.
Low on booze again, bewe more shit you idiots.
What, what the flying FUCKL? I never got any thieves, or ambushes! Shuit, everyone get the FUCK indoors!
Bleh, gobkluin civb but al dwarven invaders. Defined birrow to get everyone's asses inddorsr, I need to carve an overwatch point for the entance!
No good space for fortifications though...Uggi is also pissy and having tantrum. Stationed marksdwarves near entrance, hoping enemies walk in and die.
Jimmy, get your fat ass in ghere!
Marco is dead, shit. I also derped at first and didm't cotrrectly enfotce the burrow order!
Assloads on cancel spam from inability to emtomb dorfs caught outside, andf switching plasylists to...E Nomine!
Shit, this is bad...not enough ammo to take this shit! M<acro...Marco remainsd resilute in standing guard at the entrance. Fuck, nore dwarven traitors are advanxcing. We have 3 soldiers versus 6. Fuck it, pull the drawbridge LEVER! Marco, you will fight and die. The others must rally marksdwarves and carve fortifications...
Needed myself interim miliotia commander and drafted a full squard of marksdwarves. All tasks nor invbolve ammo production must wait./
What the FUCK? Shit, we didfn't seal the volaco tunnelsd well ebough! acedwarf died rapidly, by we still have casulaties.
Clover magic is havinfg a tantrum, is only leetle kid though. Sealintg the breach in our tumnnels.
One invader remains, a lasher. UYay? Tantrums are breaking out thoygh!
Sucjk iot, you worthless turncoat.
Heilig is der Geist der in mehr, daMNIT. E Nominer is hard to sinfg to, I suck at german and laton. I might need more coffins/
Hey wait! The siege remains unbrokem a lasher still tghreatens us! Dafuw?
Bob, The New Nova, has been stroken by meloncholy. Oops/ The locked-way weregecko dorf aldo cjanged futilely.
I am not happt camper either. Uhoh. Le Random Dragon is thropwing a tantrum!
Nooooo! Fuck. This omne kasher is kicking all our fucking asses. Need to redorf myseldf and otheers, if we live...
Jesus, I THINK I see this asshole die twice and he's still arouns!
Finally got the bastard, and for real this timne. Marco, you are fucking awesome.
Jetzt is es Still has weiord vbolume issues, derp. Clover, stop being a whiny grump. Too many dead doprgs, piopuklation is at 18 now.
Demanding asskoad of engravings, maybe we'll catch this fort's downfall in recording. Corpses everywhere.
Clover gone and deroed, damnit. Scruffy is tantrumming too. Somethins is making misasma,. Mafiawhale whining too, as is Helgoland.
Fuck, nice going you derp. Now I gotta dorf one of the handful of undorfed citzens! Kamin is alsp throwibng hissy fit.
Skipping to Mitternacht on playlist, and fucking dining room is basically a mass grave. Ordering more cofgfins and having a sdwing of wine as I feel less fuzzy/
We are out of booze. Beewers might be deaD. Would recruit Bobnova but he's busy emoing out atiop the hill.
Helogoland has become mekloncholy. Fuckballs. 8th of mid-fall.
Migrants, at last! Kamin is also tantrumming.
Wtex was wrecked? Fuck! Aklo, Mafiawhale has bween claimed by a fey mood! Plwase don't desire fuicvking fglass like last timw!
Wtex has been found dead. Derp. Mafiawhale hasn't claimed a workshiop, which is worrisome. Seems some asshole toppled the trade depot too! Kamijn you jkerk, YOU killed Wrex? ;_;
Auissia Winter is dead. Fuck. Undorfed sealed-up gey survivbes by periodically turning into a gecko. I think I'll doprf this immprtal fellow as SanDiego because he's been dead a while.
While wauiting for things to calm down, and fort our dowenfall to be recorded, I saw this. Neay. Strange, no sign of anyone making an artifact though.
I fear that we may not live to see the next dwarven caravan. Plus onwe buig fat swing of wine. Mafiawhale is still moody? Shit.
Made my dorf construct a leather worjks, turned out to be just what the Italian aqauatic mammal desired!
Do bist elder aus der Nacht, di nist...augh. Rioting has calmed down, and MaFiawhale has started his project! Note that no artifaCTS exist yet,. so yay its likely a useless pieced of shit and might be this firt's only artifact ig it doesnt survive.
It's this fucvking dfort that;'s the pinnacle of crazy, bri. Bro,. And found a single forbidden sock has hidwering reconstruction of thr depiot. FUCK@
Fuck shit, the security bridge was fucked too? Stuid tantrums.
Lobechild having the tantrum aGin, bluh. SanDiego the sexy lizard is gecvko again. Yay. I like geckos. owo
Playlist mode: Tyr. Fuck yeah, first song picked is By the ASwiord in my Hand. Also, Chaosvolt is the only not-busy, not-insane dorf. He shall do the brweing for now.
I will decimate, and decapritate, tjose who querstion the!
Huh, is 13th of late authumn and the dwarves are not here? Uhoh. Need more tombs too.
Ooh fuck, I'm resting because of broken foot, THAT'S why I won't do useful shit!
Bleh, fucking tired and is only 15th of late fall. I gotta try and rest...calling it a night here. ;_;
Fort status is...