C&P from notepad:
(backgorund musci should be waiting for the miracel by leonard cohen, or ofcourse the futuere (i have seen the future baby , it is murcder)
ok fro this here document i will stop correcting my spellung(i didnt even look at the creen for this one!)
art, trying to get a dowload working but i think bo nove a dong a tunr sio lets startn with introduction stuff in hopes of geetiggn a trun.
(btm is quite hard not to correct spelling since i cant type for shite even when sobe,r (ececpt for when i type that i cant type it seems,,,,,(
m,e bragos,
i tink siqou told me about this game mayny yeats ago but not sure (i should do s drunk fff with him imho, but thin should happen anyway tha (tha is not a bvord i maind and) siqyuo is on holiday so lets see how this goed.
(My spelling is looks much worst dhen i think in currently drink(
(looking at hus htyping am doing it is very hard not do tuse backspance( ecteremeyly hard))(damn i,n nit really this drunk (imho)(many clising patentisis))(()__()((()))))) (bloodu keyboards)/
anyway on to what u was trinking....
its now 23:39 local time and i';,,m pretty sure i dint start sr drinking befiro 17:59 so i cant have had tom amy beers yet (again nopt auitocorrecting... i mean spelling is hard...)...
before 5 o clock i meant
(thos looks so much more drunk then i think a am. ) anyway prolly 10 berr (juplier --<-- damn ho do i indicate mistakes in typ[ing...?
--- afterwrok:
beer: grosch (Grolschl) i mean Grolsch. this is the best dutch beer i think (or one of any way). o thik about 3 art work.
then pub at corner from work paid 20 eur byt wes bore then needded soe -- ie tup etc so is guess 5 'vaasje' maybe 6 jupiler pils. a(also good puisener beer). then beerpub and there 50eur for 'gollem blond' + chees but for 3.
so i recon 4 maybe b5 gollem blonkd.
(again i look much mrire000---striketrough--- drunjk then i rthink i actualy am so more drinks must by consumed,
(chcecking Bay12 becasue scruffy uis stealing by turn)
At this pont it seems like i have one hour (scruffies plan) before i can get a trun.
so the drinks ahead....
not sore if i can somehww how* get a picture but ut will bprolly be mostely sttrong liqyoutr.
i know i have about one unti of balvenie double eoal *aok **oak wich i will go fisnish now (berb)
made a picture, not sure if it will get uplaoded (dunno how atm) but the stock is shown.
i have very little whisky *Whiskey& left (about 1 unti it seems). plenty of rum (including 20year old cuban wich i shoulldnt drin now)(bot 1l 3year havana club expecial should fix any troubles with insufficient alcohol) (thos i prolly go --- nm,)...
i remember agian wi i hate shoval *shivas ... thiey got sone stupid kid lico system wich m,akes the bottle very hard to operate as a drunk
(damn soper peopelE) (why are the sober people on the marketing os a whiskley brand anayway)>?
abotu this time i just made the list of dorfs which are fro *for myh part complete enoug of peaple the be dwadrfed. scruffie is stull on his trin *tunr **turn so the only thing i can do atm is drink and plan,...
drinking: lest bits of chivas and balvenie/.
plannnign: catterfalls.....
or something...
ibeleve it will be nesccary to show out common folk the lesseons of gravinty and floors. so i intend to construck a daeae--- dwarfen* liveingroom with widows.
thiese windos willolsource be underground and/but have the wie of a very common floor. this floor hsould however be separated with many z levels of falling goblin etc..
evry falling cgopblin shoould at to the co-- * decorum wich shoall be named * -the persistence of goblin(-guts)- *
(damn use backspace etc dthere (so harn not to do that)
go sccrugguie go!