I, the seventh overseer of drunkeness and lord of Drunkenfort have returned to claim my throne.
Prepare peasants for the alcohol is coming and your efforts will be insufficient to stop its onsloaught.
Surrender your forts and prepare to be assimilated. We are Scruffy and you will be.. Ah you know what you are in for
Just wait for the next update. Perhaps tonight, perhaps in the morning.
Okay, I admit that i have not been paying attention to the last few turns and hte events of this fort so I am going in blind.
Who should I dorf? Damn. I rememnber thje usual players from half a year ago like it was yesterday but I do not know who I should dorg now
TimberTwo or so dwarves, yuour will prodiuce booze and food for hte hordes. The rest? They will mine and produce riches known to the ages! Yesh!
Where will we get the food,. eh? Kill the elves opfcourse! And loot the warves too. Onwards! To glory and booze!
Decpmstructed the depor and stole the dwarven food. Ours#! Yesh! Our food!
Had another large glass of homelade, clear wine. Around 16% stuiff I think.
(I wish I still had some of myu amazing homenade 18% dry homemade mead. Amazing stuff that was)
Time to add these lazy bums some proper jobs, ey?
War. stones eh? Youa re dwarves. It is not like your iwll notice if you are on fire or not. Dig arn it! DIGH!
You klnow what we really need? Candy. Tim eto mine
Assigning areas of candy to be ,ined. I hoe I am right about this,.
I see somethigns what wlooks like a pimp stack. You knwo what this means.
PUMPS! Yeah!
Had to econ a few floors to buld awll s for the bump stack.
Wjat? Steel pipes and pump parts? We have sand! More glass! Yes1 This is how our other piumpstancks were build, this is how this pumpstack will be built! SAND! GRR
MOonstoneMore groundlevel farms. We will be self-sufficient!
I may be drunk but not so drunk! Mine miniions! Mine! Warm or not. Mine!
Started building more bridges to sever parts of the worft incase of an emergencyu! Beinbable to sever parts of the vfort is the ckey to survival! Yes!
More magma glass furnaces
Found more candu. Time to mine
OPALMore candy!" yes
I amn sure hoepe that the previous overseers knew what they were doing with this pimpstack. Continiuoing its building
I usually do it myself from the screwtch. The magma is so close to surface on this map. Heh heh.
I miss my old pumpstack
Stinkhäh Cogsebsduer has beguns a mysterious construct"! Suspece! Tension! Yesh! Mysteruous! It iwill be a scepter or a glove!
Still mining clandy. My sepeciality.
It was a limonie mefchanism with spikes and puictures of itself...
Mor nbrdrooms. Bedrooms
Oh for dwarfs sake. All the existing pumps lkakg a hole to allow hte power taransfer. I have to rebuld the wholse stack. Damn idiiot
I am rebulding this pump stack evne if it is my last deed! O fwonder i the generator is stong enought to handle this.We will see. *Grin! Heh heh
Megadeth's versoion of duke Nukem theme? Yes1! I love this tstuff
Berserk child? Ah please. This is everyday occurance
More bedrooms
Had to rebuld te whole pumpstack. Tno hjoles for the piwer transfer
3100 power generator. I think that I like the overser who build that. Yes. Heh heh.. The goblins aand elves will suffer
Clover bergins a bysteruiys construct
Endend up being a throne with pictures of dwarves dieing
It ios nearly finished. Just need a few more corkscrews and engineers to construct the damb things
More FBs
Need to quicklöy finish this.
Clowns. HONK! HOOOOONKh~~!
Sealed thje damn place. Just in taime. M ade the miners masons.
Somthigns they wsim
Tje FB engetred via the magma holes. Killed hte crafters
The FB is dead
The puimpstack is closign cokmpeletion
It ALSMOST works.
zThe magm will destroye the mechanistsms. Needs fixing. Crud. So close. Damn
The whole stack ise getthing melted and destroyed! Magma one z-level from the survafce. So close. Backleaking. Desttroeying
The magma isf kdisapperaing
oher candy spire did nwo hawve a hole. WE MUST DRIG DEEPER!!
Vomit fiends! Viomit! How could thsi happen?
http://dffd.wimbli.com/file.php?id=7664I will post the save soon. I seem to have misplaced some of my pics.Added a tiny bit of missing text (I keep my journal in a text file and did not update the last bit yesterday.
Pics later
Just checked the fortress stocks and why do we have loads of junk. You like tame slugs and wooden banjos, right? Seems like both the elves and dwarves gracefully donated their wares in exchange of being allowed to leave (alive).
Erm. I think that we got three FBs, two got inside the fort and got pummeled to death a swarming wave of beards, vomit and various pieces of clothing. Oh, and over half of the pimpstack is gone