No posts for who ,knwos how lkong and now half sa dozen of em? nice
I two bottles of 22% glögg (I think that you english speaking folk call it mulled wine or something) have already drunk half a bottle.
Started in Moonstone, plauing till moonsetone
From now on: One large gulp for each dead dorf.
1st LimestoneA strange fort.
Ordered more palts to be harvested. we have 10 seewds
Started severing the cliff from the outside area like clover seems to have already stared doing.
This stuff stantse horrible cold. I shjouild warm it up.
24th LimestoneMigrants! Darn hboes! Coming to our fort and wanting to drink our booze! take a pick and make yerselves useful darn it. New suicide squad!
Assigened random labors to those lazy bastaz<e.
Ooops, collapses. only a few broken bones.
Something smothing TimberBeds.
We are pfrucing mugs? MUgS!?!
Stareted the glass indyustry.
What coulds we do with glass?
Caravan! Selling ,uigs. So many mugs!
22th Timber
Magma! Praice the idiot miners (who are soon to die anyway) Yay cheap migrant labor!
Candy? CANDY! Papa needs a new pair of axes!
Being real careful with the candy. Bahm wamr stones constanty interripting.
Water! The map has an ocean! Know what tahsts means? Obsidian!
Staretd designing pimpstacks. I hipe I remember how to do this..
MoonstoneOnly had 900 wirht of useless junk and mugs.
Cbeese! bought so much cheese! yes!
want more cheese! More!
Deconned the depot. We dont like those creepy elves anyway!
Moonsetone somethingwait, those were dorfs. Well, no biggie.
Cgheese! So much chese!
OpalWe have an ovena. Know what that means? Obsidian farms!
Statted a pimpstack.
We need a power generatorl. I hipe Iäm sober enought to build one withoug leaks. Sure I am!
We have gkass! Pump mats! Aye!
Clover, sorry if my stack screwad your designs. It wilsl be worht it!
Tja river feezers! IT FREEZES! Horrors!
Will try to dig throiw the ice. I hpe smootherd ice doesnt melt
I konw the candy is hot. Keep digging darn it!
Pumpstand hole goins sa planned.
26th OpalBloody hell. It melts in Opal! Midwiunter! Smoothed Ice melts!
Many dowfs drowned including wrex and australian.
Have to take som nay drinks
ObsidianThe salmosn are swarming aorund their drowned corpses!
Dorfs are unhappy about lozign theif friends.
BVridge almost finished.
Half ouf our minlitia have babies. Misko is one of the fleshy baby meat shiedls
Siquon sstarthed having a fetish dor his spear.
Scruffy is tattrumsing
ewnet berserls and has bpick! Eep
Jrervill attacks the milita commander!
GraniteEDIT: Sorry, The picture seems to be from 1 level too low. Scruffy is hanging around in a sealed shore without any access to the fortress. Check the save and find the corpse if you want to see the position (though it has been dug into so it has access to the fortress by the point hte save was made.)
Bersekr scruffy has been hanging around in the caveraersn for a mohtn
Clover got her own room for bookreeping.
Im gonna screw the piump pimps so hard. Stack, here we come
Militia still cant reach scruffy. How did he get ther? The anly way is swimming!
Redorved the deda
Crundles! Crudles! Must kikll em
26th GraniteMigrants. Playing thlss aytum.
Me bottle's gone.I can't do it. I can't cope. We're going at the speed of
light. Me bottle's gone. (Holly, red dorf. Need the seocnd bottle)
SlateClover whe nt moody
Dug access to scruffy to loot his corpse.
Jervill seems to be utterly mad.
I needmores dirk. drinka
FelshitGenerator amlmost finished
Deth to tha crudles!
Must flood da caverns!
That wll be my next objectice!
Bluemagic blopped uut another baby. More shields is alwasys good!
Elves! bloody hippies! Myust kill em and burn their stiff woodies,!
HematiteKilled the elveas. That should steach e m nmot to come aournd here!
I love the glass s
Australiann keeps haunting hte bedrooms. He is a bedroom ghoist. Voyer! Burn the ghsost!
I hope I dont need t o drink for aach dead farwsm animal. a dozen dead already
Crazy jewrvill keeps blöocking clonstructions!
Da generatosr! they are working!
Forgot to build and off swirtch. Plus they are "slighty" löeaking but no biggie. we hav a door to block it.