I know I'm probably quite rare (in the grand scheme of things) of having a gaming[1] machine which I never wish to connect to any network, and I know that there has to be
some sort of protection on these things[2], but I'm not too enamoured of
any "go online to register your install" method, even if it's a one-time process.
You know, I'm almost happy with Microsoft's 'register by phone' method, where they effectively get the opportunity to keep track of which keys are being used to set up machines as usual only over an
IPvFAK connection.
As such, I don't see much improvement in Ubisoft's policy. And if that Uplay launcher acts like I
think it acts, it's probably something I wouldn't want to load, either. Again, I appreciate that a games company has to protect its IP, but there's a lot of overkill and sneaking of other stuff in through the back door (or might as well be).
But don't mind me, I just might be paranoid, among my many other problems...
[1] Necessarily solo, and not multiplayer. I'm anti-social me, you see. Well, asocial, I suppose. I even play the Battlefield games (1942 and 2, that is, I think 2042/whatever and v3 had something about Steam on them, which (as indicated above) means I don't want to bother buying[1a] the games. And I have no interest when playing the likes of The Sims (1&2, with whatever expansion packs) doing more than wasting time on my own 'dollhouses', so no sharing of properties/families/whatever or MMORPGish playing mode for me, thanks. It just doesn't interest me. See, pretty much asocial. You're lucky[3] I deign to talk to you lot on these 'ere forums!
[1a] Yes, I bought them. Yes, I know that given my objections and playing style I could have easily
not bought them, but gotten the same result.
[2] Although, whatever it is, some smart-alec will doubtless find a way round it.
[3] YMMV.