Welcome to the Community Let's Play of Aurora, a game nicknamed Dwarf Fortress of space 4x games, becouse of the ridiculous complex, intimidating you-make-it design, spreadsheet lookish and its uninteresting interface, minus great ASCII art.
First, the ridiculous uninteresting badly written background of our scenario.
The premises is Germany did not invade Poland, Soviet did. The World War started in 1943 when Soviet try to invade Germany and the Balkan State. The Soviet think France and Britain will help Soviet, but instead both country make unlikely alliance with German Reich to stop Soviet from annexing countries left and right. Soviet cooperate with Japan in invading Western China and US Alaska, while Japan invade Hawaii and bombrun shipyards in US West Coast. Pasific War is much more bloody...
Then after the war, two superpower emerge. United State that come as victor after invading Japan Islands and Siberia in 1949 and German Reich who annexed most Soviet teritories west of Urals. The 2 superpower become suspicious with each other. Especially, US didn't like socialism ideology of the Nazi party and suspicious with Reich expansionism in Africa and Middle East.
Between period 1960s-1980s The US and Reich involved in a space race. The US always lose but nevertheless they manage to catching up. Because transistors only mass produced in late 1980s, most communication sattellite are manned, so both countries are heavily investing their resource in space programs. In this period also both country had arms race, and both heavily distribute their nuclear stock with their allies.
In late 1980s, both countries Venus and Mars probes find proof that Venus and Mars can support Earth life and both planet had indigenous lifeforms. Not ony that the probes find that there at east evidence of artificial structure taht indicate that in some time in the past both planet had civilization.
Oil crash came in 1990. After The Arab War that laid waste to whatever oil infrastructure in that region and cause distrupted oil suplly to both Reich and Western countries causing severe energy crisis. So both of them heavily investing in discovering new energy source. Because of the energy crisis, both nations' space program had been suspended.
The in late 1990s an Alliance geosurvey team find a large geode near gigantic underground cave complex 3 km beneath South China soil that the scientists around the world detect when they analyse seismic record from Great China Earthquake in 1996. The Geode contain an unidentified crytallized hydrogen like compound but with no physics nor chemical characteristic commonly found in hydrogen. The mineral if given sufficienty electric dischage, produce a stable hydrogen liquid at normal temperature taht is highly combustible and had energy density far exceed known fuel. The new minera then was dubbed Sorium (from Sol: the sun). Sorium based fuel industry solved whatever energy crisis Alliance had.
Subsequent probing and research find that the Geode had numerous other mineral with characteristic unlike anything the world had seen before. The scientists are bafled because these minerals exhibit properties that can be said simply as: defy Newtonian Law. So these minerals are dubbed Trans-Newtonian Minerals or TNM. And most minerals are predicted near the upper mantle of Earth Crust. Subsequent deep mining prove this hypothesis as true.
Alliance trying to confine the information for themselves, but an ideaist researcher that saw this as a gift for humanity disseminated it in netspace, and other nations started to copy Alliance findings. Sorium supplant fossil oil as fuel and energy sources.
Altough Sorium can be easily integrated into modern technology, other TNM are not nd more research are needed to explore what property of other TNM are and what can they be used for.
Both nations revive their space programs when a lunar probe bring back rock that contain TNM in microscopic amount. This means that other body systems also had TNM. And both nations desired to exploit those extra Earth TNM for themselves.
The Faction:
Player Faction:
1. The Allied Nations that consist of US, Canada, Caribian States, Mexico, most Central America, Brazil, South Africa, Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, Nedelux, Sahara Union (ex-France NA colony), Arab Emirate Federation (ex-Britain Protectorate), Japan, Korea (united), Philipine, ANZUS, most Oceania nations, and Siberia Federation. East China is an informal member and did not had any real power in Alliance.
The Allied Nations are more centralized than real world NATO akin to loose federation, that altough various member nations still exhibit their power to decide their own domestic affair. Most foreign affair and policies that affect all of the member nations are directed by the Alliance as a whole. Member nations sent their representative to Alliance General Assembly that function as Legislative Power. Executive power lies in Alliance Directorate the that control members nation military and economic or social policies that affects all members nation.
Non-Player Faction:
2. The Greater German Reich (Großdeutsches Reich) and her client-states that consist of Central and East Europe countries, Central Asia, western-half of Rusia, Kaukasus states, and Greater Persia (Iraq-Iran almagation) - alias the Tehran Pact countries. The system are more or less similar to real world Warsaw Pact which Soviet Russia lead and dictate whatever her client state policy is.
As a side note the Nazi party that ruled Reich are not the same Nazi party as we known today. Altough they still discrimate 'non-Aryan' people, most Nazi leaders know that genocide are not a good practice (so no Holocaust ever happen). And in late 1980, as Reich expand into multi-ethnic nations, official discrimination against non-Aryan race are discontinued. Afterall, Hitler become a vegetative person in 1935... Btw, Stalingrad are now named Hitlerburg.
3. West and East China. After World War 2 ended in 1950. The 2 world superpower divide resource rich China into 2: Socialist Democratic Republic of China (West China) backed by German Reich and the old Republic of China (East China) backed by US and allies. As per Tianjin Aggreement after decade long China War, neither China can joined official alliance with either Reich nor US, but that didn't stop both countries to supply booth China with weapons, and it isn't a secret that both China had nuclear weapon capabilities. (This situation mirror our real world North-South Korea Confict but magnitude more epic).
4. Union of Non-Aligned Countries. Numerous Asia-Africa countries got their independence after revolution waves hit Asia-Africa countries in 1960s. This new nations decide that they didn't want to join with Allied Nation with their former master, nor join Reich as client states. The South America also didn't want to join neither bloc.
So Argentina, India and Indonesia established UNAC that consist on mosty South East and South Asian Countries, Some Oceania States, Some Central Africa State and Most South America. This is not a centralized union but rather a very loose union of states, each states free to decide their own domestic and foreign affairs..
Here are the (very crude) Political Map I made using Paradox Victoria 2 World Map...
Colour Legend:
Light Blue: Allied Nations (AN). Members State and Affiliate Countries.
Dark Blue: Republic of China (East China)
Dark Red: Greater German Reich and Reich Eastern Autonomic Region
Light Red: Tehran Pact Countries and Reich Allied Country.
Orange: Socialist Democratic Republic of China (West China).
Green: Union of Non-Aligned Countries (UNAC)
White: Non Affiliated with any world major power.
I tried drawing country border, but when I hit Central Africa that didn't had any stable border, I say "who care anyway?" and stop drawingMetagame Mechanics (modeled from Bgreman of SA forum)
This will be a Let's Play in more than just name, as I will be taking control of one of the Reich and other Nations, and you, the collective Dwarves, will be taking control of the Alliance. Both Alliance and Rech have an identical set-up and initial resources. There will be multiple levels of participation available, in two broad classes:
1. Policy Makers
These are players who shape the policy of their assigned bailiwick. For example, the peope at Alliance Directorate will be at the top of the hierarchy, providing a guiding hand to all other policy makers below their level. None of these players have a corresponding in-game character, since in game terms, they are represented by the player. Openings for these positions will be announced as they are created, and a 48h voting period will commence. To keep the thread from becoming too cluttered with voting, these will essentially be for-life assignments, so choose wisely! Inactive players will be replaced as necessary from a pool of interested candidates.
2. In-Game Characters
Interested users may apply to have an in-game character named after them. There are three types of characters available:
a. Naval and Ground Force Officers (who will be responsible for the implementation of military policy, strategy, and tactics and will have an active role in the game if desired)
b. Civilian Administrators (who direct planetary production, economic, and social policies for the colonies they control)
c. Research Scientists who are assigned to head research projects by the Head of the United Nations Science Administration (and as such, have no active role in the game other than your name being used).
There will be three separate waiting lists, one for each class of in-game characters. NB: There are limited availabilities early on, but as the game progresses, the rate of character creation quickly outstrips the in-game assignments available to them. So while your name might be pasted into the game, it may take a while for an assignment to open up that your in-game likeness is assigned to.
The Directorate position are the Allied Policy Makers, anyone interested may apply. (you can also rename your department to something that you like)
1. Head of Allied Nations Security Council. (ANSEC) The one who controls the Allied Nation military both ground army and space navy, and mostly ship design.
2. Head of Allied Nations Economic Administration. (ANEA) The one who control construction and colony management (the civilian aspect.)
3. Head of Allied Nations Science Administration. (ANSA) The one who control any Allied Nation research efforts.
4. Head of Allied Nations Foreign Affairs. (ANFA) The one whom main task are conductiong diplomacy with Reich or other nations and ensure no war happens before Allied Nations ready.
5. Head of Allied Nations Ministry of Transportation. (ANMoT) The one who control non-military ships and commercial shipping.
I assume that the player at least familiar with Aurora Mechanics because I can't give any kind of tutorials... But you can see a very nice and detailed tutorial (also the inspration of this community game) in here:
Starter Researched TechsNew Game SettingAllied Nations: WELCOME 2004. Directorate Briefing. Part 1.Allied Nations: WELCOME 2004. Directorate Briefing. Part 2.World Situation in 2004, and Treaties Page.CHAPTER 1: Early 2004
January 1st - January 17th: Starting on Mars, Looking at Uranus.January 17th - January 23th: TRITANIUM SHORTAGE? THIS EARLY!?January 23th - February 3th: Civilian Mining Complex in Titan? How the hell they get there?February 3th - February 11th: Meeting Reich at Jupiter. The China Question.OTHERS:
Officer List and Game SettingsCurrent Allied Ship Design - UPDATED 23 January 2004
MUCH INPUTS ARE APPRECIATED... Afterall I'm still new in this LP things...