You run as fast as you can, away from the source of the bellowing. Almost immediately you run into a stalac-something, whichever one is from the ground*. You can't think well, you just hit a rock thingy.
Dodok curses, and tries to find something. A moment later, you need to close your eyes, because of a bright light. You saw, before your eyes shut, Dodok wincing and squeezing a glowing yellow rock; the simple-robed kobold, still following you and looking a bit disoriented from the light; and a huge clear-scaled raccoon with little stubby horns rearing back in pain.
"Run!" Dodok shouts again, and this time you avoid running into stuff. You follow the sounds of Dodok's thudding footfalls, and soon you are O.K. Well, your hand hurts, and the darkness seems darker than ever, but all things considered that's just peachy.
"What the he...?" You ask, too exhausted to even say a whole sentence in one breath.
"I's a...Sunsto'...Lemme res..." Clearly Dodok isn't doing too well either. You all pause for a moment, when Dodok declares that he wants to get in another hour of marching before calling it a night.
You run out of hour, and Dodok somehow finds a neat little space. It's a sort of a para-cave, a hole in a huge stalagmite. As you head in, Dodok explains that it's from an old dwarven expedition. He mentions the possibility that you could go up topside, although he estimates that you'd be deep within elven territory. The elves are wary of kitsune, dislike dwarves, and despise kobolds like the one you have following you.
You decide to sleep on it, and find a few abandoned beds. Dodok mashes up some old rock nuts, no more foul than the day they were harvested, as you find some flint. You are about to start a fire, but it's late, and you don't know where any steel is.
As you go to sleep, you hear chittering from below and cackling from above. Or maybe that's a dream you are having.
Well, what do you do when you wake up?