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Author Topic: Bring Your Own Cards: Sliver Sign "All-destroying terror flood" (game over!)  (Read 55657 times)


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #120 on: September 11, 2012, 11:31:35 pm »

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.

TolyK: As town, would you rather have a 5/1 creature or a 1/5 creature? As scum?
I'd rather have a 1/5 creature as town, since I'd prefer to survive and have my other cards do something. As scum... I'm not sure. It'd probably be better to have a 5/1 since you want to hit 'em hard and try to kill the others faster, I guess.
Answer indicates a strong sense of self-preservation- scum candidate noted.
You mean I'm always a scum candidate? How very thoughtful of you! :P
And do you have any actual questions for me, or are you using my tactic of sit-and-look-what-happens-and-point-out-scummy-stuff-without-probing-much?
Any question?
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #121 on: September 11, 2012, 11:46:03 pm »

Quote from: Toaster
Hapah:  Let's say you found the case solid, but not overwhelming like your own case against UI.  Would you change your vote?
If my case was overwhelming, I wouldn't be behind on my suspect by three votes. The others must see something I don't, or I've done a very poor job of articulating my argument.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #122 on: September 12, 2012, 12:01:19 am »

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.
No. It's a useless question. It doesn't help find scum, does it?


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #123 on: September 12, 2012, 12:14:15 am »

Zrk2: Fair enough.

Toaster: No, I'm not scum. Are you?

Hapah: No, because my argument still stands: they'll get equal use from their cards, which might mean weaker cards, powerful cards with counters, who knows.

Book: Let's say you have a jack of all suits (get it?): one-shot kill, one-shot inspect, one-shot protect, one-shot block. How would you prioritize the four abilities? Which would you use actively and which would you save for particular situations?

Tiruin: In the situation you described, as scum I'd shoot the other guy down, as I'd doubt I'd be able to recover from such serious doubt from the town. As a townie, I probably would try to persuade my way out of it, only shooting him if I really strongly suspected him to be scum. If persuasion failed and I thought the other guy was town, I'd try to pick someone who I think could be scum but currently has no attention on them as a desperate gamble, as the game's in a very awkward state otherwise if two townies are on the road to being lynched.

UI: Suppose you're an SK by a terrible stroke of luck. One of your cards is a one-shot kill, and the others aren't. What kind of abilities would you wish to have?
If it scares people into posting, then yes.

If they end up lynched because they didn't post, oh well. Too bad for them. Maybe they should've tried posting.
Web-based Lurker Tracker for Mafia


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #124 on: September 12, 2012, 01:31:20 am »

@Web: Timezones.

Web: There is some kind of truth-testing role out there? How do you know this? (If this was a role mentioned before, forgive me, but I see nothing about it on the help section in a normal mafia)

I am not scum.

In case any of you truth-testers be out there. Even if I'm probably going to die tonight.
Also, why the thoughts of death at the current night?
Death already covered. Truth-tellers have been in many games, and if there was one, I've nothing to hide. They may test my sentence thoroughly because I am not scum.
Found it out myself from browsing the hall of mafia game fame, thanks for that. Unvote. And on that notion:

I am not Mafia. I am not Scum or any type of such that are anti-town. I am Town and fully pro-town.

Hapah, what is you favourite role as town? As scum?
Doc as Town, because vigi stresses me the hell out, apparently. Maybe Bus Driver, haven't played one of those yet. No real preference as scum.
What's wrong with being a vigilante when compared to a doctor? And a Bus Driver as town, why?

Hapah: The situation is as follows , there are two people that are high on the hammer, and your vote is the one that seals their fate. The first suspect acted scummy all day yet claimed to have a protect-type card and an inspecting card after pressing. The second is being vague but of less scumminess than the first. How will you treat the situation as town? As scum?
First one in both instances, after rocking the boat a little more to see if anything interesting falls out. Claiming a Doc or Cop card doesn't make you any less scummy. As Town, I'd say it's still the better lynch. As scum, I'd do it mostly because I'd do it as town. Plus you can squeeze the second guy the next day and seem perfectly justified in your hammervote.
You'd not press the person ahead of time instead of just laying down the hammer?

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.
Either you're saying something directly related to your role//cards...or you're just trying to see who knows card lingo, because the former seems very much matching (search engine does not find left legs)

Why does left legs determine how you're going to act based on your last sentence? I can say that I know what left legs are -- being a mutation in the human body due to teratogenic experience, or perhaps trouble with the formation of a fully formed fetus, or just a couple of left legs...

How is that not useless, and why didn't you try to explain why it isn't? Because your answer right there gives...nothing but denial.

TolyK: As town, would you rather have a 5/1 creature or a 1/5 creature? As scum?
I'd rather have a 1/5 creature as town, since I'd prefer to survive and have my other cards do something. As scum... I'm not sure. It'd probably be better to have a 5/1 since you want to hit 'em hard and try to kill the others faster, I guess.
Answer indicates a strong sense of self-preservation- scum candidate noted.
How does having a defense oriented creature give an indication of scuminess? How does self-preservation shove aside the notion of being a townie?

Think, Deathsword: thanks for answering.



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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #125 on: September 12, 2012, 07:43:06 am »

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.
No. It's a useless question. It doesn't help find scum, does it?
It does. Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.
Either you're saying something directly related to your role//cards...or you're just trying to see who knows card lingo, because the former seems very much matching (search engine does not find left legs)

Why does left legs determine how you're going to act based on your last sentence? I can say that I know what left legs are -- being a mutation in the human body due to teratogenic experience, or perhaps trouble with the formation of a fully formed fetus, or just a couple of left legs...

How is that not useless, and why didn't you try to explain why it isn't? Because your answer right there gives...nothing but denial.
I meant in-game knowledge about left legs. Yes, it is directly related to a card of mine. Some random dude stole one of my cards and gave me a "Left Leg of the Forbidden One" in exchange. It is basically a dud. I wanted to see if someone knew what to do with it. It's sealed with some sort of random magic.

Also, Tiruin, I'm TolyK, not ToylK... :P

Tiruin: In the situation you described, as scum I'd shoot the other guy down, as I'd doubt I'd be able to recover from such serious doubt from the town. As a townie, I probably would try to persuade my way out of it, only shooting him if I really strongly suspected him to be scum. If persuasion failed and I thought the other guy was town, I'd try to pick someone who I think could be scum but currently has no attention on them as a desperate gamble, as the game's in a very awkward state otherwise if two townies are on the road to being lynched.
This is the ideal case... what if you were a survivor? How would you act to save your skin in this case? Especially in our setup.
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #126 on: September 12, 2012, 07:53:33 am »

It does. Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.
Again, how does this find scum? I don't believe that you have proven scum stole your card. The only thing you've proven is that your starting PM is different from mine. And usually that means your scum.

So, what am I supposed to believe? Well, either someone has a card that automatically chooses a player and switches cards with them (you would currently be holding it, btw), or someone has a card that they are free to trade one of their cards for a random players. Either that or you're scum, and it was flavor for your role.

But, you never determined if the player that switched your card was scum, and therefore you aren't sure if you're looking for scum. Nice try. Didn't work.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #127 on: September 12, 2012, 08:42:15 am »

Busy. Post tonight.
Quote from: LordSlowpoke
I don't know how it works. It does.
Quote from: Jim Groovester

Quote from: Cheeetar
If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #128 on: September 12, 2012, 08:45:35 am »

It does. Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.
Again, how does this find scum? I don't believe that you have proven scum stole your card. The only thing you've proven is that your starting PM is different from mine. And usually that means your scum.

So, what am I supposed to believe? Well, either someone has a card that automatically chooses a player and switches cards with them (you would currently be holding it, btw), or someone has a card that they are free to trade one of their cards for a random players. Either that or you're scum, and it was flavor for your role.

But, you never determined if the player that switched your card was scum, and therefore you aren't sure if you're looking for scum. Nice try. Didn't work.
Based on the "Card shark" flavor we got, I expect that the player who changed cards with me to be anti-town. What's there not to understand? You're supposed to believe whatever the hell you want to believe. I'm interested in where my card went in that it would work well with my other cards. Or it was a balancing trick, who knows.
Would you prefer to keep asking me what you should believe, or should I just tell all I know about this card?

Rhetorical question: Why is it that trying to figure the setup always fails?
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #129 on: September 12, 2012, 09:47:09 am »

It does. Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.
Again, how does this find scum? I don't believe that you have proven scum stole your card. The only thing you've proven is that your starting PM is different from mine. And usually that means your scum.

So, what am I supposed to believe? Well, either someone has a card that automatically chooses a player and switches cards with them (you would currently be holding it, btw), or someone has a card that they are free to trade one of their cards for a random players. Either that or you're scum, and it was flavor for your role.

But, you never determined if the player that switched your card was scum, and therefore you aren't sure if you're looking for scum. Nice try. Didn't work.
Based on the "Card shark" flavor we got, I expect that the player who changed cards with me to be anti-town. What's there not to understand? You're supposed to believe whatever the hell you want to believe. I'm interested in where my card went in that it would work well with my other cards. Or it was a balancing trick, who knows.
Would you prefer to keep asking me what you should believe, or should I just tell all I know about this card?

Rhetorical question: Why is it that trying to figure the setup always fails?
It's not about believing whatever you want to believe. It's a simple question: "Did someone steal my card?" If no answer, then scum took it. If a player confesses, then they did it, regardless of whether they're scum or not. What you asked was something that no one but the person who took your card would know, and therefore, you're going to get confused answers.

What you want to do is to get me to believe you. This game is an exercise in trust, and figuring out when, where, and how people lie. It's why town never lies: If you tell one lie, what stops people from thinking you're telling another? So, the same goes for hiding information - Why is he hiding the fact someone stole his card? We don't know. Maybe it was powerful. Maybe it won the game for scum. Maybe you are afraid it gives something away about you. We don't know. So, you either have to lie convincingly or tell the truth consistently in order for us to believe you. And that's not just about whatever we want to believe. That's that stupid selfish attitude everyone's got. News flash: It doesn't win games. You don't do things for just for yourself. You do things to help the Town. Otherwise, you're anti-Town.

Seriously, guys. What is this? This "Do whatever you want" mentality. There's a reason the "Do what I tell you" mentality works. There's a reason the "All follow the plan" mentality works. Likewise, there is a reason the "Multiple separate plans" mentality FAILS.

So, telling us about a card you don't have certainly helps. Because it reveals nothing about your role. If you want to explain anything else, that's up to you.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #130 on: September 12, 2012, 09:57:24 am »

So you're trying to give yourself license to cardfish?
What do you know about left legs?
Useless question. Please refrain from posting inanity.
This is far from a useless question. Whoever knows about left legs should say so, otherwise I can't quite figure out what to do.
No. It's a useless question. It doesn't help find scum, does it?
It does. Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.
Someone stole a card from me right before the game and got a strange card in return.
before the game

You mean...before the game even started someone targeted you and stole//switched a card? Seems utterly random if not bastard-y.

Anyway, getting back to the point. Aside from what Web said, what do you hope to gain from information like that? Apparently, that question was directed at Zrk2, why didn't you ask it to the general public if it was the case there?

Next is,
Based on the "Card shark" flavor we got, I expect that the player who changed cards with me to be anti-town.[...]
Precisely anti-town? I'm wondering if you're trying to push your town-ess by stating this part but you forget that even town can do such -- town does not know who else is town, unless you're operating under the belief that whoever stole//swap (Yeah, going with swap, because you got a card with it anyway) did it intentionally, ie directed it at you.

So you have a Left Forbidden Leg that is a dud, but is also sealed with magic? Random magic? Ok...Does it read anything like passing to others randomly or something along the lines of 'you do not know [trait//ability of card]'?


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #131 on: September 12, 2012, 10:02:29 am »

TolyK wasn't the only one who got a card stolen, one of mine was stolen and replaced with a "left arm". I'm guessing there are other people with body parts around as well.

Also, yeah, it was before the game start.

And, just in case: I am town.
Monstrous Manual: D&D in DF
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What if “slammed in the ass by dead philosophers” is actually the thing which will progress our culture to the next step?


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #132 on: September 12, 2012, 10:04:45 am »

TolyK wasn't the only one who got a card stolen, one of mine was stolen and replaced with a "left arm". I'm guessing there are other people with body parts around as well.

Also, yeah, it was before the game start.

Ok, just to say: I've nothing that has any body parts or whatever this is. were told in your PM that the card was swapped at day start? Nothing else?


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #133 on: September 12, 2012, 10:43:44 am »

before the game

You mean...before the game even started someone targeted you and stole//switched a card? Seems utterly random if not bastard-y.

Anyway, getting back to the point. Aside from what Web said, what do you hope to gain from information like that? Apparently, that question was directed at Zrk2, why didn't you ask it to the general public if it was the case there?

Next is,
Based on the "Card shark" flavor we got, I expect that the player who changed cards with me to be anti-town.[...]
Precisely anti-town? I'm wondering if you're trying to push your town-ess by stating this part but you forget that even town can do such -- town does not know who else is town, unless you're operating under the belief that whoever stole//swap (Yeah, going with swap, because you got a card with it anyway) did it intentionally, ie directed it at you.
I just expect that. Because before the game I doubt people would do that (as they have absolutely no idea who is scummy and such since there are no *in-game posts*. Only an anti-town player knows who his enemies are before any posts are made.
So you have a Left Forbidden Leg that is a dud, but is also sealed with magic? Random magic? Ok...Does it read anything like passing to others randomly or something along the lines of 'you do not know [trait//ability of card]'?
It's a left leg that's sealed with magic. Whoever breaks the seal gains a lot of knowledge.

TolyK wasn't the only one who got a card stolen, one of mine was stolen and replaced with a "left arm". I'm guessing there are other people with body parts around as well.

Also, yeah, it was before the game start.

Ok, just to say: I've nothing that has any body parts or whatever this is. were told in your PM that the card was swapped at day start? Nothing else?
Basically, yeah. It was in the role PM.
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


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Re: Bring Your Own Cards [10/10]: We're counting on you (day one)
« Reply #134 on: September 12, 2012, 10:47:18 am »

EBYODP: The questions before the "Next is" are answered already. I now know I'm not the only one affected, and likely there are other body parts lying around. Not quite sure why I asked only Zrk2. I think it was because I wanted to make it seem like I knew he was involved and would more likely get the truth. But that's just something that was in the back of my mind, and probably doesn't make sense. :Р
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.
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