Note (just to postpone possible comments) that while there are obvious family reasons why PTerry trusts PRhianna[1] to play with
his world, she's also cultivated a career in her own right[2]. She's worked exensively with words in journalism (like her father) and in computer game dialogue/plot (possibly
more than her dad[3]), and has been brought into other filmic media projects.
So, anyway, hearing her own words about the Watch series (both on stage and some casual remarks heard from the next table over in the bar), I'm very optimistic about her involvement.
(And the clips shown for Good Omens looked promising, also, yes indeed, thanks for reminding me. Again, hard to qualify that fully until it actually arises out of the Deep, Deep Pits Of Development and, fully formed, presents itself to the bright glare of public release, but that's
always the case, so please forgive me any further precipitate optimism I may be displaying.)
[2] Well, doubtless her surname didn't
hurt, but she's apparently lived up to expectations, which you can't say for
all offspring of famous people following in their footsteps.
[3] He obviously had some involvement/say in the Discworld games, which were semi-adaptions. Except for Discworld Noir, which was an original plotline. Not sure how much he contributed to that, though, although the basic feel and environment of Discworld is certainly there, as I recall.