Dreamed about co-op games with my brother. About class-based bug-hunting games, and others. Some spooky, all fun.
The last was most interesting. The two players were wizards, one red and one blue, who flung bits of fire or cold while running a gauntlet (third person camera) of shadow-creatures. Flinging the wisps felt very natural, good VR.
In the last level there was a strange primordial, formless creature who befriends the team. Whichever wizard approached it first determined its form, and automatically assigned it a fire or ice themed name. A Moltres or a Milotic appearance-wise, though the names were more arcane. Whichever the choice, at the end of the level it unleashed devastating elemental power which defeated the shadows, but covered the world in ice or fire. A different kind of Armageddon.
My brother wanted to move on to a different game afterwards, but I felt like there was something more. I found a hidden unlocked single-player mode, only for that last level, where the player can switch between fire and ice Ikaruga-style. When I approached the elemental this way, I wasn't in a rush to name it. I listened to it.
Then I was the elemental, guiding this wizard through a puzzling maze. I wasn't bound by a name or nature, which let me use all sorts of different abilities to make paths through the obstacles. My favorite was a sort of dimensional doorway I could open up, with stars inside. There was no apocalypse at the end. I think there were books.