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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 568068 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3105 on: May 30, 2016, 04:21:41 pm »

Girlfriend had a pretty snazzy dream about talking to a spirit thing who told her about how she and I would die :v

But anyways, I've been doing some experimentos with hypnogogia, and its honestly really goddamn interesting. It involves a bunch of techniques to get drowsy but stay alert while on the edge of sleep. The result are vivid audible and sometimes visual hallucinations :v, its kinda like a step away from lucid dreaming. Apparently a whole bunch of historic figures tried to induce this state to get inspired, including Thomas Edison.

It takes some effort, but damn is it a weird/fun experience :v
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There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3106 on: May 30, 2016, 07:04:22 pm »

Girlfriend had a pretty snazzy dream about talking to a spirit thing who told her about how she and I would die :v

But anyways, I've been doing some experimentos with hypnogogia, and its honestly really goddamn interesting. It involves a bunch of techniques to get drowsy but stay alert while on the edge of sleep. The result are vivid audible and sometimes visual hallucinations :v, its kinda like a step away from lucid dreaming. Apparently a whole bunch of historic figures tried to induce this state to get inspired, including Thomas Edison.

It takes some effort, but damn is it a weird/fun experience :v
Have you ever tried past life regression? I've tried it before but I always fall asleep.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3107 on: May 30, 2016, 08:11:43 pm »

Well, not sure if you'd experience past life regression :v, but hypnogogia is quite a real thing. I've found that the easiest way to induce hypnogogia is to do these things:

1-Go to sleep. Set an alarm clock or your cell phone to wake you up during early morning hours, or about 3 hours into your sleep cycle, or something.

2-Wake up, go to the bathroom, stay awake for around 15 minutes or so, so your mind regains some of its normal awareness while remaining sort of drowsy.

3-Get an object you can easily hold in one of your hands if you have it closed, but will easily fall if you're not actively holding it, like a steel ball bearing, or a spoon, or something.

4-Place that hand holding the thing outside the bed, so if the object falls, it'll clatter into the floor and make a fair bit of noise and wake you up just as you're about to fall asleep and lose your hold of the object.

Eventualy (after some tries, or several attempts if your mind isn't used to it) you'll enter hypnogogia, which is when your brain is between sleeping and awake. Not truly dreaming, but still dreaming somehow. At this point you'll get audible and even visual hallucinations, akin to a dream, but happening while you're mostly fully aware. Its not true lucid dreaming, since you're essentially still sort of awake, but its a pretty cool experience overall. And even if you don't actualy experience it, chances are you're gonna have some rather vivid dreams you're very likely to remember.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2016, 08:15:12 pm by TempAcc »
On normal internet forums, threads devolve from content into trolling. On Bay12, it's the other way around.
There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3108 on: May 30, 2016, 11:53:03 pm »

Last night I had a post-apocalypse dream. Except the cause of the apocalypse was that the world was overrun by horrible boar-men/werepigs. They in turn answered to this little toddler-sized abomination that would make this ungodly noise. Like something between screams of a dying swine, nails on the chalkboard, and a baby wailing. At some point I and a few friends stumbled into the center of one of their dens and were ambushed by maybe a dozen of them. The child was there, screaming at us. I started having visual hallucinations. I couldn't hear what everyone else was saying. They were trying to subdue and capture us. I had pigs in my face but I pushed them away. When we started shooting at the child they backed off and we escaped. I don't think everyone made it, though, and I was separated.

A short run away I found a two-story building where two women were hiding and spent the night with them. In the middle of the night the swines came. We killed one in the house, and knocked another off the balcony. There were one or two others, but they retreated. They had dropped cords of wood they were picking up outside. They were apparently taking dried wood to fuel fires. I could see the light in the compound we had been ambushed in in the distance. They apparently knew our house was occupied because they could see light from our lantern through a crack in the wall from below, where they had been gathering from a slash pile. We decided we had to make a run for it, packed our bags (or theirs, since I had nothing) and left, moving through the neighborhood straight away from their den and the house.

Soon we started hearing grunting and squealing nearby. It was getting closer, and while crossing in the middle of a street we saw a large house cat run around the corner to the right. It was the one making the noises. It attacked us, we clubbed it dead and kept running, but soon afterwards the squealing continued again behind us. At that point I got woken up.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3109 on: June 01, 2016, 08:56:28 am »

Had a few dreams last night.
The scene I remember most clearly involved myself and a small group of friends (only two of whom were from IRL as far as I can remember) going on an outing to some place (possibly a cafe or something, I think it was rather empty/quiet), having an odd conversation where one of the fictional people (who I think I had only recently met) said he was glad we were hanging out there without any drunk people around, to which I replied "what's wrong with drunk people?", and then one of my IRL friends said he found it much harder and more stressful to deal with confrontational yobbos whilst drunk, and I was just describing how I felt the opposite way when a midget on a bicycle suddenly came speeding down the quiet street/lane we were on and smashed face-first into a chain that was hanging at about (normal person) waist height- evidently blocking cars from entering the street- thus coathanging himself and probably sustaining grievous injuries.

I leapt up from my seat, apparently quite flabbergasted by the sight (or possibly trying to suppress instinctual laughter at someone falling over and hurting themselves) and shouted to him asking if he was alright, then if he wanted me to call an ambulance, to which he replied somewhat rudely whilst picking up his bike and eventually riding off on his way.

I then rejoined my companions and attempted to resume conversation from where I'd left off, which proved difficult as they (and probably myself as well) were still buzzing about the incident we had just seen. I am unsure whether dream-me managed to satisfactorily voice his thoughts on interacting with nasty people whilst drunk before I woke up.

...That took far longer to type than I had planned.
Oh well, at least I recorded the dream before I inevitably forget what I remember of it. When I had that dream, the night after catching a flight from my current home to another state where I am staying for a couple of weeks, it made me feel somewhat bad about not really saying bye to the friend I was speaking with in-dream. Interesting.
Anyway, I need to sleep now. It's the night after I had that dream and I meant to go to sleep almost half an hour ago, this took ages to type. Good night.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3110 on: June 02, 2016, 08:06:24 am »

My dream started off with myself and family walking through some decrepit urban waste, it reminded me of the concrete tropics of my summer childhood spliced with the rising glass and waste of my adulthood - two cities, being of neither, everything was much taller (all the buildings) than I was used to. Six stories high every building. I was walking with my family off to get some groceries or something, but realized I did not know my way back and so had to return to some hotel. I returned shoeless and with some khaki trousers stained with blue ink, I wore a shirt though that was unremarkable. The hotel owner was some nice Vietnamese lady who would not accept my protestations that I was not a beggar and proffered me with a new set of clothes - they were not anything special, but the show of human kindness brought tears to my eye.

Time seemed to skip as I was slightly older, a young adult with family. I remember defending my decision to take a degree in ornithology after one of them started chiding at me saying after all those years I still couldn't find any of the birds. In response I located two birds nests and accurately named all the species of birds around the lake, internally remarking that those were all birds I could already find and name from childhood. The birds nests I just followed the sound of chirping and portrayed it as an act of expertise. We went about feeding those birds in the lake, I recall some pigeons flying by in a multitude of species. As we fed the ducks, the lake's waters changed. A red murk spread through the green, and we began to wonder if something had recently died. A crowd began amassing at one of the tidal branches to our left and we followed, finding the source of all this intrigue. The lake was glowing, green, red, dotlings of stars - the only colour missing was blue. For a green lake, the absence of blue was not as remarkable as you'd think, though the fact that the waves were a maelstrom of light was. We and the crowd argued over what it was, slime, algae and plankton won the top spots for probable cause - when a great big sailship appeared from the deep. Slightly rotted and fully encrusted with barnacles, I walked on from an old unused dock, the first person to do so in hundreds of years - just as the waves grow violent and yank the ship out to open water. There was myself, my father and two other men being thrown about in a tempest, miraculously we managed to make it ashore when the ship momentarily crashed into the banks. The fact that the ship held up to the  storm at all was suspicious. It was then I noticed the two men who joined us had not embarked on land.

Time seemed to skip as who I was in that urban waste was older, working at some research firm. Only it was not a research firm, it was a virtual simulation being run to interrogate people without them realizing it. One particular detail I recalled was that the head interrogator was a necrophiliac they were blackmailing into being under simulation 24/7, at which point one of the guards overheard and said "that's pretty fucked.' Both the head and the vice looked at him with such lethal stares that the guard apologized and stood back to attention. I recall that being quite funny. In the simulation I recall something being incredibly wrong when someone wanted to hire me for my ornithology training - at that point I began panicking and realized everything wasn't real. I awoke to klaxon alarms and a room full of shabby friends doing their best to free me from my restraints and we left in a hurry, chased by guards.

Fast forward yet more time, I had been broken out of the simulation by some friends from a rival research firm - an actual one, though still working for a no less scrupulous head. We were descending down to some caldera, that I remembered being a lake. Something was definitely wrong. We sent two down but they never came back after investigating. I then offered to go down as I was the lightest and the only one who knew how to tie a rescue knot, scaling down the side of the extinct lake. The lower I climbed the more the landscape changed, as I noticed it was not just a featureless brown and red dryscape, but deeper shades of blue frost permeated everything. The water was not gone from this dune, or at least, it had only gone underground. As soon as I set foot on the dust, much of the dust cracked and gave way to a massive crevice extending 1,400 metres below the surface. I met one of the two members sent to initially investigate who was at the base of the lake but couldn't get back to the top because her rope had broken. He threw a glowstick down into the ravine and it just... Kept going. Never heard an impact. Inside it I was mortified to find the remains of some previous explorer of a former century. She was dressed in arctic exploration gear and had been traveling in a team, writing about her experiences in some journal. Having fallen into the ravine she only had the option to keep waiting for friends, or to give up and drink the six pack of beer she had (having run out of freshwater), which would rapidly cool her core body temperature and dehydrate her, resulting in death. She chose the latter. With such a horrid memento of death and friendship I helped the man at the base of the lake up, before descending down once again with my rope around me, lest I fall into such a crevice myself.

I remember thinking how that body was a skeleton, despite being perfectly preserved in the ice. I remember thinking how I remembered how this used to be a lake, yet that skeleton was a century old, and now was a desert tundra. It had been in such a state before, evidently. Onwards I went, we were still one man down and the man I found said he last saw his friend taking shelter from a dustfrost storm in a cave far ahead. I kept going on, marveling at the dangerous beauty of these unnatural wilds. Or maybe they were natural, I couldn't figure that out. The cave stuck out being a centre of calm in a sea of rustbowl wonder. In I went with my great lamplight, marveling at the deep soothing orange of the cave. The cave seemed homely. I delved deeper into the cave calling for our lost explorer to come out when I saw a shadow approaching - good I thought, as that meant another lamplight, and another person.

What turned the corner clicked in my head as recognizably a space amoeba. A gigantic protozoan mass of enzymes, jelly and organs that was turning around the corner to reach out to me. When it called my name I ran out of the cave, out into the wasteland and I kept running until my lungs were on fire and I was crying. I jumped over this ravine and immediately began climbing the rope with an expedient speed only mortal fear could grant one's self - when I was pulling myself up my friends severed the rope and shot me in the chest with some sterilizing cannon, and down I fell.
When I hit the ground I did not die, looking at my hand it began to melt away into jelly.
'Shit' I thought. I had always been a space amoeba. I'd have laughed if I still had lungs, so instead I cried. My friends threw down a bouquet of funeral flowers that I watched fall with me, two of them crying, one of them turning away to not have to watch me.

There was more dream after that, one related but different following a different person, some android mucking about in the virtual reality interrogation centre. I can't remember much more than that.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3111 on: June 03, 2016, 06:16:55 am »

I was somewhere familiar to myself and I could fly to some extent, I couldn't go very high and it seemed like my flight was primarily based on my feet pushing me away from the ground somehow.
Anyway, later in the dream I was flying/hovering and I went to my grandparents house, I quickly flew to the door and a few people seemed amazed that I could fly, they kind of ceased to exist a little after that though, so I go inside and a bunch of relatives are there and they were all eating pizza, I was going to get some but I didn't like the pizza toppings, I somehow end up with a slice in my hand anyway and try shoving it in one of my cousins mouths.

A bit after this I 'wake up' in bed and I'm quite annoyed that what happened was a dream and that I couldn't actually fly, I felt the need to try and fly anyway though and upon trying I nearly fall on my back, I try again and I can fly again. I considered getting on my computer and searching for information and seeing if anyone else had anything similar but I decided it wasn't a good idea. I jump down the stairs and use my power to stop me from crashing into the ground. Someone is in the kitchen and their making a cake of some kind, I start slapping and punching my face and the person asks why, I tell her that I'm trying to figure out whether or not this is a dream and I can't really tell, she slaps me in the face and it hurt so I assume this is real.

I'm excited at this point and fly around a bit and saying "I can fly! I can really fly!" or something like that. I ask the person with me about the cake she's making, it has a thin layer of chocolate and it has a fan of some kind right under the chocolate, I don't question this and after some more enjoying my flying capabilities I wake up for real.

Darn it brain, I told you to stop giving me dreams where I have powers and trying to convince me its real!
After I woke up for real I decided to slap myself in the face just to make sure I was awake for real this time, it hurt a lot more then the dream slaps.
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. At least that's what the restraining order says.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3112 on: June 03, 2016, 01:15:23 pm »

Last night I dreamt of a firefight between the Empire and the Rebellion in star wars, happening in low orbit above a planet. Both sides had only one warship, I think it was a tartan patrol cruiser for the imperials and the rebels had some wedge-shaped flying brick that kinda resembled a tiny star destroyer, and an escort of fighters, TIE fighters of course for the Empire and a mix of A-wings, X-wings, and Y-wings for the rebels. The rebels were victorious in the dogfight, disabling or destroying all craft and having maybe a dozen fighters left over. However, their corvette's repulsorlifts or something were damaged, resulting in it falling out of orbit.
The fighter craft apparently were all equipped with tow cables, and they used these to hitch onto the corvette around the corvette's midsection and stabilize its spin. All of the rebel craft then descended to the planet below. However, the A-wings ran out of fuel one-by-one and fell short of the landing zone of the corvette. (Do A-wings even have a hyperdrive? I dunno). The pilots would be recovered later.

I, piloting another fighter, with a few wingmen, stayed in orbit and would return to the rebel base/fleet to report the task forces' location so they could be recovered. More imperial forces appeared, including a very large star destroyer. We flew our fighters through that destroyer's internal structure to evade its weapons, which looked like a huge tube running lengthwise down the ship. Inside the tube were docked eight fat, bulbous corvettes of some sort that we had to dodge as well. Not sure if they were actually shooting at us. At the far end were another 4 landing shuttles which did shoot at us, and also undocked and attempted to pursue. We destroyed them and jumped to hyperspace before the warship could maneuver to fire on us with any of its turrets.

Not sure if any more tie fighters undocked to harass us in the meantime or not. Maybe they sent all of their fighters out with the corvette or something.

I really want to play rogue squadron again, now. Damnit.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3113 on: June 03, 2016, 09:44:29 pm »

Girlfriend had a pretty snazzy dream about talking to a spirit thing who told her about how she and I would die :v

But anyways, I've been doing some experimentos with hypnogogia, and its honestly really goddamn interesting. It involves a bunch of techniques to get drowsy but stay alert while on the edge of sleep. The result are vivid audible and sometimes visual hallucinations :v, its kinda like a step away from lucid dreaming. Apparently a whole bunch of historic figures tried to induce this state to get inspired, including Thomas Edison.

It takes some effort, but damn is it a weird/fun experience :v
Yeah, I've tried that before. It's like drugs, except without the drugs. You become the drugs, and then you smoke yourself.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3114 on: June 03, 2016, 11:32:43 pm »

Yeah, I've tried that before. It's like drugs, except without the drugs. You become the drugs, and then you smoke yourself.
I am so sigging this.
I think I just retroactively murdered a less lucky version of myself from a parallel universe. Also do I still have a baguette?
Are my memes dank enough for you?
Thanks to the internet-cromancer, my internet has been revived. I'm back, baby!


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3115 on: June 04, 2016, 12:25:41 am »

I had this dream a while ago, I don't remember all the details, but it's interesting. Apparently, it's a hereditary sort of dream; My mom had it, my Aunt had it, my grandma had it, and there are always some things that are the same no matter who's dreaming it. Weird. One thing I've been able to pick up, though, apparently it takes place in a place known as "Chapel Perilous"

The dream started with me on an old sailboat on the open sea. The waves were rough, and for one reason or another I had to dock on a nearby island. The shore was very rocky, and I can't even remember seeing a dock, but I kind of imagine there was one. In fact, come to think of it, what I saw of the island was basically one big rock out in the open sea, but there was sort of a cabin on top. It was a two-story wooden-plank building, like you might see in a snowy resort place out in the country. I walked up and knocked at the door and very quickly an old woman opened, greeted me, and let me in. I can't for the life of me remember a word she said, or what her voice sounded like, but I think it was just a sort of typical old-lady-voice. What's extra odd is I can kind of remember her face, but besides that, her hands, and a bun in her hair, I can't remember any other details. I sort of dully acknowledged her body, but I didn't notice it, if that makes any sense.

The inside of the building was fairly normal. It was a nice place, the door lead into a big room which probably made up most of that floor, with a tall open cieling and the second floor of that room consisting of balconies, with stairs up behind corners on the other end of the room. There were these tall things by the walls, which sort of looked like vending machines or arcade cabinets, but I don't remember any other details about them. There were these weird figures going around, operating the arcade-cabinet-things, and at that point I couldn't notice any details about them. They were sort of... shadowy, and my attention didn't stick to them. The old lady said some things and lead me down some stairs to an underground area. The next moment I remember, the wooden planks are all gone, and I'm in this somewhat dimly-lit concrete tunnel which was sort of like a sewer, descending concrete stairs. It was a very thin tunnel, and when we got to the bottom of the stairs, there was a crossroads: forward or left, either one lead to a fairly long hallway.

The old lady led me down the left hallway, and we came to an open doorway. She stepped into it and stopped, I didn't muscle past her because I was being as polite as a normal person is. The room was empty for the most part, but I could see a drain on the floor from behind the old lady's head, and then all of a sudden a humanoid figure, on all fours poised like a spider about to leap on something (even though that's not really a thing spiders do, in hindsight) and completely silhouetted-no details were visible at all-appeared from the drain. I was startled, but the old lady didn't react in the slightest, and the figure quickly sunk back down and vanished. I was left shaken, kind of wondering if it had even happened, and I just sort of followed along when the old lady continued down the hall, leaving the little room alone. We came to another door, and the same thing happened. Another room, another figure, and this time I had to ask if she saw that, or some similar question. I remember she responded, but I can't remember what she said, though it seemed offhanded and nonchalant.

At this point, I was sure something odd was going on, but I wasn't sure whether or not to follow the old lady. I continued on behind her, kind of scared, and we came to another crossroads-this one left and right. I had a chance to look to the right this time, and all I saw was like five feet of tunnel and then a wall, though I kind of remember a grate-like detail, but I've kind of been writing that off as being like a texture from an old PS1 spider man game. Before I could look down the left tunnel, the old lady pushed past me, pulling me back behind the crossroads, and vanished down the left path. I think she said something, but like everything she said, I can't remember the words to save my life. In a couple seconds, she reappeared from the right tunnel, the one I saw immediately end in a wall. My reaction was a combination of "this is terrifying and I am getting the hell away from this supernatural stuff, this can NOT be good" and "I AAAIIIIINT HAVING THAT SHIT, I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON, I AIN'T PLAYING YO GAMES!" What I did was scream "HOLY F###!!!" and run the other direction saying, in response to the old lady's question of "What's wrong, dearie" or something predictable like that, "Get away from me!!!"

I made it to the first crossroads and turned left, away from the stairs, and ran as hard as I could. I looked behind me, and the old lady had caught up to me, but she looked different. Her face was twisted, demonic, no human should have a face like that, her hair had gotten kind of messy, and her hands were like claws. She caught my arm with one hand, I couldn't pull free to keep running, and raised the other hand to strike at me with her claws. I yelled "Wait!" and she hesitated at the top of her wind-up. "I'll do whatever it is you want me to do. I'll do what you say!" She lowered her hand and lead me back upstairs, and that's the last part of the dream which I can remember in sequence.

After that, it's all kind of a blur. I could apply my attention to the shadowy figures now, and they were these weird, inhuman, sort-of-demonic creatures, not unlike the old lady now that I think about it. But they were clearly not autonomous; they were tools of some sort. I remember some weird candy-like things that turn people into those creatures, and I remember me being in line to take them. I like to think I fast-talked my way out of that situation, but I really can't remember. I remember going around one of the corners where the stairs up to the second floor balconies were, and seeing a man chained to a shield with weapons across his front like a coat of arms on the wall. He wasn't suffering, he had a steely gaze and was looking tentatively forward. I think he noticed me, and he was definitely alive, but he didn't directly look my way that I can remember. There was something written on the shield. "Damage is true here. Be careful, Duncan." It might have been a different name, but I remember it started with a D, and for some reason I can remember it was definitely meant for me. The odd part of that is that my first name doesn't even have the letter D, and even though my last name starts with D I know it wasn't my last name. For those who don't know, true damage is a gaming concept, meaning damage which is completely unaffected by armor, defense, or other modifiers. A 23 true damage attack will always do 23 damage, regardless of damage reduction.

That's all of the dream I can definitively remember. Apparently, whenever somebody else has it there are always some similarities. There's always an old lady, there's always the weird tunnels, there's always rooms containing something very scary to the individual, the old lady is always fast and turns demonic. There's always chapel perilous, but its form changes. There are always odd figures in the foyer, as well. Supposedly the point of the place is to challenge you, determine what kind of warrior you are. That makes sense to me, I come from a family of berserkers. No, seriously. We're normal American people, but something that runs is the family is that when our fight or flight response gets triggered by a lot of anger, we sort of enter a berserk state. I've done this a couple times; it's a trip. My senses shut down except for sight, which was barely running, and I couldn't think except to feel an intense rage. No pain, no reservations, someone in a berserk state is not someone you want to get in a fight with. Maybe chapel perilous is part of being a berserker; those who are capable of going berserk go to chapel perilous to be tested in some way. Whatever it is, it was an odd dream, and I found it very interesting that most of my mom's side of the family has had that dream.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 02:33:01 am by ironsnake345 »
I think I just retroactively murdered a less lucky version of myself from a parallel universe. Also do I still have a baguette?
Are my memes dank enough for you?
Thanks to the internet-cromancer, my internet has been revived. I'm back, baby!

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3116 on: June 09, 2016, 02:44:18 pm »

I dreamed I was back in high school, this time running for student council president.

All I really remember is that I had two black-ops agents working for me.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3117 on: June 09, 2016, 02:50:37 pm »

I fell asleep again a couple minutes after my alarm clock woke me up. I then had a dream about getting out of bed and getting dressed.

I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3118 on: June 09, 2016, 03:35:38 pm »

Something medium-hard slightly high-concept sci-fi about FTL travel and doubles and space destroying your body and corporate culture. I vaguely remember that racism had been eradicated in the lumpenproletariat because the industrial soot and fumes made everyone black all the time unless they were rich enough to live away from it.

And a weird impact on earth causing a wave turning people to dust then reforming them further away. But that was the brain cramming in all the CGI budget just before I woke up.
One wheel short of a wagon

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3119 on: June 11, 2016, 06:55:18 am »

I had a dream about Bay12Foruma, I was reading a bunch of posts and then the screen magically switched to one of the RTD games that I'm playing and the GM posted the next turn. It was pretty awesome until I woke up all sweaty... Maybe it was a nightmare.
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