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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 567270 times)

Loud Whispers

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2985 on: February 19, 2016, 11:07:56 am »

*looks at own thread for the first time in over a year*

You guys all good? Good, good.

*leaves for another aeon*
What is Xantalos may never die, and in strange times even death may die


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2986 on: February 20, 2016, 02:52:26 am »

Too much spoopy music before bed last night.

Had a dream I was in a horror game of some sort. I wasn't scared, and I was just wandering around with a game guide. There were companions, and they would often have instances where something in the environment would trigger them to be attacked or get lost or otherwise need saving. I tried to read ahead to keep away from the triggers, but they liked to split up more than the Scooby-Doo gang.

We were in a ramshackle plane with the Brotherhood of Steel for some reason, and the plane crashed. Probably because they tried to plug the holes in the plane by just covering them with tarps or some other kind of fabric.

There were weird hillbilly Hills-Have-Eyes style mutants that would melt when killed. At one point a companion got dragged off by one, and in trying to find them, I ended up in a room filled with people cut in half, still alive somehow. They were screaming, and I told one to shut up, and that I would help in a minute, just as soon as I stop going around in circles. They weren't very helpful when I tried asking questions.

There was also a point were I was on a cruise ship, off the coast of a peninsula with a lighthouse. I was wandering around looting everything I could when some sort of police officer yelled at me to put them all back. I said that would take too much time, so I was told to just reset the level. There was s shootout when some terrorists came on board. After walking off the ship, a giant sea dragon came out of the water. The rest of the dream was just me constantly reloading the 'game' as I was trying to kill the dragon.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2987 on: February 20, 2016, 05:48:50 am »

Whether or not I'd actually dreamt it, previously, or dreamt that it had actually happened previously (in the dream-world), last night's finale dream is predicated upon a prior occasion (that I could clearly remember, but now I know not where from) where I had usefully assisted in the performance of some sort of play (with semi-musical elements) by plugging in a CD-player (remember them?) set up to provide some necessary musical accompaniment.  The 'sound desk' was at the front of the theatre, facing the audience like a teacher's desk observing the class, and (in this prior occasion), I had happened to have a CD-player with an appropriate disc loaded when I realised that the play had called upon some noise, that the actors/singers had been prepared to generate themselves (but revealing their low-budget, for doing so vocally).  I quickly plugged things in and played them, forestalling their half-baked effort, to their own delight of having it done 'properly'.

But that had happened 'before'.  Whether or not it had been a previous dream (same cycle, or a previous cycle - even a previous night!).  It might have been actually revealed in 'flashbacks' that (as per Inception) gave the impression of being fuller and more real than it already wasn't.  Hard to tell.

This time, however, I'm not on the sound-crew.  I'm not even involved.  I just happened to be passing the theatre (modelled, quite precisely except for scale, upon the scout-hut that I used to attend, decades ago, as cub/scout/venture-scout).  And they're putting on another play.  A play that (I will later comment, as I'm making my excuses) is by the same famous playwright and very similar in plot.  So I'm at the back of the hall, watching the near-identical plot progression (actors dressed up in an different era of clothes, as per the different setting, and apparently the actors are some professionals and not people I knew, as I did the previous time) and we're getting to 'that point'.  And I have something like a USB external HDD in my pocket, and I realise I have that bit of music on it, and it appears that the sound-desk does not have anything prepared - it appears the same lack would produce the same 'amateur' representation of the scripted sound/music, very shortly.

I attract the attention of the person at the sound-desk.  I do it silently but badly.  Somehow I make myself obvious to the audience (facing away from me, towards the stage) far easier than the person at the sound desk (who may, or may not, have been the comedian and (at least professionally) irascible individual David Mitchell...).  I somehow get the drive to him (skim it along the floor?) and then need to mouth "Track Thir-teen!" quite a lot, to get him to understand.  He has to come back to me (disturbing the audience further) for my mouthed instructions to make sense and then finally get back (disturbing the audience more) to plug the thing in and implement the track, just in time...  but wrongly..!

It seems this near-identical play (and my describing it is very nearly the same as the previous one isn't going down well... as if I'm saying that the famous playwright isn't doing enough different things) doesn't require this particular sonic intervention.  The actors are upset by the messing about of their 'pure' and not-in-any-way-at-all-(same author)-'plagiarised' play, and I have crawl into their crawl-space/dressing rooms to placate them with my attempted explanations.

...Then there came a bit with cream-cakes sliding off the top of cars, at a party.  By design, apparently.  But I can't now recall how the transitional scenes to this new situation occurred, that was just a short 'skit' before I woke up...


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2988 on: February 22, 2016, 10:25:17 pm »


That sounds horribly frustrating. Trippy, but frustrating.

More messed up dreams while napping. Had this earlier but didn't get a chance to write it until now. I dreamed I was a fur trapper living in a semi-wild area, living in a little cabin outside a small village. All the trees had their fall colors and there was a slight nip in the air while I was retrieving a beaver from my snare, when I spotted a bear off in the distance. It got up on two legs and sniffed in my direction, then started barreling down on me. It obviously wanted the beaver, and I didn't want to fight the bear, so I just left the thing and beat a hasty retreat. It didn't stop to get the beaver though. In a panic I turned around and shot my musket at it. It keeled over dead. I intended to skin and butcher it, but I didn't see any of that.

Cut ahead to me sitting on the porch of my cabin doing nothing in particular. A man dressed in a metal chestplate, bright blue shirt, and wide brimmed hat with a feather came up to me, and told me that he was looking for a tracker. A local hunter had killed a bear sow, he explained, and its mate was taking out its frustration on humanity at large. He told me that the bear was massive, and a traveler it had attacked claimed that the beast could speak and become invisible at will. He didn't think too highly of that idea, but acknowledged that the beast had killed a worrying number of livestock, and the traveler's horse. He was putting together a posse to find the beast and kill it. I obviously couldn't refuse, though I had the good sense to not mention the bear I'd shot earlier. He told me to meet him in town that evening.

Cut ahead again, and myself, the adventurer, and two other men were riding down the road the traveler had been attacked on looking for signs of the creature. One of the new men was dressed in furs like me and carried a long, heavy bear spear; and the other was dressed in leather and a green vest, and carried a musket. The adventurer and I both had spears like the man in the furs. We eventually came across a massive amount of blood on the path, presumably where the bear had killed the man's horse, but there wasn't a scrap of anything else. There was bramble on either side of the path here, and a very steep incline to one side. There was a good deal of disturbance in the bramble on both sides, but much more on the flat side. We dismounted and very carefully advanced in that direction while the adventurer held the horses.

Very suddenly we heard a roar, and the bramble in front of us started shaking violently. Musket guy fired a shot off into it and got another roar, while the lot of us braced for impact. This was far less than ideal, but we didn't have time to do anything else. The bear burst out of the brush, slightly farther down the road than we had expected, and grabbed spear guy before any of us could react. It grabbed him by the shoulder with its teeth and started dragging him back into the brush. The adventurer and I both rushed the bear, but I missed my thrust and he was too far away. It got back where we couldn't reach it, we heard an extremely unpleasant sound, and spear guy stopped yelling.

Shit was thoroughly fucked, and we decided to get on our horses and lead it to a more open stretch of road. It chased us out almost as soon as we'd got moving. It was quick enough to get a swipe of its paw at the adventurer, but his breastplate was enough to mostly protect him. The bramble cleared fairly quickly, and gave way to uneven lightly forested ground. We split off, with musket guy going forward and myself and the adventurer breaking off to either side. The bear followed musket guy, who took an improbable shot at it and missed. The sound put musket guy's horse over the breaking point, and it stopped paying what little regard for him it still had. He fell off, and the bear tore into him almost immediately.

I pointed my spear at it, intending to lance it while it was stationary, but my horse wasn't too keen on charging the thing. It wheeled off and threw me, too, but I was just quick enough to raise my spear to hold off the bear. It backed out of reach, and had started moving around the side when the adventurer managed what I had just failed at, and drove the spear almost completely through the thing's midsection. It keeled over but didn't die, and I only just managed to roll away before it bit into my neck. It came in view again just in time for me to see the now dismounted adventurer stab it in the side of the head with his belt knife. He clutched his side where the bear had hit him and groaned, and slid down onto his back. A moment passed, and he started laughing in a halting, pained sort of way. He must've broken something when he got hit. There was more to the dream than that, I think, but I don't remember it well enough to write it out.
Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2989 on: February 23, 2016, 02:55:40 pm »

I hardly remember anything about this dream, I remember that at multiple parts in the dream I thought I was awake but I wasn't I'm almost 100% I "woke up" in the dream and fell back asleep in it at least once, at one part I was sitting on my bed and I couldn't tell if I was awake or not, so I slap my face a few times and I could feel it so I decided I'm awake, I wasn't.

At one point I'm in a diner somewhere looking for someone, eventually I see this person but when I get close to them the person turns into someone else, second time this has happened to me in a dream that I remember.

During another part of the dream I was in some arcade or something, the world was run by some people but I don't know much about that, I meet with someone and later were at a hotel, at the hotel we do some illegal activities and after we hear that the police are after us we decided it would be a good idea to leave the city, so were down road to get out of the city. I see a blimp up in the sky that seems to be part of the search for us, for some reason there is a third person with us now, the person driving wasn't looking so he ran right through a checkpoint that was setup to look for us, so I stopped time and then quickly reversed it, I tell the driver what is about to happen and I'm not sure what happened next but I ended up in the wilderness somewhere, more time manipulation happened but I don't know why.

This part of the dream, this freaking part of the dream, I'm in the middle of some dark area, I can't tell if I'm outside or inside, I look behind me and I see a big monstrous creature with a giant eye a big sharp teethed grin and many tentacles coming from its body, it slowly approaches me and I think "Yep this is gonna be a nightmare time" Then suddenly, the area lights up, the monster is no longer monstrous, there's a group of people and there are 7 shreks in different outfits, everyone seems to be celebrating something, apparently a wedding happened/is going to happen. I'm not 100% but I think my exact thoughts at the time were "What."

Some less important things happened then I of course wake up.
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. At least that's what the restraining order says.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2990 on: February 26, 2016, 02:27:04 pm »

It was 11:30 PM or around that time.
I was really trying to fall asleep but I just couldnīt so I tried to lucid dream my way into sleep.

Now I found this weird way of making me fall into some weird muscle relaxation that makes me feel like I am spinning and as if slowly falling.

Now before I even realize I am able to imagine some vivid images the only problem is I am quickly carried by my stream of though as if I was unable to control the dream, I was not even sure if it was lucid dreaming, I just kept switching topics.
One time I was playing From The Dephts and designing super complicated ships then another I am watching some YouTube video and I am able to somehow enter it and spin it around as if it was 3D or something.

But then I was able to wake up fairly easily and I was thirsty so I went for a bottle of water.
After returning to my bed I just fall asleep normally.

But then I have dream about playing football and I am awoken to my own leg kicking the wall... which I thought was a ball in the dream..
That happens to me way too often, and also on other sports, player throws a basketball to me in a dream and I try to catch it IRL making myself up...


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2991 on: February 26, 2016, 05:02:23 pm »

I had a dream in which I was an orc, standing on the top of a hill with a bunch of other orcs, and some humans on horseback came up, adventurers, I think, and they killed a bunch of the other orcs (we fought and drove them off but ~6 orcs died, and afair no humans).

That's about all I remember. Seemed kind of unusual.
<Dakkan> There are human laws, and then there are laws of physics. I don't bike in the city because of the second.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2992 on: February 26, 2016, 10:21:29 pm »

I commonly have lucid dreams and my biggest annoyance is my ability to type them out for future safekeeping--my hands feel so slow even if I can type fast because of trying to record everything in them. Every tiny, single detail. :'(


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2993 on: February 27, 2016, 12:33:33 am »

I had a dream where humanity perished from a lethal, body horror inducing plague carried by cats and dog. You brush past a cat or dog, horrible death ensues. It didn't seem to affect the carriers at all.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2994 on: February 29, 2016, 01:06:48 am »

I ocassionally search for my name in the search bar.

After a while, it expired, but the sun was MUCH dimmer; from where it was, two gassy forms floated down and were absorbed by Derm and me; at which point I woke up, with a need to use the washroom.

A++ Would cause the end of the world with flabort again.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2995 on: March 01, 2016, 03:20:01 pm »

That should be in the OOC thread by rights.
Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination
  TD1 has claimed the title of Penblessed the Endless Fountain of Epics!
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2996 on: March 01, 2016, 03:45:50 pm »

That should be in the OOC thread by rights.
That is, isn't it?

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.

uber pye

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2997 on: March 02, 2016, 01:29:40 am »

I had a dream where i was in a train on some high mountain tracks. some mundane stuff happened, then i zoomed out. The train was actually 2 trucks pulling three train cars on a street.

then, for some reason, the back truck tries to pass the first and the whole thing falls of the cliff. As we were falling i am told "this isnt a bad way to go." I disagree and try to escape the falling train, but i am too late and die. As i wake up, i hear a sound that i cannot for the life of me remember.

and then i actually wake up.

Anyone else have dreams where they wake up once or more inside their dreams?
"Immortal" just means that you haven't killed it hard enough

the mad immortal child! xmas themed


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2998 on: March 03, 2016, 08:21:16 am »

Last night (being now a few hours past, by this point when I can finally write it down) seemed to be all about learning and assessment, and ended with a brilliant idea for a videogame... perhaps.

The massed ranks of scholars were, for some reason, all wearing traffic cones taped to their heads, and undergoing some sort of stamina/leadership assessment, and I was called in (from the 'pool' awaiting assessment) to replace one who dropped out.  I'm given my traffic cone and shown how the tape should attach it to my head and sent around the building, to discover that the person I am replacing is actually the team-leader of the exercise, and I also need to wear some electronic box of trickery, perhaps to relay instructions, which I fiddle with, as it tangles rather with my cone-hat-strap-tape.

...scene change or maybe a forgotten bit...

Now it's advanced leadership training, a group of us are in a tabletop exercise, where someone is appointed leader of the task and assigns someone to answer some sort of question upon a personal tablet that each of us wields.  There's also (fake?) paper money involved, perhaps intended to be awarded by a ranking system in various amounts to those people taking on various stratified roles in the 'business' that (somehow) is linked to the role-play, but someone drops that, early on (and, at the end we have to try and find it, and suspect that most of it is loss), but at one point I'm the leader of the phase and do well but pass that responsibility on, graciously, to (quite possibly) my fellow player Hilary Clinton, who in return is then required to ask me a question about the meaning of a word (which I guess, correctly, is something like "to split the church into three parts" (as in a schism that's more than bilateral)... well, it began with "TRI" and I was lucky that this was the plainly obvious answer...).  I get leadership back, as most of the players lead, and that's where we need to find the 'money', again.

...scene-change or forgotten interlude...

My task (should I regardless of whether I decide to accept it) is to shepherd a coffee-shop 'trailer' between locations in a computer-like landscape.  I am given directions by an Alan Sugar-like character (who might also have been ultimately in charge of the previous session?) as to which town I must get to, and myself and another (fellow player? computer-controlled 'co-pilot'?) on small vehicles shove the 'coffee trailer' along roads... apparently ignoring the fact that it's a trailer that you think should be towed... by bumping and nudging and pushing it, whilst enemies and dangers attack (from the front, the rear, the side and above), which we need to fight off.  And do.

By nudging the coffee-trailer into the middle of the debris left by destroyed enemies (even before all enemies are destroyed, but of course that would put us in danger of being still attacked), we get resource gains, and also the opportunity for 'people' to come out of the landscape and become 'followers' (for purely nominative value, or perhaps we're increasing our 'legend'?).  As we get to the point where we are assigned to set up the coffee-trailer for business, we then use the resources gained as purchase-power to buy in stock (and upgrades), so that we can successfully both sell coffee and transit the landscape, in-between the designated retail opportunities.

Ultimately, it appears that I'm learning how to prove my worth, to the gamesmaster who has been in control of at least the last two 'scenarios', and thus worthy of actually becoming the leader that I know I should be...

During some of the last attempts to gain more followers, I actually go beyond the boundaries of the track and end up emerging (Narnian Wardrobe-like) from the clothes racking in an actual shop...  Breaking the fourth wall, in some way (or maybe just the 3.5th wall).  That may have been the point I finally left the arms of Morpheus.  (No, it wasn't an erotic dream about Laurence Fishburne, that's just the turn of phrase that came to mind right now.  Now shut up about it...)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2999 on: March 09, 2016, 02:55:52 pm »

Just had an amazing dream.

Started off kinda horror-y, but gradually gave way to something thought provoking.

In an underground government lab, civilians are brought in and given water with a special powder in it. After ingestion, the person is enveloped by a large amount of goo-stuff from the inside. Afterward, they stop acting like themselves and act with a new personality.

After some random dream exploring that played out like a movie, I, and I alone start to realize what's really going on is the powder is a type of earth-born fungus, which only survives in one small stream in the world, and the program I witnessed was some government cooked up happy medium between a conservation program and a super soldier project.

Cuz see the infectees can control the goo-stuff I mentioned earlier more or less at will, making giant fists and such. Think fantasy slime powers and you have the right idea.

More stuff happens (Mostly arguing with NPCs about why only certain people are targeted by the fungus in nature. In nature it looks like an oil slick btw. An oil slick that can STAND UP and become AMBULATORY) and I can control the goo-stuff.
I played in the stream as a child, and was infected "naturally" by the fungus.
Meaning basically my entire personality my whole life is funguszombie personality.

And thats about how it ended.
7/10 Has much more memorable sigs but casts them to the realm of sigtexts.

Indeed, I do this.
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