The other night I had a dream that began with a simple Sergio Aragonés comic strip about a guy outside some sort of shopping centre/mall offering 'assisted handstands' to children; basically propping kids up so they could get a photo of themselves doing a handstand.
Some little boy excitedly agrees to that, receives handstand and (I think) gets his photo snapped by his parents, but then realises that the ground beneath his hands was actually wet cement, which somehow quick-dried once his hands were in it. A bunch of spare change fell out of his pockets and the man, who I think was wearing clown makeup, quickly grabbed it all up, said something unapologetic to the upset kid, then scarpered.
Then the dream basically replayed that scenario in live-action, and then continued the story with the kid stuck there upside down for hours (luckily for him, the dream seemed to ignore the unpleasant effects of gravity on upside-down people and their circulatory systems).
A series off odd characters passed through the dream, either trying to help the kid escape his predicament or hindering him in some way. His parents waited around for a while then, heartlessly enough, got bored and left. I think he eventually escaped and had some more zany adventures which probably lead into later dreams, but it's been a while and I don't remember any more. It was interesting, though.