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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 512638 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1515 on: May 17, 2014, 10:15:55 am »

I had a dream where I had to walk home from... somewhere. Work, or something. Anyway, it was taking so long that the sun eventually set behind some trees, creating some nice graphical effects. On the way home, I think I passed near a golf course, and past the golf course, I met, of all things, someone's pet penguin, who playfully tried to bite the flesh off my fingers.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1516 on: May 17, 2014, 02:06:43 pm »

Had that happen with someone's dog as it ran into my home when I was a kid as soon as the front door opened,  after I had formed a barricade I noticed flecks of partially rotted meat and dog saliva on my fingers where the dog had failed to latch on. That having been a penguin would've been understandably weirder.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1517 on: May 18, 2014, 02:46:37 am »

So in this one there was Gordon Ramsay and a few other generic Master Chef people in some rural, almost medieval area, which according to Ramsay looked like Czech Republic.
The "participants" then told him they were going to cook five chickens...alive. In some hay, I believe. That would certainly be a nasty dish.

After that they started to set up the hay near a barn of some sort. Suddenly, spiders started to come out from the hay and buildings (apparently they were widows) and nobody seemed bothered by them.
Then a giant centipede with spines on its back appeared and starred to literally shoot at the spiders with some venom. There were also ants that tried to kill it, to no avail. Soon a queen ant (a very long one with like 8 pairs of legs) was forced to escape, but the centipede was faster and promptly killed her by stabbing her with some sort of spikes at the front of its body, which caused the queen's body to dissolve.

Tge centipede then returned to one of the houses and the dream switched to a game-like third person perspective of the centipede, and I remember that it was reaching a speed of 0.50-0.70 km/h, but it was definitely way more than that.
It returned to one of the houses and the Top Gear (UK version) ending theme started to play, and I've been told that the centipede's venom has been nerfed in the next patch. I could also see two centipedes rampaging through some people, hiding in giant metal crates, Metal Gear Solid-style.
Weird, but fun. 8/10 - DreamGN


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1518 on: May 18, 2014, 06:01:23 am »

So, the world had been taken over by Jihadi Islamic fundamentalists. I decided, along with others, to form some kind of resistance movement. This has hampered slightly however by the fact that there were only 2 guns in existence, and I owned both of them - a .50cal HMG and a PSG-1 style sniper rifle. Being the dick that I am, I would not share these with anyone, and demanded to dual wield them, one in each hand.

So, anyway, my anti-terror terror cell ends up on its first mission - defending a big red barn from a bunch of stereotypical talibani looking people. In my squad was me (with my 2 guns), 2 generic squaddie types, and a 1950's style stereotypical "British Major" who stomped around the place "Marching up and down the square". The plan was for the major to stomp around outside the barn shouting the alphabet in order to scare/confuse the attackers, while the 2 squaddies carried me around while I shot the shit out of everything. Things were all going to plan until I realized that I had no idea how to load and fire either of the guns. As the enemy advanced we all resorted to just yelling the alphabet at them while hiding in long grass - this scared away a significant number of the enemy, but some were brave enough to continue rushing at us. As they came closer I realised that the enemy were in fact puppets from the movie "Team America". Terrified by this discovery, the 2 squaddies, the major and I retreated, but it was no good. The enemy puppets had us surrounded and were herding us into a giant amphitheatre made of some kind of sand/mud/adobe like the one in the terrible star wars prequel where the heroes fight those big animals. Suddenly I was alone in the arena, and the assembled puppet jihadis began throwing hand held glitter-ball bombs at me. I did what anyone would do - go into bullet time and somersault around the place to avoid being blown up.

Then I woke up.
This is a blank sig.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1519 on: May 18, 2014, 06:40:40 am »

And then MonkeyHead was the jihadists?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1520 on: May 18, 2014, 09:12:39 pm »

I was a part of a mercenary team infiltrating a secret base in some arctic location.
Notable members of the team included my childhood best friend (who I still know today) and a female merc with whom I'd had a failed romance in the past, and who I was currently trying to get back together with. There were others who basically just helped out with stealthily killing the guards of the base and didn't do much else.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyway, the aforementioned mission took place quite a long time later. I and lady-merc (well, mostly me) had been trying to patch things up, mainly by organizing our professional lives so that both of us were indispensable to one another, thus preventing betrayals. I'm not quite sure how well it was going, in fact I think things were still pretty unpleasant between us, but at least she'd come along on the mission.

The guards were killed without too much trouble (I think the action parts of the dream were a bit like GTA 5), and we moved on to searching the place for the valuables we'd been sent here for. We started off with a bunch of trapdoors in the ground amongst various wooden crates and other miscellaneous "secret military base" junk.
We opened the first one and found nothing of interest, then moved onto the next.

I opened it up and discovered, oddly enough, several boxes of old VHS tapes, DVDs and videogames. I was hit hard by a sudden attack of nostalgia, and felt myself tearing up as my friend and I laid eyes on a treasure trove of childhood memories.
Lady-merc and the other member(s?) of our team were somewhat bemused by my reaction, but I babbled on about how nostalgic this was, and Friend and I rummaged through digging out things we recognized and gushing over them.

Weirdly, at least some of the stuff appeared to have actually belonged to me in the past- I found my (real life) old N64, for example, along with its pile of games. There were a lot of odd dreamed-up movies in there as well, most of which I remembered watching with my friend, and a pile of cruddy pirated DVDs that were a bit more recent.

Then I pulled out and inspected another movie called Duel Country (or something to that effect), and the dream shifted to its setting as I remembered it. Apparently it was about some gunfighter in the Wild West days, who'd killed a bunch of people (probably most of them in duels) before dying from his wounds after being knifed by some Italian trader/gambler. He was generally considered to have been a good guy.
This movie picked up at the end of his story, and followed a what-if scenario where he survived his wounds.

I only saw the start of the movie before I woke up, but the main character encountered a couple of rich-type ladies who'd somehow found themselves lost in the middle of a forest, and he agreed to help them get to wherever they were going. He had a couple of either slaves or natives working for him, I believe, and these ladies were somewhat weirded out to see him treating them kindly.
The group of them setting off through the trees is the last thing I really remember before waking up.

Definitely, the highlight of the dream was opening up that trapdoor and discovering all those old movies and what-not.
I really felt the nostalgia rush right there, oh man. That was pretty cool. :)
Pretty sure I had another, earlier dream, but I don't remember a thing about it.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1521 on: May 19, 2014, 11:15:24 am »

I actually achieved lucid dreaming during a nap today! Its pretty cool achieving self awareness in dreams.

Also: I literally experienced a dream within a dream within a dream a few days ago, with the waking up from a dream to find yourself in another dream deal.
What can mysteriously disappear can mysteriously reappear
*Shakes fist at TamerVirus*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1522 on: May 19, 2014, 12:40:51 pm »

Two crazy dreams, both involving Bay12. I haven't played DF in like a week, probably having withdrawals.

The first one involved the President interviewing DF players on live TV.

First, he picked My Name is Immaterial, which just made it less entertaining than if it were, say, Xantalos or the like.

A few minutes in the interview was replaced by a commercial with yellow stickmen selling mattresses.

Almost immediately after the interview came back on, the birdscan in my avatar sort of flickered in and replaced Obama, causing everyone to panic. Then I woke up.

In the second one, Toady, represented by his avatar copypasted onto a sort of Descan-looking thing, discovered a zombie virus in the back parking lot of a brick building, and promptly died. Later, I had a pointless argument with a janitor on a lawnmower with monster truck wheels. Afterward, I'm in a "college" (which was actually a cylindrical building with a ramp on the outside and a stack of rooms on the inside) with a bunch of people I recognize but don't know. I see a fellow who appears to be a cubic meter of marble, wearing glasses. In his pocket (odd, as nether-quartz guy here isn't wearing pants), I see a thingy. I somehow recognized it as being from Africa, and the virus thing made news or something because I knew the virus was from Africa. I ask the guy what the hell he's doing, to which he responds "it's the new cancer". Apparently he was trying to bring about the end of the world. Later, the last woman alive almost shoots me, and when she realizes I'm not a zombie my undead sister lurches into the room. I promptly beat her to redeath with a handy rake. Then I hear a sort of moaning cry from her. She was apparently still alive.

Those were some weird dreams yo.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.

Guardian G.I.

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1523 on: May 19, 2014, 01:08:47 pm »

In the latest dream that I can remember, I was sent to the town of Slavyansk in Ukraine for some reason. Despite fighting between Russian and Ukrainian armies around the city, life was still going on as usual there. I delivered a package (?) to some guy in a school gym, and then I've heard aircraft moving at the city. I ran out of the building and saw Ukrainian bombers dropping their bombs over the city, one of them was flying directly at me. I ran to the closest "bomb shelter" (which was actually a sewer) and waited out the Ukrainian air raid.
After the danger had passed, I climbed out of there and went a few blocks away. A Russian Mi-24 helicopter damaged by Ukrainian machine gun fire crash landed behind me. The last thing that I remember was me talking to a Russian soldier near the helicopter.
this means that a donation of 30 dollars to a developer that did not deliver would equal 4.769*10^-14 hitlers stolen from you
that's like half a femtohitler
and that is terrible


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1524 on: May 19, 2014, 02:37:22 pm »

In the latest dream that I can remember, I was sent to the town of Slavyansk in Ukraine for some reason. Despite fighting between Russian and Ukrainian armies around the city, life was still going on as usual there. I delivered a package (?) to some guy in a school gym, and then I've heard aircraft moving at the city. I ran out of the building and saw Ukrainian bombers dropping their bombs over the city, one of them was flying directly at me. I ran to the closest "bomb shelter" (which was actually a sewer) and waited out the Ukrainian air raid.
After the danger had passed, I climbed out of there and went a few blocks away. A Russian Mi-24 helicopter damaged by Ukrainian machine gun fire crash landed behind me. The last thing that I remember was me talking to a Russian soldier near the helicopter.

That sounds like a very serious and realistic dream if you ask me.
Not that it's a bad thing, just saying.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1525 on: May 19, 2014, 11:06:42 pm »

I see a fellow who appears to be a cubic meter of marble, wearing glasses. In his pocket (odd, as nether-quartz guy here isn't wearing pants), I see a thingy...

Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1526 on: May 19, 2014, 11:54:22 pm »

I see a fellow who appears to be a cubic meter of marble, wearing glasses. In his pocket (odd, as nether-quartz guy here isn't wearing pants), I see a thingy...



I am on Discord as Arx#2415.
Hail to the mind of man! / Fire in the sky
I've been waiting for you / On this day we die.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1527 on: May 20, 2014, 02:28:34 am »

I remember almost nothing about my dream, except the most crucial part where I beat Valkyria Chronicles. At the same time I think I was in Valkyria Chronicles.
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1528 on: May 20, 2014, 04:41:46 am »

It seems like my dreams go from Awesome, to Meh.. to OHGODNOPENOPENOPE!
Then there are those that just  make no sense whatsoever.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1529 on: May 20, 2014, 05:31:59 am »

Oh god where was that thread with the hammy guy and the one with the helmet and things and wow why do I even remember that?
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