First dream today was... it was great. Forget how it started, but I ended up getting killed and then the fun began! By which I mean I ended up as the most chill alligator, like, ever, and did alligator things for a while. Then I ended up getting killed again, and became a bear! Most notable thing as a bear was getting in a fight with, iirc, a giant otter and the both of us getting wrapped up by some sort of giant snake. Then the snake bit the otter and I forget what else happened for that segment, but it was pretty great fun all around. But the next (and last) segment was the best one.
That one, I ended up body hopping into a dragon, hahaha! It was pretty great. I spent the first bit building a trading partnership with a gorilla. I'd give it edible grasses, and it would let me watch baby gorillas sleep and play and whatnot, which was preternaturally cute (this being a dream, and all. It was totes not creepy, more like watching kittens play.). We also had an arrangement where if the momma' gorilla noticed I was watching, daddy gorilla could net bonus points with the lady by chasing me off, after which we would go hang for a while and I'd give the daddy gorilla more grass to feed his family with. Then a bit of other stuff I can't remember happened (there was a number of transition and filler segments, really. I've forgotten about half the dream, I think.), and I ended up going back to the sleeping island and further neat stuff happened. Water round me started bubblin' and then some kind of anime-ized age of wonders faction started coming popping out of it. One awesome fight scene later (dragon vs. hordes of undead! Plenty of variety, too. Ghosts, zombies, caster-things. Pretty colors, much fun.), their boss comes through and recruits me, so between dimensions I go. Then I start getting ready for the first defense mission, and the kind of pre-fight episode was the locals offering a lesbian couple that had gotten picked up somewhere along the way the chance to get married (undead fantasy land more progressive than home, apparently), and then wedding preparations and conversation between locals and the dynamic sapphic duo. It was delightful, and not nearly as sudden or thematically disjointed within the context of the dream (that I've forgotten already, of course
And then I woke up. And went back to sleep because it was like two in the morning and dreamed some more, but the rest of them I've forgotten entirely. Pretty sure they were quite nice, too, though.