Have you ever been trapped in a dream before? I mean really trapped, as in, you can't wake up until you've conquered the dream itself, trapped. Had that happen yesterday, and woke up at 2PM.
Ugh, I love and hate those dreams. In some cases, I enjoy the perks of certain environments and such (and the people I meet, the work I get, and the fun activities held there, and the scenery in many cases (floating islands are a trip and a half), like a vacation in a brainpan), and then on the other hand, it feels like I'm trying to claw my way out of Hell for the n-th time (post-lucid awareness that I can't wake myself up)). Fortunately, the universes operate under different rules, but unfortunately, that also means different metrics and different ways things could be measured by, or could be understood (and on that note of Metric, it gets aggravating trying to explain some of our math that we understand to another universe which took it at a different angle, or numerical system as their base. Doesn't help that in most-all cases, I have to learn a new language and customs of the general area, and adapt to their meals (dragons taste like chicken BTW, closer to turkey).). On the plus side, it does feel like in some dreams, I observe time at a different rate. In the real world, time is still passing by, but as far as I'm aware, time is also passing by at a different rate (basically, in some cases, it's like visiting Narnia, the time difference is absurd).
What doesn't help is that there's so much data to process, not all of it comes through. If anything, I think I'm observing my dreams like other realities, but when I wake up, I lose my memory of it, and the time that has passed on that end, regardless how much passed IRL/Waking world. What's more mind-boggling is that I remember that I remember when I come back in, but I forget that I forget when I wake up (the waking world/reality is just as easily shrugged off as when we wake up). Of course, now that I have an idea of both sides of the consciousness coin, I think I can explain how some of my brain works to myself a bit more clearly; I think my much crazier "mad scientist" side (aka my imagination) is almost fully restored. Now I just need to find a few familiar worlds to observe again.
If I can recall some of them, I'll tell you of some of the worlds and environments I've visited, and how operating as a different lifeform other than human (or operating a Symbiotic Bio-Gear), even abstract ones like Cherubim and Principalities and Powers feels like (having/using more than 2 eyes is weird, to start). None of the games I've played on a good buzz compare to these things. In a sense, I feel like our world is too closed-minded and confined, and rather small. Simply put, a tiny blue speck of dust in a colossal warehouse (Or simply, the Whoville Principle).
Now that I remember, after learning how to sleep with my eyes open (caught my interest, and is a good stealthy way to sleep)), at times I forget that I'm still looking at the real world while my brain enters a REM-like dream state. In a sense, it's like I can trigger myself to trip-out or hallucinate on-queue (or cue?). What's weirder, is that I think this is what we used to do as kids everytime we used our imagination to it's fullest potential (minus the sleep bit, dreaming while fully awake and physically active), and nearly interact with our dreams directly (in some cases, requiring more analog contact, like a cardboard tube or something) to better-simulate our dreams in real life in the waking world. Just a thought that came to mind. Come and think of it a little more, an open mind and a strong imagination is a hell of a shortcut to happiness and creativity, if I recall correctly. I sound like a kindergarten teacher saying something like that.