Driving dreams be like that, yeah. Some metaphor about being out of control. Usually I'm being driven by someone else (something I'm uncomfortable with IRL) but sometimes I'm falling asleep at the wheel. Yours of the car being in disrepair, even literally falling apart is an interesting variation.
I kinda dreamed about my Skype group again but in a much better headspace. We were getting ready for a Pokemon tournament/convention, and I was nervous and wanting to ask so many questions about how it would actually work. What did I need to bring? Social/event anxiety, but this time around they were supportive and reassuring (if a bit dismissive). It was pleasant.
Later I got to compete in an obstacle course with a Super Famicon at the end. It was supposed to be like that Olympic race where you shoot targets at the end, but I just kept rerunning the course part for a better time because... sometimes I feel like a fake nerd, heh. And sometimes I over-exercise to calm my brain.
(why yes that is my standard for "perfectly normal", everyone had the right faces as far as I remember~ Probably faceless, I just wasn't worried about it)
Edit (8/14/20): More mannequin stuff but not nearly as bad. Mostly dream was about Umbrella Academy inspired supernatural agents teamed up in pairs who occasionally mindswapped at random. If a pair of minds happened to stay together (despite being in new bodies) hijinks tended to ensue. That was fun!
Then it was more like Might and Magic 6, I was guiding a big tough half-demon heroine through a maze of flames. She had cool fire powers but everything was fire resistant, so it was a lot of MM6-style peekaboo fighting. Eventually we got bored of chipping down a big devil and explored down a less-on-fire corridor, sidestepping a dragon (probably a direct reference to a certain nigh-invincible gold dragon in the Temple of Snakes).
So we came to a spooooky room with strange angles. There was a spooky little girl straight ahead with the whole Japanese horror aesthetic, but she was just a distraction from also a pair of mannequins flanking the doorway. An old lady sitting to the right, and one on a funeral bed to the left. I wasn't particularly freaked out so the ambush failed, we just started clearing the room with little firebolts.
Of course it couldn't be that easy, could it? Thanks to spooooky reality warping, the firebolt attack instead became little spheroids of negative energy we had to hold right up to the sitting lady doll. It reacted really strangely to the sitting mannequin's eyes, and our hand got kinda stuck, and it was all so very
spooooky, but we were winning and it was fine.
Dream conquered, in other words. They're usually not so bad when I'm able to face them head on. Here I am awake at 4 again, but this time I really can just go back to sleep.
Edit2: Holy cow I managed a brief nap where I was raising orphans in my childhood home. Naps are usually feverish when I can do them at all, this was pleasant. It was snowing and my hands were cold... or just numb?