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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 571008 times)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3390 on: December 10, 2016, 03:51:12 pm »

Had a dream the hulk and spiderman were staring very silly at some underground base, almost like they were like "what do we do now?" Dumbfounded superhero a. Made me laugh when I woke up.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3391 on: December 14, 2016, 12:20:01 am »

I was visiting some movie's set, a cyberpunk bar/brothel. A secret door opened into an underground medical lab of some sort full of horrors: one room apparently had a patient stabbed after being covered up like a dead one, based on the blood stain. One room was locked and sealed, with some disease's name on the door. There were tables and laboratory equpment placed at random. The floor was made of asbestos, for some reason. One door opened into a classroom, where my old psychology teacher (the only familiar face in this dream) was teaching...something. I have no idea what field of study involves her sawing my toes off with a hacksaw and then sewing them back on, then performing a blood test the result of which was apparently '11'. I asked what the number stood for, but didn't get a straight answer. Then it was back to sawing off the toes of my other foot. I realized I didn't scream or otherwise acknowledge the pain of the first time, so I let out a little scream, more out of 'tradition' than actual pain.

Despite the horror elements, this didn't feel like a nightmare. I guess I'm really just not afraid of corpses, mutilation or mutilated corpses. I was actually more upset about not being explained what the '11' meant. Yes, I'd apparently rather have my toes sawed off than be denied information.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3392 on: December 14, 2016, 01:32:52 am »

I've had some fun dreams lately, trying to get a few more minutes' sleep in on snooze.

I subconsciously invented a party game played by a cult my friend had joined,
Met an old friend in Jerusalem and got my earbuds stolen in a protest, made my own way home and met the new generation of robot builders at my old high school,
Got a job in a store on a cruise ship and could never turn down breakfast I didn't like because I knew the cook personally,
Went back to school, started taking a class with a trans teacher and out-danced some hipster know-it-all,
Met up with my ex in a cramped apartment from another dream years ago, watched my mom crash a RC plane vaguely reminiscent of Taapon, and learned all about the fiercely competitive local beach crab tourism.

It's been a very boring month otherwise.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 01:35:10 am by Tuxfanturnip »

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3393 on: December 16, 2016, 04:42:35 am »

The first part of the dream I was on the run, running atop a narrow fence. The first thing I noticed was that I was a child, as the adults chasing me could not climb atop the fence. I ran amok swinging from trees, before settling down and hiding within a large willow. It was all rather comfy until I was called inside, as a heavy storm was approaching.
I was in my kitchen, a small child, hiding behind a large bag of rice in an alcove warmed by a radiator, I was damp with rain and shivering. When I emerged I saw a large figure, entirely black - unnaturally so, like the black of a starless sky, except for two white orbs for eyes. I retreated until I heard two call me forwards, two familiar voices. Both children too, one was a friend, a boy, the other was my sister, who for some reason was younger than me. We sat and awaited the return of adults with the kitchen door closed, nervously, sitting down.

A horrible grating noise, the sound of a throat clearing and gargling turned my head to my left, and I immediately looked away. Looming over my friend was a girl who stretched a meter above his neck from behind and around to look into his face. I dared not look at it and I told my sister not to look at it either. This apparition told my friend something, he panicked, through a reflection in the black glass of a microwave I saw her take his life before turning to me. As she loomed over me from behind I saw a closer look of her face, an albino of wrong proportions with jet black hair - but naturally black hair, if such a thing could be said about a hungry ghost. This spirit requested me to stay calm, open my mouth as wide as possible and take five breaths. I did so, my mouth quivering. Its face screwed up annoyed, it told me I wasn't trying hard enough. I opened my mouth even wider, as wide as I could, whilst with one finger it pressed my lower jaw open wider with one finger on my lower back molars. I took five deep breaths, and woke up on a hospital stretcher.

Around me were two adults I saw in my dream as my parents, but in waking I did not recognize as such (though the same could be said for my dream-friends or dream-sister). The only figures I could recognise from conscious memory, were the apparitions. At any rate the people around my bed were pleased I was awake as they told me I had stopped breathing, I asked where my friend was and they told me he was gone. I was discharged from the hospital and brought to a daycare centre instead of home, there I was checked in and allowed to play on this massive but small climbing frame. I was being closely watched by teachers, so while one of them was distracted with a crying child, I snuck away.

I found what could be described as a giant slinky, large enough for a child to climb through, obscured by a tunnel. One of the teachers saw me climb through it, but grew alarmed as I never exited it. When I entered it I found that I slid down for impossibly long time and space, it shouldn't have even been possible to slide down in a horizontal pipe. Segments of colour flashed by in regular intervals and had I been at my wits perhaps I would have counted them to determine my speed and distance. But I was not, as this was incredibly fun. At last I hit the ground which was pleasant and green, though I grazed my shins no blood was drawn. I lay in the soft grass before taking a bearing of my surroundings. There were daisies and daffodils, dandelions and ivy, all spread out over a semi-wild field that looked well-maintained by someone. I could not see a sky, if there was it seemed to be a twilit purple haze covering all in a blanket. I wandered about alone musing about how I half-expected to find a rabbit in this wonderland, when I saw a tall figure looming 10 paces away from me, a tall figure entirely in black with two burning white orbs for eyes.

I awoke rather startled with no less than three teachers clutching me, asking where I had gone and how had I gotten out of the building. One of them was muttering about how they needed to up the security. I returned down the slide again, twice, each time the scenery was beautiful (if different each time) and each time the teachers were panicked that I had momentarily disappeared, setting about to eliminate as many of their blind spots as possible to figure out where I had gone, not believing me when I described the flat hills of green. They sent me on my way exasperated while I started talking with a girl about silly kids stuff, before drifting off to sleep. In the morning we awoke and began to question why our parents weren't picking us up, but our questions were brushed aside easily. Whilst we were being given registers to find and make sure all were present, something struck my eye. There was that weird slinky-slide, and it was embedded in a wall. I went up to it and jumped in, the girl I mentioned earlier (I'll call her Aliyah, as that seemed to be who she was based off) jumps in after me.

We hit the ground not too far apart and as before, the whole place is breathtaking. There were some things new though, like the presence of thistles and one patch of poison ivy I noticed before Aliyah nearly jumped through it. We found a picnic lying on the top of a hill and ran towards it, eating some of the jam sandwiches before running away lest the owner find out we ate some of their stuff. We played catch with a tennis ball before noticing that the twilit sky was growing darker, turning from purple to black, and decided to go back.

Throughout the day, especially at lunchtime, I could not help but think of what was that place. I wondered even if it was real. I listened to the teachers talking to one another to some smart looking official about how the centre was for "over-imaginative" children and my suspicion was peaked at why such a phrase was used euphemistically. Either the place was real, or I had gone insane. The official noticed that I had seen him and turned his gaze to me, I retreated away to a play-area whilst the teachers explained who I was to him. Having retreated, I didn't hear the full explanation upon my own identity.

The play-area was curiously derelict of all people, as the children and adults were all having lunch. With the artificial lights off the play-area was bathed in a grey light from what was unmistakably the overcast sun of England, lending all the pipes, frames and mats the atmosphere of a ghost-town bathed in fog. Right in the centre was the slinky-slide, and slide down it I went. The slide went on for as long as it did previously but upon exiting, everything was dramatically different.
In lieu of the pastoral paradise I had grown accustomed to, I fell with a soft squelch into a ground that seemed entirely composed of flesh. The smell was surprisingly not horrible, the sky was a dark red and the plants appeared to be akin to knotweed with a bony spine - fingers. This was unsettling but most of everything seemed benign enough. I began exploring this environment excitedly, sticking to the areas of ground that had scabbed over, as I did not like the squelching blood.

In an amusing twist of fate I found my rabbit, however it was of massive stature, one eye was replaced with tumorous growths and tentacles, and its left ribcage was exposed to the air. It took all my resolve and willpower not to panic and flee, and instead root myself into the ground and hide. I watched from the corner of my eye as this lumbering creature moved past, ignorant of my presence. After seeing this, I was shaken. I ran away and returned back, finding myself in the play-area where there were more people, and the official was coming towards me.

Aliyah was diving through the tunnel, slowly, whilst I waited in line. Agonizingly crawling over the span of 3 seconds, very long 3 seconds, I climb in after her. We slide down and hit solid ground, realizing we're within some large building. Outside the sky is a bright red, and we hear something very large breathing in the corridor. We resolve to find anything to arm ourselves with, Aliyah is already armed with hammer when I find a toy-laser gun, that turns out to fully functional. We await the creature to arrive in the doorway before leaping upon it in ambush. A strike team hears the commotion and moves past to investigate while we return to hiding. We decide whether it's best or not to ambush them, and we do.

It was a surprisingly coherent dream, barring the absolute earliest (which I've forgotten) and the absolute end (which I've omitted). Gonna write a story of it


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3394 on: December 16, 2016, 06:54:21 am »

I dreamt I was on a trip to some place where I met some sort of holy man. Oddly enough he was very confused and was the one asking me questions, somewhat random stuff as where he could find lodging and such. After ineptly answering his questions for several minutes, he started telling me that there's still a whole lot to fix about everything, but everything's going well.

After this, I somehow ended up getting a ride on a tesla model 1. The driver was apparently one girl I met in college, one of the prettier ones too. After a few minutes of driving, a nice bit of chatting and a ton of sexual tension, she seemed disappointed somehow and I got out of the car, feeling very serene for whatever reason.

Walking into the roadside woods, I met a humanoid being of sorts. He had no discernible features, just a silhouette and a paternal, male voice. He mentioned that I should get back to work, though what that work was I had no idea. He also commented on how its so odd to be able to actualy see the sun through the earth's atmosphere, something he said he wasn't used to.

EDIT: Had a very vivid dream today that I was the assistant and apprendice of an african sorcerer guy. Apparently he was injured in some way and he took the oportunity to use this as a test for me. I was supposed to perform some crazy ritual to heal him, but the ritual was rly fucking weird. First we stripped the skin off his face and covered his body in animal fat. Then I picked a black cat, cut its jugular and let its blood spill on the floor beside the bed, then cut its head off started gutting it, all part of the ritual of course. Dream ended a bit after that.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 08:10:13 am by TempAcc »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3395 on: December 19, 2016, 06:38:21 pm »

First part I remember (and I'm fairly sure there was quite a lot before this), I was on a bus.
I'd been on this bus for quite some time, and for some reason newly arrived passengers seemed to often make a habit of staring at/groping people. Myself and a few other passengers had struck up a conversation over this weirdness, making something of a game out of spotting the creeps as they boarded.

Next, a fairly young woman boarded and, with a rather strange expression made her way up the back to stand beside a rather outspoken girl in our group, wearing a flat-cap. She slowly sat down, just a seat away (as in, the seat after next) from her. And looked at her. This caused her victim quite a great deal of apprehension (despite her earlier, cocky amusement at it all) given what had been going on, and after a moment she made a move to stand, saying "Sorry, I need to change my placing in the Bus Wrestling League," before heading down the front.

The creepy woman stood back up at this point, quite easily keeping her feet as the bus moved even with her hands on her hips in what was probably a sultry pose, and gazed about at the rest of us. She commented on what a shame it was that the other gal had left, then continued the bullshit wrestling metaphor, saying she'd need to find a new wrestling partner and opponent in the ring.
Next, this being my dream I guess, she cocked an eye towards me, suggestively asking which team I fought for in the Bus Wrestling League.
She was rather cute despite being weird as hell, so I lounged back in my seat and said, "I'm a renegade, I fight anyone." In hindsight, it seems like dream-me may have completely missed a question about my/his sexual orientation. Also, I don't think 'renegade' is an actual wrestling term. Oh well.

Whatever the case, I'm pretty sure the dream changed scenes at that point. Or maybe I just forgot a bit.
Either way, next I remember dream-me was entering into some sort of actual wrestling competition. This may have been a different dream-me, with some amount of experience in the wrestling industry, but I'm not sure. I also seemed to have become a bit of a fatass and gave my name as something like "Jerry," (it was two syllables and unusual, at least) which lends credibility to that idea.

There was a bit of stuff, setup that I don't remember, and then myself and three other wrestlers were getting ready for a four-way fight. I'm pretty sure we were still backstage, but we were definitely getting into some serious hammy threats, poses and such.
My main opponent, who looked like a short, flabby version of Stone Cold, came out with some taunt ending with some variation of "fatso," whilst munching on some sort of oblong sandwich, I said, "Who are you calling fatso? You're gonna be puking that sub up as soon as I hit you in the gut". We continued trash-talking for a while, then it was time for the four of us to head through to another room, presumably where the ring was.

We passed some sort of backstage operator/technician/organizer on the way in there, he(?) was some odd, dark blue, floating squid-like creature, but no-one seemed to notice or find that unusual. He used some sort of control panel to open the door we were to go through, then retreated to this strange, seemingly purpose-built alcove to enter some sort of hibernation until the match (and possibly other stuff) was over.

Anyway, we headed into the other room, which turned out to be less like an arena and more like a huge outdoor space with mountains and such. Or maybe it was an elaborate set? I don't know, but seconds after we entered some sort of... vehicle or ship appeared suddenly, deploying a bunch of small creatures who rushed my companions/oppponents, stunning them with some kind of non-lethal weapons.
Moments later all the others were bundled away into the creatures' vehicle, which then flew off as I looked on in horror.

Regaining my senses, I ran back through the door and managed to rouse the organizer/supervisor/whatever from his seemingly electronically-aided slumber with some difficulty. As he groggily came awake I hurriedly recounted the shocking scene that had taken place in the other room, but was confused at his reaction.

He seemed puzzled at my reaction to the situation, and after a moment explained that this was all part of the plan.
As it turned out, as a "Jerry" my role was to lure in professional wrestlers (and possibly other folks too, who knows) for abduction. Also as it turned out, I was really another of those squid-creatures, the main difference between myself and the other one being that I was purple instead of blue. I shape-shifted back into my normal form at this point and began hovering, which was far more efficient than walking, as humans were forced to do.

It seemed I was suffering some memory loss caused by deterioration due to being a centuries-old organic construct of some kind.
My companion mentioned the possibility of me getting some repairs to prevent that from happening again, and then we set off in whatever ship we were in, apparently heading 'home', wherever that was.

Later on in the end, though, the next thing I remember I was hovering along on my way into this strange, non-euclidean structure made from some kind of brass-coloured material (perhaps it was our ship, or some kind of head office?) when I was suddenly pulled upwards into the air. A previously-unnoticed air vent had activated on the ceiling/awning overhead and was sucking me towards it at an alarming speed.
Frantically, I spun around and saw a dark, vaguely humanoid figure follow me in through the entrance, looking up at me with some amusement. It seemed my malfunctioning, obsolete flesh was being phased out after my recent doddering. Or perhaps I was betrayed? Either way, I didn't seem likely to find out.

My last, somewhat dream-aware thought was that this new arrival really would have been better off having at least a line or two of gloating, or offering some kind of explanation for why this was happening, and then I was sucked into the narrow vent and immediately killed.

Unusually, though, unlike most dream-deaths this time I was... stuck, afterwards. Stuck in a bright grey void, unable to wake up. I could feel my physical body, unable to move no matter how I strained to do so, and with the intense discomfort I felt I feared I may have been stuck in that void forever, or possibly dying for real.
Finally I'd had enough and tried screaming for help- I am unsure if I was actually able to or not, certainly no-one came to investigate- and then after a few moments of that I was finally able to wake up. Terrifying. Not very restful, I must say. Only had a few measly hours sleep. >.>

Tl;dr: No, Yoink, you are the WrestlemAliens.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3396 on: December 20, 2016, 01:15:59 am »

I dreamt that, after escaping from Moria, Oin and two other dwarves drank some magical water from a well and turned into two bear persons (two dwarves) and goat man (Oin), while Legolas in the meanwhile helped Frodo construct a Warcraft-esque gnomecopter to reach Mordor faster.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3397 on: December 20, 2016, 10:05:46 am »

I had a dream that I was in some sort of North Korean prison.. It must have been a cross between alcatraz and North Korea the drea, but it was fine for most of the time, up until some point at which they decided to crack down on everything, at which point I decided that I would leave that night. I was sitting in my cell or something. and some gift just sort of hovered down onto my vent. It was a drone with some bombs. I used to first to get to a location where I could get around the prison, and then used the bomb attached to the drone to blow out the first wall. At which point I ran to freedom. While I was crawling to my escape, I got some sort of narration in my head, kind of like I was telling this tale back to somebody. It wasn't really hard to escape now that I think about it. I was actually slightly fearful, but in the kind of drunken, you're kind of numb to everything way. I think my dreams switched at this point, but had the same theme. I escaped the prison, but was back in there, but I could leave at any time because I escaped? I don't know. So I was sitting there chatting with some of my friends, and another one of my friends walks in, (he hadn't escaped yet), opens the window, and just walks out. A little bit later he parks a bike and stuff next to the window, wells at his friend through the window (X, are you ready to go?) and just says he needed to get his stuff, and walks off. I then jump locations again, and I'm following some people I kind of know talking about life in the prison, but at this point I'm about to wake up, and the dream is really deteriorating on me.

Sorry it's kind of vague, but it wasn't hugely clear to begin with, and now I have to remember it to write it down.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3398 on: December 20, 2016, 11:18:51 pm »

Had an insanely long string of dreams last night, mostly based at least loosely on real life.
There was plenty of urban exploration and even a bit of squatting, which wound up causing me and my companions to have several brushes with the law, once escaping being arrested purely from lucking out with the assumption that "oh, they won't really shoot us whilst running away just over a bit of trespassing," lots of strange places were explored, at one point I had seemingly learned to play some sort of... I thought it was some kinda harpsichord, but those have keys and this didn't. Oh well, some sort of electric, flat stringed instrument, with which I was jamming out an awesome song and recording it straight to tape in the garage, but then kept getting interrupted by someone else in there not realising how important this was and joking around or putting music on, to the point that I gave up, and then later on myself and some others from throughout the dream wound up moving into some strange-but-awesome, really old-looking college/university dorm.

Can't remember much other than that, but there sure was a lot of dreaming that went on. Whoa.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3399 on: December 22, 2016, 06:35:06 pm »

I dont clearly remember how last nights dream started out. I was working night shift in a hospital and our power kept going out. I was trying to make sure our patients were still ok in their beds. we apparently had no lights left in that entire hospital wing, so I was using a flashlight or my call phone to get around. I kept seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye. And then a figure in reflections. When I was facing one way I could see this figure in one window, when I turned around it was clearly behind me. Then I'd see it down a hallway as I walked past. I never saw it actually move. It was this creepy all-black, incredibly emaciated human figure with a white porcelain mask on, with two black almond shaped eyes, and very long fingers. This thing apparently just followed me around while I worked until a coworker called me over to talk to me in another adjacent wing.

 I go over there and she's saying this kid that was in a coma forever just woke up or something, but something was wrong. We tried CPR, and then the kid sprung up and started pointing at his mouth. Eventually we figured out he was trying to ask for water, and he couldnt speak. About that time his family arrived, and power was restored to the other hospital wing. His parents didnt speak english, I think they were speaking spanish. They were trying to get answers from us and we from them, all we got out of it was something related to alcohol. After the kid woke up and I'd returned to work that figure wasnt following me any more. Then I helped the family out of the hospital. Kid had to stay, couldnt be discharged yet. So the kid in the coma was the ghost that was fucking with our power grid.

And that's when I got on bay12 and started typing up this post about the dream. Except I kept getting details wrong and I knew it. Somehow that morphed into a scene in the hospital lobby downstairs with some teenagers looking for someone to crack jokes at and latching onto me. Then again it morphed into the family and their kid trying to catch a taxi ride, and explaining where they needed to go in reference to a structure that was on the map but never actually finished. A freeway or something... then I was a giant wandering around the city killing people. They were all just ignoring me, like they didnt care, until I punched these girls at the local university and they freaked out. Weirdest fucking dream
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3400 on: December 25, 2016, 01:00:37 am »

This is but a detail of a longer dream, but the rest of the stuff is pretty boring. Yes, the events leading to a pileup can be boring. I present to you, the cruelest policeman ever.

I'm at a pileup scene by a crossroads, sitting on a conveniently-placed sofa, when one of the policemen (who made a record time of about 10 seconds to the scene after being called) walks up to me, sprays water at my face and says in a commanding voice, "wipe it off and I will switch to spray." I reflexively wipe my face, both because the water is uncomfortable and because I'm supposed to obey the police. He sprays pepper spray at my face and says in the same voice, "wipe it off and I will switch to gas." I stop for a moment to consider what the hell he wants from me, but he walks up to another bystander (or it might have been an actual perpetrator, can't remember) before I can respond. He repeats the routine, and the other guy wipes his face after the spray. The policeman cackles maniacally and sprays tear gas everywhere, including at me.

Kind of a cruel Catch-22. If you obey the cop, he will escalate. If you resist, he will likely escalate as well. What is one supposed to do when faced with that? It's also worth remembering that it was the site of a traffic accident, not of a riot.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2016, 01:04:51 am by IcyTea31 »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3401 on: December 25, 2016, 02:57:51 am »

I had a dream where I was 12 again, and me and my classmates (most of whom I have not seen in years) were on a holiday to the middle of nowhere. We built a village, and we found some cute animals, and fed them. Then the animals went into cacoons made of tinfoil, and came out as eldritch tentacle horrors. We went to a castle I spotted, which just happened to be empty. We went to bed, since if we touched them we would probably die. The next day, more monsters were coming, and we got swords and other weapons from parts of the castle, went out, and killed a bunch of them. Then, as more and more started coming, I woke up.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3402 on: December 25, 2016, 07:32:48 am »

I've done some things before this, but I am asked into a junkyard of some (dream) friends to help them with a computer. I recognise the documentation of a mysterious access, which I know was me, earlier in the dream. It has, along with my casual pings upon it, apparently associated an image file (named something like "...~03.png", and which shows a map of the junkyard that looks surprisingly similar to a map of France) with a text file (named something like "...~01.txt"), which I then try to discover (the tilde being an obvious wildcard, but unknown to what) by searching for pictures of navy vessels, cross-compared with some even more esoteric data.

I never finish that, though, even though I know I am yet to finish. Instead, I am now asked to do two things: adopt a van and take care of it for a week (a van that I was already taking care of, and was assumining I was going to have for far morevthan a week anyway!) and to take a dog across town.  Walking it.  It has no leash, and when it is unruly (as it often is) I need to hold it by its collar. Along the way I discover a cycle race that is not run by 'my lot' of cycle-race organisers (cue discussion of differences between organisational details), and I'm on the verge of helping out when I wake up.

(Merry Christmas, dreamers.)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3403 on: December 25, 2016, 06:48:36 pm »

We're all on a field trip from our college to a bigger, fancier school in another town. I hitch a ride with people I don't really know, but who seem to know me. Even though the ride is a small pickup, there's somehow room for four people with more to spare.

When we get to the school, we watch a really short video full of pictures and words I don't understand. On the way out I wonder why we didn't just watch the video at our school instead of coming all this way. I get filled in by a random passer-by: the video is apparently some sort of cutting-edge and also top-secret thing and we're the first people to see it besides the person who made the discovery. The discovery's apparently contained in some frogs plugged into the electricity of a motor home on campus, so I just decide to take one for shits and giggles. At some point we also pick up the literal Girl Of My Dreams (GOMD), someone I imagined to be perfect in every physical aspect.

On the way home, we decide to play Legend of Zelda for the Xbox 360. Deciding to play the game instantly makes it daytime (it had been night) and polymorphs the pickup truck into a van with machine guns and armor plating. Our first objective (in Legend of Zelda, only on Xbox 360) is to drive our van to a four-way intersection, then speed into oncoming traffic and try not to get hit.

The van flips when we hit a cop car, so GOMD and I just get out at flip it back over. All our male companions got thrown clear and are nowhere to be found, but GOMD assures me they'll make it back to the college on their own time. Once back in the car, I don't hesitate to put the moves on GOMD. I think I must have been partially lucid dreaming at this point, because it was a 100% success.

While we decide where we're going to get some "alone time", I suddenly realize that the frog I stole was part of the Rebel Alliance (from Star Wars) computer mainframe system and I should really take it back like right now please. The video we watched explained that the brains of frogs could be used as computer processors, and that animals could be made to live forever off car electricity. I keep reminding myself to take back the frog as soon as I was done with everything else I had planned for the day.

And then I was woke up being told that dinner was ready.
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3404 on: December 27, 2016, 12:40:22 pm »

I kept waking up in my motel last night, and every time I fell asleep I had a different dream. All I remember is that they were all weird.
The quantum cannonball hits you in the face and misses!
GENERATION grisha5: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
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