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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 567800 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3090 on: May 13, 2016, 10:58:13 pm »

Just woke up from a dream where my brother and I (and possibly one other companion) were travelling through some countryside, apparently sightseeing.
We were supposed to be going to one last place for the day, but due to wasting time in the earlier places we visited we were too late to make it there. My brother light-heartedly (but probably truthfully) declared this was my fault, and I put forth various bizarre excuses to argue that it wasn't. All in all,  it was a very realistic conversation between the two of us, good job dream.

Anyway, it ended up getting dark before we reached our destination, and we had to stay the night in this old, abandoned paper mill. Or maybe the paper mill was our destination, but we just didn't intend to get there so late. Whatever the case, we wound up staying in these old, moss-covered stone buildings that I believe were a mill/paper plant.
A few men showed up around the same time, also intending to stay there (I think it may have been some sort of tourist/cultural destination). They were led by this rather annoying, incredibly banal fellow who I disliked immediately. He seemed pretty boring.

That night, for some reason, we left the room/rooms we were staying in and went for a look around the building. We may or may not have been searching for loot, which may or may not have been toilet paper. The three of us (I am almost 100% certain we had some other companion in this scene, although I have no idea who) made a bunch of noise in some sort of kitchen area and were shortly confronted by that weird guy who demanded to know what we were doing.

I treated that moment like a full-on comedy hour, cracking jokes and making daft excuses, all of which were made even funnier by the fact that he seemed to lack any semblance of a sense of humour. Eventually I said something along the lines of, "I don't know what they're looking for, I'm just making myself a cup of tea," but he didn't believe that either so I just, in an exaggeratedly dopey voice, claimed to be mentally impaired and have no idea what was going on.
He gave up and walked out after that, and I said, in a loud stage whisper, "[MYNAME] not think he fell for it," and almost died of silent laughter at my own comedic genius. Then we continued searching for whatever it was, but suddenly something seemed strange.

Before long it became apparent that those other guys were up to something, possibly involving illegal toilet paper shenanigans, and that was why the guy had been so hostile and suspicious. We heard the sound of machinery being operated in another part of the mill, and then for some reason we split up, with my brother heading outside to investigate.
He walked outside the building into an intersection of the little cobbled streets/lanes that divided the mill compound and was immediately surrounded by a much-larger group of the stranger's henchmen. They seemed to be quite displeased that we had evidently figured out what they were up to- apparently they were using the mill equipment to manufacture black market toilet paper?? Maybe I'm remembering that wrong... or maybe in dream-world there were strict laws against unlawful TP manufacture.

Not sure if they began shoving my brother around, threatening him, or what, but for some reason I was suddenly Goku.
I stepped out through a window and crept around this ledge on the outside of the building (these buildings sure were awfully complex considering they were supposedly made out of crumbling, mossy stone blocks), tensing up and preparing to leap down towards my brother's assailants and tear them apart, but then suddenly some sort of magic struck me, freezing me in place/encasing me in stone. It was most inconvenient.

Can't remember quite what went on as I tried frantically to free myself, or even who/what had trapped me- I don't think the thugs below were aware of me even being there, let alone being zapped with douchey magic. Not sure what they were doing in the agonizingly-long time I was stuck there- I don't think the crowd moved from that central intersection of the mill. Maybe they were shoving my brother around, but I have a vague inkling that he may have had some badass martial arts skills himself in this dream and was just barely managing to fend them off for now.

Eventually, finally, my frozen/encased/petrified form toppled forward off the ledge, only to smash in half on the ground. Fortunately I had used some kind of magical ability to transform myself into this weird pink slime, and as the TP bandits turned to look all they saw was this slime rise into the air before forming back into my human/saiyan self.
I then, for some reason (perhaps whatever had petrified me was still about, possibly waiting to strike again?) flew off into the distance periodically stopping to hurl a bunch of kamehameha-style energy blasts directly at the spot where the crowd of enemies had been (apparently I just assumed/hoped my brother could get out of there in time), around a mountain or some other scenery and then back in the direction of the mill, all the while hurling more blasts as I prepared to unleash a serious super-beatdown on these fucks.

I was especially pissed after being annoyingly frozen in place by bullshit magic.

They were gonna pay.

It was gonna be brutal.

I was almost there.

Ultra-violence wouldn't even describe what I was about to do to them.

...And then I woke up. :'(
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3091 on: May 16, 2016, 02:19:05 am »

A doozey of an epic dream, jusr now, that I shall never do true justice to. And no idea what in RL inflenced the elements.

Set in a Canadian border town(?) which was abit Stepfordy, in that all locals (civires at least) were a bit Stepford Wivesish except that their main off-colour (NPI!) feature was extreme racism.

Subplot regarding illegal immigrants (from the US?!?) working as washer-uperers or something, in a hotel, happened early on (details lost to wakefulness) but apparently their presence sparked the corrupt police force to do something drastic at a traffic stop (in another part of town) andwousld have been "another day at the (corrupt, racist, vaguely Canadian?) office" if herocop hadn't been vacatioining/transfered there, for some reason. Like they do (hence Die Hard/Beverly Hills Cop/Due South (but nverted?)/Lethal Weapon) just as something comes to a head where a sort-of-outsider finds that there are nefarious plans to be foiled.

This episoxe, though, is a bit of a "many years on from the original(s) type. You know how the slightly crazy one in the original run (think Martin Riggs/Lethal Weapon) 'retired' to an indian reservation for spiritual reasons? Well, this one also influenced hs partner somewhat. The former, when he turns up to help the latter (not Murtaugh... more Detective Rosewood, from BHC.. and, yes, I see the irony of these selections being white 'partners' of significant black 'leads' in their respective films...) is in full Dances With Wolves getup, only with way more beads, and this explains why the  Rosewoodish guy he's here to help is mostly wearing "competent plainclothes/on-vacation cop" suit, but with a beaded shawl.   Umm, yeah.

(Obviously in the decade since the 'final' film in the original trilogy, which featured the Riggs going off to find his spiritual self, the vaguely sensible guy has visited him, occasionally, and a bit of the culture has rubbed off on him, so that he's slightly Bunny-Eared Lawyer. This is plainly what this sort-of sequel is trying to suggest, anyway. It's not really their movie sequel, but it's more than just a cameo.  Luke-dressed-like-prequels-Ben-in-latest-Starwars-ish, but featuring them for far longer.)

Anyway, these two now steam off to the location of the corrupt local cops' latest traffic stop incident. Quite literally, in one case, as these herocops are Transformers! One of them (not sure which) is a steam train! (Not sure which one, but I'm sure anyone who saw the original Lethal Beverly South Hard Manimal franchise, back in the eighties, would know... this wasn't a skill picked up from the indians, it was the original promise, or so I am reluably informed.) So train and ?truck? are side-by-side, heading for the bad cops. Explosions so large that there are craters big enough for a (surprisingly undamaged) cop-car to fall into. No obvious casualties (add A-Team to the genre-soup!), though three bodies are found, with the suggestion that corruptcops placed them there.  (It's a family-friendly movie, there's no sign they killed them, just happened to have three awkward bodies laying about and saw the opportunity..?)

Not sure what happened next. I'm not even sure that the Transformer Lethal-Team Hills Cops With Wolves cameoed even more (although the illegally-in-Canada washer-uperers did, somehow) and someone is now getting married to his wife(!) of sixteen years in the lical cathedral. (It seemed like a good time, they've been married already for sixteen years and will be together for thirty-two years in total (??) so this is a good reason to get married (not reconfirm their marriage... marry... idunno!!!) at the half-way point...

The cathedral (for so it is) isn't exactly full, just a few Stepford Citizens dotted around the place, outnumbering the small number of protanist characters and supporting actors allied to the various protagonsts, but still sparse. Now, I know something you (dear reader) knows, and so does anyone else who has watched the dream-film, at the same time, but despite the expected lack of suspense, the director has arranged the camera angles such that, at this point, we are teasingly prevented from seeing something due to the positioning of the bridesmaids/maids-of-honour, and somehow this also causes the  Stepfordians to be uzed versally ignorant, despite their many vantage points from all round the pews... The wife/bride is black! As soon as the camera (of our dream) shows this, then the biggeted townsfolk start ranting and raving in self-righteous indignation...  Such nice (and, like I said, Canadian) people, but quite bigoted over this particular detail.

Then my alarm went, I think, so not sure what followed.  Strange dream/film/whatever.   But I was engrossed when I 'saw' it the first time, at least. Not sure I would go to see it again, or even watch it on bradcast TV, especially. Looked like a cash-in on an old franchise (transforming maveric half-mad spiritual cop with partner finding his vacation interupted by corrupt officialdom and local insularity, but fights to right wrongs and change attitudes - you know, the usual), except with a twist!

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3092 on: May 17, 2016, 06:17:37 am »

I dreamed of some child in space, in a round domed bubble - a white pod with him poking his head out of it. It was mostly hollow but I never saw the inside of it, only this kid poking his head out of it. He seemed cute, but he was falling out of orbit into the Earth below.
I don't see the fate of this kid because when he enters the heat of the atmosphere he pops his head back into the pod and my perspective shifts to some detective. He's wearing a khaki coat and has just arrived in a gorgeous little town, complete with old victorian architecture juxtaposed to more modern post-war replacements, trying to find the villain who possesses numbers he's capable of using to start a nuclear war to end all of man. Whilst in this gorgeous town he sees some things that unnerve him, the way people avoid going outside, the way the sky seems to forbode conflict and how the theatre is showing silent hill. Whilst talking to one of his friends about how freaky this town is, the detective suddenly realizes that there's people watching everywhere. Cameras and guards are dotted all over and behind the pillars and spires of the houses, as he looks even further (using his camera to zoom in, pretending to take pictures of the local landmarks) he even begins to see snipers. Quickly he returns to his hotel room, but that's when he realizes heavily armed guards are approaching the hotel. He quickly departs and tries to scurry down the road but is stopped by a guard pointing a rifle at his face. He shouts 'murderer!' as cries all around the houses chorus a terrible cry, 'MURDERER!' The detective zooms in on the guard's face with his camera, taking a picture, seeing eyes like ice behind their combat lenses - before being struck with some taser of some sort from behind, from someone shouting murderer, collapsing into the pavement.

Landing somewhat dignified with his back to the wall, he was less dignified when the perspective changed to the officer with the rifle. This officer dragged the detective along the ground by the scruff of his neck, going through an area of town where all the people had come out to see the excitement. A few shouted murderer, but this time not without malice, but with the excitement of village gossip and scandalous happening. The officer dragged the detective all the way up to a weasel looking guy (I remember the officer thinking of him as an ugly fucker), wearing an altogether dapper suit. It had a white handkerchief dangling from a top pocket, and a black tie on a fine grey suit - never seen anything so lavish of the sort. The officer greets the rich tycoon and they approach some sort of cosmic limousine, whose stairs descend outwards, allowing the officer to throw the detective on board. The gentleman tells the officer that there's room for him up front and as the officer moves to go to the front, the gentleman locks the doors and prepares for takeoff. The officer feeling incredibly betrayed, whilst the gentleman merely shouted he had no more need of him, as the officer neither had the numbers (and the officer had foolishly assumed the gentleman needed him to pilot the ship), begins opening rear compartments and trying to find a way in. When the cossmic limousine takes off it goes fast, but the rear is dipping because of a certain officer fellow clinging on to dear life and forcing the limousine to overcompensate. Perhaps it would have survived if it hadn't also been flying into a storm the likes of which I had never seen before, tumultuous seas and pillars of lightning striking the waters, water spouts driving fingers of the sea high into the sky. In this tempestuous hurricane of destruction the limousine - the gentleman remarked how funny it is that the officer was trying to gain entry to the cooling tanks, he stopped laughing when the officer disabled the cooling tanks. They plummet down.

Perspective changes again, only now all the people appear to be caricatures made of card. The gentleman's limousine spirals and skips across the ocean violently, unfortunate for him as the ocean was also beginning to calm. The gentleman was torn apart, and though he appeared only to be made of card, to see a man of card be torn to ribbons in the ocean was nonetheless horrifying. The fate of the officer and detective was unknown, as I then saw from the wreckage of the limousine a giant red pod. Floating along like a buoy, was also a white pod - with a kid poking his head out at the sudden commotion. This kid paddled his pod over to the wreck and saw little of use. He did however grab onto the red pod, using it as a flotation device for his white pod, and a toilet. He washed his hands in the ocean but was keeping his own refuse for growing organic life, only in the manner of a child - the yucky pod was born. He drifted along, curiously with the wreckage of the limousine following whatever current he was on, until he bumped into the giant metal leg of some massive sea rig. He grabbed its barnacle encrusted surface, recoiling at the slime coating it, then began looking for a ladder within.

That's where the dream ends


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3093 on: May 18, 2016, 06:30:53 pm »

Here's another odd dream involving my ex I had the other night.

For some reason or another, I'm at an artillery range conducting live-fire testing - meaning I'm blowing stuff up with a really big gun. While I'm doing this, I spot my ex-girlfriend wandering onto the range. So, naturally, I open fire. And yes, in real life I would take potshots at my ex-girlfriend with a 105mm howitzer if I had the opportunity.

I don't think I ever hit her, but it was pretty funny making her run and dodge incoming fire and explosions. Felt much better waking up than after the last one I had involving her.
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I told them I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard.
... Yes, the hugs are for everyone.  No stabbing, though.  Just hugs.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3094 on: May 19, 2016, 03:58:43 pm »

I had a dream that I was in some public building, and there was a woman who was a princess or something and she had received gifts from some guy but the people who are in charge of taking care of her took the stuff away from her, they were also colonizing planets in her name. Later the guy who was giving stuff to her came in and said that those guys gave him a tail and he didn't want it, I inform him that I can remove his tail. I grab onto the tail and start doing something, I don't know what I did but the tail began to recede and it disappeared.

Later we seem to be traveling somewhere, I had forgotten a book that I really needed, I tell the people I need to go back but we can't, so I summon the book and look inside, someone sitting near me wanted to look at the book but I don't let her, then I see some information on myself, I'm powerful and over 75 billion years old, upon reading the information about me I begin to regain my power. I laugh an laugh and the people are worried for a moment but they just laugh and continue what they were doing. I go outside and I pick up one of those park table things effortlessly. Then I go and pick up some chairs which I don't even feel the weight of, apparently I'm very evil but at the moment I was having fun just picking up things. I wake up.
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. At least that's what the restraining order says.

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3095 on: May 19, 2016, 05:49:44 pm »

In one of the dreams I for some reason still remember even though I had it years ago, I was running through a maze with something chasing me when suddenly I make a right turn and there is an open field oh yea I also had armor on and a axe. I ran a bit farther and then stopped and suddenly turned back to see what was chasing me, turns out it was a Minotaur or something that looks almost exactly like it, it was also holding an axe and wore some iron shoulder pads with iron spikes on them and a leather rope connecting both of them to his chest.

THEN I ran and jumped up pretty high with my axe raised yelling "AHHHHH" and as soon as my axe almost makes contact I wake up, I also wasnt in my own body but was an extremely muscular guy with a large scar on my back... I'll never know what happens.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3096 on: May 23, 2016, 12:36:13 am »

All I remember in my dream was looking very closely at a Playstation controller.

I was watching a walkthrough for a Playstation game, so that goes to that.

The wierd thing, though, is that I don't own any consoles aside from a Gamecube I haven't used in years.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3097 on: May 26, 2016, 06:49:19 pm »

I was explaining to my father that Shakespeare lived to see the video game adaptation of The Tempest, because Leonardo diCaprio invented the handheld video game console in the early 1600s and Shakespeare made enough money off his plays to buy one. Afterward, a four-person family pulls into our driveway and the father hands my father both our mail and their mail. I turn around for a moment and when I look back the envelopes have turned into conspicuously large cardboard boxes, which, when opened, revealed inconsequential amounts of nuts and bolts.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3098 on: May 27, 2016, 02:55:13 am »

I was explaining to my father that Shakespeare lived to see the video game adaptation of The Tempest, because Leonardo diCaprio invented the handheld video game console in the early 1600s and Shakespeare made enough money off his plays to buy one. Afterward, a four-person family pulls into our driveway and the father hands my father both our mail and their mail. I turn around for a moment and when I look back the envelopes have turned into conspicuously large cardboard boxes, which, when opened, revealed inconsequential amounts of nuts and bolts.
I think your subconsciousness is trying to tell you something.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3099 on: May 27, 2016, 03:38:55 am »

Not a dream experience per se, but from some of the descriptions here it dawned to me that I never have any sound in my dreams. No music, no backgorund noices from scenery or anything and if someone talks, I don't actually hear it, I just sort of telephatically know what they are saying. Is that weird or does someone else have similar experience?

Ibid Straydrink

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3100 on: May 29, 2016, 07:38:30 pm »

I dreamt that I was among several peers, all looking forward to the Afterlife, and discussing their various interpretations and the benefits. Each one seemed to reshape reality according to his or her ideals, and while they all had their luster, they also had their gnawing imperfections, and I was ultimately uncompelled. Thus, when it was my turn to showcase my life's end, I declared that I would not abide by life after death-- and my body was wreathed in holy green fire until nothing but my grinning, skeletal remains were left to mock the undying.
“I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be. Deserves to perish wretchedly; 'Twere better nothing would begin."


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3101 on: May 29, 2016, 08:41:05 pm »

I dreamt that I was among several peers, all looking forward to the Afterlife, and discussing their various interpretations and the benefits. Each one seemed to reshape reality according to his or her ideals, and while they all had their luster, they also had their gnawing imperfections, and I was ultimately uncompelled. Thus, when it was my turn to showcase my life's end, I declared that I would not abide by life after death-- and my body was wreathed in holy green fire until nothing but my grinning, skeletal remains were left to mock the undying.

You're quite the morbid one, aren't you?

Atian the Elephantman God

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3102 on: May 29, 2016, 10:15:14 pm »

In this dream I had a couple of nights ago I was on a ship looked like a pirate ship to me and we were sailing straight into a giant hole in the middle of nowhere where all the ocean water was going. I fall out of the ship and into the hole and wake up on a bed on a random island, no one else was on the island except me and as I was walking around the island I saw a banana tree. I threw a rock at it so some bananas might fall down then I woke up!


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3103 on: May 30, 2016, 12:03:33 am »

I dreamt that I was among several peers, all looking forward to the Afterlife, and discussing their various interpretations and the benefits. Each one seemed to reshape reality according to his or her ideals, and while they all had their luster, they also had their gnawing imperfections, and I was ultimately uncompelled. Thus, when it was my turn to showcase my life's end, I declared that I would not abide by life after death-- and my body was wreathed in holy green fire until nothing but my grinning, skeletal remains were left to mock the undying.
friggin' Jagganoth.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #3104 on: May 30, 2016, 03:44:10 pm »

I started rewatching The Wire recently, which probably ifluenced this one; I was some sort of homeless junkie-type (think Bubbles) and was sitting among few real-life friends, when some random dude came to sell me heroin. Of course I bought it and took some and we continued our chatter. A bit later, the random dude offered to sell me a bit of amphetamines as well, I thought what the hell as I found the laste ten dollar note from my backpack. (Since I'm from Finland, I've never actually held or used a dollars before.) We exchanged our properties and the dude stood up and walked away almost unnaturally quickly. It wasn't until few minutes later, when I thought to check the amphethamines I just aquired and discovered that in the ziplock pack I had bought help a short stem of low-grade weed, with pieces of leaf on it. The dude was long gone. I wondered how fucked you'd have to be to mistake amphethamines for a dinky piece of second-grade weed and then I woke up.
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