I usually dont dream much, still thinking into getting me a dream journal so I can remember those conceptful bastards to write them off as separate stories.
anyways, I dont dream much. really, when I do its either bizarre stuff, scary stuff, or mundane stuff. I mostly go lucid on mundane stuff dreams,
I find it to be the weirdest part of it.
I remember this mundane dream where I was on school, the typical rainy day of winter, but I was completely invisible to others (not that my dream-me knew, I was ignored by mostly everyone) and I suddenly go lucid. The first thing I do? Blink, not the blinking blinky blink you need to do to have eyes,
Teleporting blinks, only for a short distance. I remember blink-jogging to the exit of the school shortly after that and take off flying, the sky was white, I remember as a mixture of rain-cloud white and empty white. My mind decided I explored way too far when I got like halfway trough a street and I woke up.
Then there was this mundane dream where I was at home and had to do something and go lucid again, I used my lucidpowers to go and finish the dreamjective. Bad idea, I lose lucidity and go to a generic water level to find a water god. And I woke up
Then there was this other dream, not mundane, I remember I was fending off a
cat while some x files stuff happened. I follow the x files guys doing their x filey stuff and I am forced into watching cartoon gore from a boat, now, this might not seem bad. But you dont know my dreamphysics, my dream
became the screen the pictures came from, and saw how a chicken exploded like a balloon staining coins with blood as its feathers fell down, all the while psychedelic music accompanied it.
Or this other dream, which features this character... "Her" was the name of it, it supposedly gave me one of those tissue boxes but it had a hole where impressive heat sprung from it, the box soon started to burn and I went to my house bathroom to turn it off, I leave it there shortly after and I inform my brother, I go to my room and
The box is back I
See a light trough the wall (as if it was trough a window) and receive a phone call from "Her". I woke up shortly after.
remember some for lucid, remember others for telling, remember others for how shockingly bizarre/creepy they were. I remember others, but I prefer not to write them down right now.
0. dreams are classified on three types that can be mixed.
Mundane, bizarre, scary, most dreams are mixtures of those.
0b.full-on mundane with tidbits of bizarre can easily trigger a lucid dream event.
1. Do you see it? no? then it no longer exists
1b. oh, but you remember it? well, what a slipup! better change it so it fits this new thing!
2.you see this screen? you are now the screen (possible methods of personal transportation for Project: dreamland?)!
I remember I confirmed a third one, but I dont remember what was it