I just had a rather odd dream which ended with Sheldon Cooper being kidnapped by Catwoman and waking up strapped into this nasty-looking mechanical torture chair on orders of some shady company he'd been investigating...
There was more to the dream than that, though. I think it started off with my mother and I visiting some city/town place, touring around and going to these walking paths. (I don't remember them very well, I think they were run by some family or something? And they were kindof more rural/isolated than the main city?)
We walked along those, and then went to another, older one, which had been designed/run by this nasty old woman who had died, and it was now falling into dangerous disrepair. I pointed out that it was too dangerous, falling apart, but Mum was determined that we checked it out.
For some reason I (think I) ended up going alone, walking along this creaking, rickety boardwalk of unpainted, dead grey wood. There was all sorts of debris scattered around amongst a few scraggly grey gumtrees; dilapidated furniture, shelves and stuff, along with a few abandoned pots of paint and various maintenance tools.
Eventually, as I reached the end of the 'trail'(it was really a boardwalk, sort of ascending as it went along. It's hard to describe but it kindof turned into steps to go up a bit of a hill, and there were higher walkways around it towards the end. The whole thing was surrounded by empty-looking buildings; it had a sort of 'abandoned amusement park' feel), I discovered (or was discovered by?) this crazy old guy in some sort of jumpsuit, carrying a rifle.
Apparently he had been the groundskeeper of the place when it was in working order, and he still lived out there for some reason. I found out, though, that his saner brother also was out there, working on something. That struck me as odd, and I think this was the point where I started to get suspicious of the company running the place.
I don't remember quite what he talked to me about, but he chattered on for a while, I think it came out he was a shell-shocked veteran of something-or-other and told me to tell Mum something. (I don't remember what. I think it was some kinda old-people injoke or somethin', dunno.)
At one point, maybe as I was about to leave, he fired his rifle towards his brother, who had his back to us at some kindof workb-bench. The brother, used to this and knowing he wouldn't aim to hit, simply turned slowly around and gave him a stern look before going back to work.
So eventually I made my way back out of there, leaving the mad old groundskeeper wandering the boardwalk, told Mum whatever the message was and then we went back to exploring the city, me with my suspicions about the place.
Now I can't remember the next bit very well, I'm desperately trying to type this out before the memory fades, but somewhere (maybe near that boardwalk?) there was this old, small motel or similiar, all abandoned-looking and shabby, which was used as the set of this failing sitcom. Naturally, this being a dream it was utterly batshit insane, like some kindof family of anthromorphic mouse people were characters along with some sort of sugar-obsessed person, possibly with superpowers, who created this weird, incredibly sugary and unhealthy drink. Or maybe it was ice cream, hell if I know.
Sheldon Cooper was involved somehow too, but sadly I really don't remember how he came into it. Maybe he had a seperate storyline at first? I vaguely remember him walking along beside a busy road with some people and freaking out when cars passed too close to him. Or maybe I was just watching Big Bang Theory at some point during the dream.
But the point is, eventually for some reason he started sharing my suspicions about this company who ran the boardwalks and that sitcom, they were definitely up to
Damnit, I really can't remember much more. I believe Catwoman used the dubious, volatile sugar-drink from the show to drug him* as she kidnapped him, and then once he woke up trapped in the chair she was talking, being incredibly suggestive, cooing at him and I think she told him it was a bad idea to meddle with [EVIL COMPANY]. As she teased him, Sheldon naturally had absolutely no grasp of what was going on, and asked to be untied because his "hands are sore,".
That was about where I woke up, with Catwoman rather bemused at this strange guy she was supposed to be torturing and killing, and Sheldon righteously indignant. I'm still not sure just what [EVIL COMPANY] had in-store for me. Unless maybe I was Sheldon at that point in the dream? That seems doubtful, since I can remember watching the scene with amusement. Oh well, I barely remember it now.
Still, it was an entertaining dream.
Edit: *I just remembered, she actually used some other, more 'normal' substance to drug him, and then told him when he woke up how he was lucky she hadn't used the sugary stuff. Apparently it was fairly lethal or something, I dunno.