I too had a ridiculous dream.
We got some new, elderly neighbors up here, and I had to explain to them how to get a well drilled. "Go call this guy and pay him." Suddenly once they got a well drilled they installed artificial streams and pools everywhere, pipes that fed water into these but also played cute little musical notes. It was honestly quite beautiful.
But then me and me mum walked back over to our side, and at first it seemed like more of the same, and then it turned into a military base. Nobody around until exactly 9:30 am. Suddenly it was bustling with activity, and there was a guest theatre we went to see a show. It turned out to be something about environmental protection and narrated by a guy sitting in a chair off to the side. At the conclusion of his propaganda, he gave us all bottles full of paint and told us he wanted, for the glory of mother nature, to have neon green carpets, dark green ceilings, and yellow-green walls in this theatre room. So everybody started spraying multicolored paint all over the place while I tried to figure out the color adjustment menu on my paint can. It was like the custom colors pallette in mspaint, but I could get it to apply the color I wanted. Eventually we just left and learned that at the end of the shift, at 9pm, the base personnel all got onto a single large flying saucer thing and flew home. Apparently the staff came from all over the country. They refused to give us a ride because we lived here and flying back would be inefficient, and I was sad. ;-;
I also had some dream about starmade, in which I spawned on a planet that was, well, squished into something resembling a moldy fish carcass rather than a sphere, and built a great obelisk on it with a logic powered transit system. I recall immediately before that a dream about driving like an utter maniac but not much else.