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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 567343 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1185 on: November 07, 2013, 12:35:16 pm »

Had a dream last night. I'm at an island resort of some sort. I'm looking for "Satan's Cup", which is basically the opposite of the holy grail. So, I'm going through this maze-type complex carved into the side of a mountain, but still well lit from natural light. It has some minor traps, but nothing too serious. I set up a a small doll (brownish-gray with black button eyes and a sewn frowny face) next to a sign I also put up. I forget what the sign said exactly, but it was somewhere along the lines of "It is safe here". Eventually, I come out the other side of the maze, into the middle of a large stone colosseum fulled with people. Then, I spot it! Embedded in the wall is a wooden box with a simple latch to keep it closed. Next to the box is a creepy skull. The skull is small (maybe about newborn human size), with soem crystals hanging off the underside and just having a generally dreadful vibe. In the box was the cup. It was made of craggy obsidian (it should not have looked like that), about 6 inches tall and about twice as wide at the top as the bottom. It was otherwise unornamented. Then, a booming voice spoke, though I forget exactly what was said. The area starts to get hot very quickly. I move slowly towards the exit. Then, magma begins pouring from cracks in the stone everywhere! I knew it had to be Satan's magma pipe! I never suspected it would activate. I assume most of the people died. I rushed back through the maze, magma gushing from the walls, floor, and ceiling all the way. Then I arrive at the doll room, again. I wonder why would this place be untouched. Then I realize the sign has changed to say "I told you it was safe here". The magma begins to collect outside the protective bubble, but doesn't come in. Now that I've had a few seconds to think, I could find a safer way out. I emerge into a building of some sort. I realize that the magma seems to obey signs, because it only went right down the one-way hallway. Using this knowledge, I manage to escape to the outskirts of the island. Then Jesus comes down to save the day, but can't decide how to kill Satan, so he asks my opinion. Then he starts explaining how the whole Heaven-Hell system works, and it was fascinating.

Then I woke up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1186 on: November 12, 2013, 01:25:09 pm »

Dream: Walking into work, notice that the place is being held up before I get through the second set of doors. Take my coat off, charge through the doors while throwing my coat into the robber's face. Steal the slide from his pistol and dump his cartridge in one smooth motion (ala Big Boss from mgs3). Smirk when he tries to shoot me, and introduce him to Muay Thai. One knee to the face later, I remind my boss that I was off the clock, and she should not fire me. Fin.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting

Nirur Torir

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1187 on: November 13, 2013, 06:34:57 pm »

I've been making a token effort at making dreams lucid for a while. It briefly worked last night, when I wondered where my pants were while in my bathroom, of all things, but then the dream ended a few seconds later.

LATER THAT NIGHT, I was trying to kill two people for some unknown reason. They laughed at my inability to hurt them with a knife or repeated pistol shots to the head. Clearly, the only thing for it was to use Dream Power: Disintegrating Touch. I thought nothing of using what I had mentally labeled as a dream power, and the dream continued unlucidly.

Mental stability.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1188 on: November 15, 2013, 05:59:19 am »

Had a dream last night.  As per usual a lot of the details are lost to me now, but when I woke up at 5:30 after having had the dream I made as conscious an effort as I could to remember as much of it as possible.

Like many dreams, it played out a bit like a game.  I was a small child, near a public swimming pool in a neighborhood that had plenty of other small children in it just milling around.  I got control of a school bus-type-thing, and all the other children started following me around and interacting with the world that I was driving past.  There were a couple other kids who were my friends who were riding with me, I recall two girls and a boy.

As they followed, the other children started to grow older (as did we).  The boys built little cars to tool around in, the girls grouped together on wagon/bus things, and a few assorted kids made little airplanes that they'd run around with while making zooming and wooshing noises.

As the ride continued, the level of technology increased.  The children grew older, the kids started developing actually self-propelled vehicles, and the world around us started to change as well, mimicking their technological advancements.

Then, something happened...  Some time around the early/mid teens, the one girl who'd been riding with me in the bus started voicing her dissatisfaction with what we were doing.  Started arguing continually with the rest of us.  Saying we weren't paying enough attention to the kids or something (I really do regret having lost as much of this dream as I have).

There was a split.  She took off, and a number of the kids followed her to pursue her agenda.  We just kept on going, the number of kids/teens following us steadily growing and our influence spreading to the world around.  I distinctly remember one point when we were at a castle in Germany, and the kids had finally perfected the technology of flight.  I took a spin in the plane they'd put together, and life was pretty sweet.

Things started getting dark after that.  The other girl showed up again with her own following.  Arguments broke out.  Our followers (who were at this point adults) starting turning their technological advancement towards war.  Weapons started appearing, the vehicles they'd been building and upgrading were re-purposed for combat.  Full-out war broke out.

It continued like this for a while, with both our forces putting everything they had into it and with severe casualties on both sides.  The "kids" were out of our control.  It just kept going, a long era of fear and death, until our little friend group from the bus decided that it had to end.

We started researching, and apparently (grr, details) figured out a way of doing it.  We somehow managed to get hold of the rebel girl, and the four of us drove the bus back to the old neighborhood.  Our forces were driving along in jeeps and humvees, crashing into and firing wildly at the rebel forces that were following the girl in their own cars.

Eventually, we made it back to the neighborhood, and got everyone out of their vehicles.  We were back at the old swimming pool.  Everyone jumped in (it was more of a wading pool, really).

Once they jumped into the water, things changed.  The weapons, armor, equipment and everything disappeared.  Everyone changed back into young kids and started playing with each other in the water.

Everyone, that is, except for us.  The 4 who had ridden in the bus.  We were still adults, and the kids acted like we weren't even there.  Furthermore, only the ones who had jumped into the pool were changed, there was still a war raging out there in the distance.  We just looked at each other, and there's a blank spot where I don't remember what happened.  The dream doesn't quite end there though.

Next I was in some place in Africa, fighting against some warlord and his troops with my own followers from that region (the only significant visible difference between the two forces was the color of the uniforms).  The fighting had moved into a warehouse.

Now it was playing out a bit more like a third person shooter, rather than an RTS, and I started helping out to take down the enemy.  There were environmental hazards like the usual explosives littered around, and there were also these plastic jerrycans of gas sitting about (this appeared to be more of a garage area, with numbers of vehicles scattered around) with lighters attached.

Everything was fire.  Using the cans, I could either spray fire on close-range opponents or throw what amounted to a super-powered molotov at clusters of them farther away.  The enemy withered under the onslaught, and we were victorious.

But then my fellows started rounding up the survivors, the ones who had surrendered or been overwhelmed.  Started using them as target practice, beating them up, burning their skin with the fuel cans.  Worst of all was a large group that had assembled outside an incinerator, and was scaring, prodding, tricking or outright throwing the enemy survivors inside before shutting the door and killing them.  The only thing louder than the screams was the laughter of the troops I'd been fighting alongside.

As an avid gamer and film viewer, I've seen a lot of pretty horrifying shit.  But this hit me.  This hit me hard.  I couldn't stand to look at it, and just had to start walking away, out of the warehouse.  While passing by a friend I reached out an arm and said "Don't go there, man".

One thing is how sickened I was at the pain and torment and the insanity of what they were doing to these people.  Another thing is how guilty I felt.

I had driven the bus, I had brought them through the stages of growth and technology, I was the reason that they were here at all, or that any of this technology existed that they were killing and torturing each other with.  They were ignorant of their history and how these people they were gunning down had been their childhood playmates at some point in the long-distant past.  It was because of what we had done, in our ignorant and carefree way, that this was happening.

Walking out of the warehouse and being weighed down with the realization of guilt and the screams of those being burned within, the dream ended.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1189 on: November 15, 2013, 06:38:12 am »

Wow... That is a rather impressively violent dream.

Last night I had a weird dream. I can't remember the rest of the dream as clearly, but I remember the point I woke up. I was looking for some lunch meat in my fridge. In the bottom drawer, I found a bunch of roast beef just laying on the  bottom of the drawer. I began to leaf through the meat to make sure it was good, and I began to see small bunches of black dots on it. Then, bugs of some sort began to crawl out. They looked like the flattened pillbug like things you can find in water, but they were about the size of a quarter and had obvious mandibles. Pretty soon, I saw them hiding everywhere. When I woke up, anything I felt that wasn't immediately obvious as to what it was made me shiver and recoil.
I have not posted in almost a year
But now in iambic verse I am here


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1190 on: November 16, 2013, 09:24:53 am »

Today's dream involved an encounter with this thing:

... the dream ended before anything insofar as closure occurred, but... it wasn't going well for everything except the island. It's also capable of floating rather quickly!
Ask not!
What your country can hump for you.
What you can hump for your country.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1191 on: November 16, 2013, 11:19:04 pm »

Had a dream where i was a soldier in some sort of special forces squad.

The first part of the dream was pretty simple, we went on various missions like any squad and came back to base for a rest when we were done.

Then we went on a mission in i believe China in some type of oil field. It started off pretty generic, we were killing the bad guys (whoever they were) and moving into the building. Then we came into a room that had a woman with long hair covering her face sort of like FEAR or a large number of horror movies. I got a bad feeling from her, and when i say a bad feeling i mean i immediately took off yelling "Run! RUN!" back at my squad. One guy yelled back "hey what the hell are you-" before being interrupted by some rather messy sounding noises.

I didn't bother looking back, i just kept running at full speed. I saw her again later out of the corner of my eye and dodged to the side before continuing my sprint to get the hell out of there while looking back and yelling at the top of my lungs at her "I'm not stopping until I'm back in the U.S, BITCH!" Looking back i don't actually know where i was going to run to, but hey, anywhere was better than there.

I eventually made it into some kind of courtyard looking place where enemy soldiers were waiting for me. I had to for the first time in a while stop and shoot them before continuing on. I looked to my left as i ran through the courtyard and saw her again. I then noticed that there seemed to be some sort of distortion wherever she appeared and decided it would be best to stay away from those distortions.

It was now starting to get very bad every corner i turned she was there and if she wasn't there these hostile soldiers were. I at one point slid over a low wall kicked a guy in the face then did some sort of flying kick into the face of another soldier before looking back and saying something about that being awesome. I reached a guy who was dead and standing there frozen, i don't know what his deal was but i think at this point my sanity was slipping. I then had to slow down because I'm pretty sure i was running at full speed for at least 2 miles by this time. The oil field wasn't this big before and something was blatantly wrong but my squad of highly trained soldiers got brutally murdered by a woman with long hair, so i didn't question it.

I walked into another building and came to a long hallway so i started slowly walking through the hallway singing Season in the Abyss to keep myself with some semblance of sanity until i got to the door. I got to the door without incident and walked into the next room where there was a railing, which i walked over to and looked down from. There was nothing but blackness below it, it didn't look natural, but once again things were screwed up. I turned around to leave and came face to face with her, this time i had nowhere to run and she was right in my face. I remember she was rather tall, I'm 6,1 and she was as tall as or taller than me. Seeing her i did what any normal person would do: muttered "shit" and took a step back. Right over the railing. With a scream of "SHIIIIIIT" i fell into the blackness and then woke up.

I don't think that fall over the railing killed me, but i guess I'll never know. Better than whatever she had in store for me at least.
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1192 on: November 17, 2013, 12:56:52 am »

Had a dream I gave a long love confession to this woman I've been infatuated with for quite some time.
First part of the dream is me pacing around, thinking about what I'm going to say. Then I suddenly blurt out how I feel  outloud. Turns out she was standing right behind me.
"Oh [REDACTED] that's just what I've been waiting to hear, I'm so happy."
End dream
Would you rather be an Ant in Heaven or a Man in Hell?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1193 on: November 17, 2013, 04:10:33 pm »

Today's dream was death by internal bleeding, and being found by my daughter.

Woke up at 6:45. Could not get back to sleep.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting

Grey Goo

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1194 on: November 22, 2013, 05:00:30 pm »

And today I got rare kind of dream. No, not wet dream. I would not tell about them to you. It was piece of story...

It begin as I was seeing images about Solid Snake and how soldiers can cut peoples throat. Only to moment after realize someone wanted cut my throat and fight occured. This other guy got military knife, I got... chopstick.

It was draw and ours weapons were locked, until I noticed two other things. First my leather gloves, secondary just right angle to take that guys knife, snatch him by hand and lock-up his own knife on him throat. At this point I noticed there was strange tattoo on his face and become one conclusion. This belonged to some organization.

First thing was asking from this guy "Hey, by the way how I can join to your organization?". This was more like out of not wanting fight against those guys. He just said I should kill him already. Idea wasn't for my liking. However I pressed his knife against throat little harder and repeated that I said. He remained now silent. I said I am going count to five.

And I begin to count while pressing knife harder...

Guy remained silent and around three his throat got nasty slice. I just asked "Oh, my. Did I slice too deep? Four..." and after five I just sliced guys throat. It was if he wanted die, fine. He will die and I walked away.

Later on I meet some friendlier folk and tell to them that just happened. Knowing that it will be considered as for self-defence, I wasn't worried being imprisoned or anything. Also noticed my gloves got some blood on the, but because they were expensive just thinking wash them later.

Also I noticed one thing as I checked my own face from reflection. I got same mark, just imcomplete one or so I was thinking about. My coat however hit due to having high dollar.

As I asked why someone would send assassin after me, it was because one of my girlfriend was in clan targeted by those assassins. "Who? I got like twenty girlfriends." She was one of asian ones and I was like "Oh, she...". Because her parents were rich, they hired some armed bodyguards for me.

Later I was shopping in tool shop or perhaps just going some workshop. Either way while on a open, I become extremy restless. My bobyguards were perplexed by behaviour and then I realized. There was sniper somewhere. I moved fast away from opening into cover as my bodyguards begin to fire that sniper, only soon to realize "Damn, there is two after me!". I hit on a ground and begin to planning how to get to my bodyguards who were covered by those cars.

I wasn't alone. There someone else and I got idea. I asked give some clothes so that I can trick other sniper for a little. This one gived to me vest, blue one to be exact. Little too small and I was wearing it also wrong way. However it was different colour than my other clothes so it worked. Running from my cover towards my bodyguards I survived. At this point sniper just left.

However as situation cleared, other assassins wasn't amused that someone helped me. Little later I and my bodyguards found my helper dead. There was someone kneeled, probably mother or something. Few details was noticed by me. For example I was wondering why I am not seeing bullet hole, until someone notified there was foam coming from mouth. Poison.

And I was very angry. Punched near flat-panel, hoping to punch hole into it. No hole, but at that I sweared that those assassins are going to die...

I wake up, knowing that by that I mean "They are going die screaming like little piglets!" and realized... "Damn, another story dream! Why it must be always stories I can't write or draw at all!"... Duh...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1195 on: November 22, 2013, 07:27:54 pm »

Bay Gear Solid 12: Goo Eater

Anyway, I'm here because I can't LD anymore. I always used to Wake Induced Lucid Dream, but the other day I lie awake, on my back, meditating for some 3 hours with no results before I gave up.

Someone who knows more about this than I, help?

Mr Space Cat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1196 on: November 22, 2013, 08:02:48 pm »

Anyway, I'm here because I can't LD anymore. I always used to Wake Induced Lucid Dream, but the other day I lie awake, on my back, meditating for some 3 hours with no results before I gave up.

Someone who knows more about this than I, help?
Meditate harder? Try meditating to some music or ambiance?

Other options include binaural beats, isochronic tones, white/brown/pink noise, instrumental post rock albums, or anything made by a band with Maynard James Keenan in it.

I admit I'm inexperienced with lucid dreaming or Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming but I have dabbled in meditation and meditation with the goal of vividly imagining whatever in my head. Music/noise could help. Depends on the person, really, but personally the background noise can help me get into a meditative state, and can also help me come up with some neat mental imagery. Even better when my imagination runs with it and the scenes occasionally sync with the music.

Somewhat related, but I wish I had the time and/or focus to just meditate for three straight hours.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1197 on: November 22, 2013, 09:16:38 pm »

Ever dream of unknown locations, and have them feel familiar, and then the rules of that dream world just bends suddenly? I don't understand or fully recall what I was doing in a college at that time, or why I was half my age either, or even remember why I was doing what I was doing. I was running all across campus for something, or finding someone, running from hall to hall; and once I got the the open park areas, my mind went "fuck it" and I now have the ability to run and leap really far and fast. I mean, the feeling of that being decided was as if a higher power controlling me decided to use cheat codes to get me around more effortlessly. Suddenly running quicker and jumping higher (about as high as a tall arching bridge; even jumping in a similar arc) was a bit disorienting; but sometimes, I wish I had that ability IRL. It would come handy, or at least, be something fun to do for awhile. Would help with surfing, getting out deep.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1198 on: November 22, 2013, 09:37:31 pm »

Ah nightmares, my old compadre. How I haven't missed you.  ???

Grey Goo

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1199 on: November 22, 2013, 10:29:02 pm »


I think they were more like ninjas...

Oh, and for lucids. Try talk in your dreams more. Not remember what kind of but right kind of talking for me often makes me realize I am in dream. Through dream may still boring, even if am lucky enough to have pretty women around...


Unknow locations, sometimes. Through all them are kind of earthly locations or probably somewhere familiar to earth. Winter often, sometimes world after the end of humanity. Too many to remember, but one thing is sure. I very rarely get into space and other planets or sun. Latter one sounds fun to visit...
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