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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 567412 times)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1110 on: August 18, 2013, 08:52:54 pm »

I had a dream where i was some sort of mercenary/gunslinger in training.

I started off getting my first gun, it was a .38 revolver i remember. At this point i just wander around a bit before i find some cattle rustlers (at this part of the dream it was sort of like the wild west) threatening a guy at gunpoint until they see me. I then dive into some sort of shed and start slowly and shakily loading my revolver because i am apparently a very shitty gunslinger. I can see outside somehow and one of them shoots the guy they were threatening and start coming my way, but then the sheriff shows up and starts shooting at them, forcing them to run. Then there was a scene change and it was suddenly modern day and i was going out to the car because i actually have a mission. Then a few guys who live next door start talking to me (even though i have a rifle and a pistol) and i decide screw it I'm going to the convenience store with these guys. They all jump in the car and we drive to the store at which point i wake up.

If this dream taught me anything it's that I'm a terrible gunslinger and a terrible mercenary. Not only do i not keep my pistol loaded at all times but i got distracted from my mission by 3 guys I've never even met.
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1111 on: August 23, 2013, 03:23:06 pm »

I had a dream last night that I was some kind of serial killer who target politicians. My Modus Operandi was choking people to death while hanging them out of the balcony, then kicking their lifeless corpse down.

Murdering this guy was really epic. He had like an army of genetically modified guards or something.

He had a fucking centaur as a Head of Security.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1112 on: August 25, 2013, 01:01:29 pm »

Two dreams last night. In the first, I was playing Guild Wars 2. They had enabled character rebirths, this crappy feature from Korean MMOs where you restart the MMO with some slight bonuses. I was excited about it in the dream, though.

I restarted one of my characters and apparently skipped all the appearance modification steps, resetting him to the default. I spent the rest of the dream debating whether I should delete him out of anger, spend money on the item that lets me change his appearance, or just power him to max level and restart him again.

Pretty boring. The next one wasn't quite so bad.

It was night and I was outside a big mansion in the woods. It wasn't haunted or creepy or anything, just a rich dude's house in the woods. It was also guarded by trained hyenas.

At the beginning of the dream I was trying to sneak into the mansion. The hyenas were mostly asleep, so I got past them pretty easily. Eventually I neared the entrance, which was on the opposite side of the building from where I started. But there were hyenas all over the stairs and I gave up, realizing there was no way to get past them.

I jogged towards the woods, but I woke up one of the hyenas I passed. It started chasing me and I threw something at it (I think it was a sock) to try to distract it. It ignored the sock and jumped at me, so I started wrestling it. The last thing I remember from the dream was holding its head and trying to force its jaws away from my face.

Also, I totally remember the location from a previous dream I had. I remember walking on a trail through the woods with some friends for a while before I got there - there were a lot of other people walking too; it was like some event or something. I think it was a restaurant in that dream instead of a mansion. Then I was a server in the restaurant and I fucked up some stuff.

Hey, I think that's the most detail I've ever gotten out of my dream deja vu.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1113 on: August 25, 2013, 05:18:47 pm »

Had a slightly(very) odd dream, first I was at a friend's house, and there was a guy who everyone insisted was very nice. He just acted like an asshole, though. He convinced everyone else to take a walk with him, and I begrudgingly followed because there was nothing else to do. Pretty soon, we're walking along a very steep hill, almost a cliff, a hundred feet high, with a river surrounded in trees at the bottom. Somehow, everyone but me is suddenly at the bottom of the cliff. They start walking along the river, and I follow from the top of the slope. Pretty soon they come across a policeman patrolling the river, and are promptly arrested. I do nothing but slowly walk away, while grumbling to myself about what a jackass that guy was, and what could they possibly expect would happen? I thought that it was pretty clear that if that guy was doing it and I'm not, it's most likely a felony. Meanwhile, I seem to have stumbled across my school. All the sudden, I remember that I need to sneak in for some reason. I climb through an open window, and walk into a room. In the room is what appears to be a huge, grotesquely muscled, mutated Mickey Mouse. Hurrah for unintentional alliteration. It sees me and immediately begins charging me. I start running, but it is ever so slightly faster than me. The creature begins to chase me through the school, which all of a sudden seems much larger than it actually is. Eventually, I run into a classroom with it right behind me, and then I quickly run in a circle around a chair. It begins to run into the chair "video game style," where it is essentially running in place due to the chair being in the way. I realize that its AI is having problems pathfinding, and I get a large headstart on it. After about ten seconds, I somehow realize that it has gotten past the chair. It's too late for Mickey, however, ad I escape the school and then wake up.
I have not posted in almost a year
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1114 on: August 26, 2013, 08:50:06 am »

Had a dream that emulated Threes Company style wackiness almost to a tee:

The dream is almost like a genderbended Twilight, where the hot vampire girl is after the guy, me in this scenario. but I'm not a highschool boy, I'm a twenty-something man working as a forklift operator in a warehouse, and the vampire girl likes me because she thinks I'm some famous circus performer for some reason, and I'm pretty sure she'll tear my head off on the spot if she finds out I'm just a regular joe. And her vampire family hates my guts cause they think I'll run off with her to exploit in my circus troupe.

So the entirety of the dream revolves around me having to maintain my 9 to 5 job in secrecy, learn and practice circus stuff to create a believable lie, and winning over the heart of the hot vampire girl all the while keeping up the lie and not getting killed by her, her family, or getting caught in the crossfire of her bizarre inter-family feuds.

The dream ended when the Vampire Girl's sister flew me up and left me on a high ledge on the side of her mansion, and the Vampire Girl found me and I was making up a lie that went along the lines of "Oh I'm just practicing for my next daring act!"
« Last Edit: August 26, 2013, 08:51:37 am by JoshuaFH »

Mr Space Cat

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1115 on: September 08, 2013, 08:58:06 am »

Dreamed I was in a fantasy dungeon-crawling roguelike. I was some kind of warrior-mage or spell-sword or paladin. I was down in the evil forest part of the dungeon, with swarms of undead spiders and webs that would slow you down as you ran into them, and these webs were everywhere. Still, I was doing good by blasting undead with my spells. No biggie.

Then I ran into a unique. She was some human warrior with a club --an aluminum bat--  and evil magic. Also wearing tight blue jeans and a hoodie, in a fantasy setting. Dream logic. Anyway, my spells didn't do anything to her.

So there I was running for my life in heavy armor through a forest full of thick webs, getting chased by a mad-woman with a baseball bat and a growing horde of ravenous undead spiders. It. Was. Terrifying.

Ultimately I got chased into a dead end corner and was curled up in the fetal position like the heroic paladin war-mage I am when Aluminum-Bat-Lady caught up and clubbed my face in.

Interesting bit about that dream was that perspective kept switching between in-character first-person view where everything seems real and an omniscient break-the-fourth-wall ASCii gui. Still made sense in my head though. Didn't make the chase scene any less horrifying.
Made a new account that I use instead of this one. Don't message this one, I'm probably not gonna use it.

New account: Spehss _


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1116 on: September 08, 2013, 09:14:55 am »

My god. I just realised I put my characters through that on a regular basis. I'm a monster....
My dreams are not unlike yours - they long for the safety, and break like a glass chandelier.
But there's laughter and oh there is love, just past the edge of our fears.
And there's chaos when push comes to shove, but it's music to my ears.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1117 on: September 08, 2013, 09:16:35 pm »

Just woke up from a somewhat interesting dream.

It was some sort of early medieval fantasy setting, and it began with a disastrous attempt to slay some powerful monster that had no doubt been doing all manner of wicked things. I can't remember quite what sort of monster it was, but it was certainly tougher than your average beasty in this setting- in which there were plenty of 'em around causing trouble.

Anyway, the (remembered part of it, anyway) dream began with the protagonist hanging from the side of a cliff, moderately wounded, weakened, and stuck.
He was some strong, brave young tribesman, but he had failed miserably at fighting the creature. I think he'd had/been part of some sort of group in this endeavour, but if so they were presumably dead.

What I remember of the dream was a long, arduous scene of him, stuck on that cliff, bleeding from at least one large gash, too weak to climb it easily as he tried to escape back to his village. Eventually he made it, but it was a painful, gruelling process which cost him all of his strength.
After that he sort of sank into depression, all his muscles wasting away as the dream entered a long period of moping around. Can't remember exactly what he got up to, but getting revenge on that monster was never very far from his mind. I think he focused his energy more on peaceful pursuits, mainly brewing various types of traditional booze out of herbs he gathered.

Eventually though after a long period of peacefulness, the dream got its arse in gear, someone slapped some sense into the main character, who built himself back up in a brutal training regime. He got a well-trained group together, equipping everyone with good gear from the not-inconsiderable wealth he'd gained by making booze or whatever (some of the others probably contributed), and they went off to fight the monster. And a whole bunch of other things.

The next part I really remember is quite a bit later, after he'd slain his enemy and retired into quite a lot of wealth, near as I could tell. He had a good, well-to-do house in or near some decent-sized settlement, and while I don't remember him falling in love or any sappy bullshit like that, he acquired a family anyhow.
I guess they were blood relatives of some sort- I remember there was a young man (Main Character wasn't quite as young himself at this point) and this batty old woman who would keep the house (and their row of anachronistic, high-tech refrigerators) well-stocked with her own recipe of beer, whilst offering cliché wise-old-person-advice.
Oh and she was usually drunk.

This went on for a while, this peaceful life, with M.C. having learnt from his earlier mistakes and finding time to exercise and keep up his physical fitness, despite not having anything to fight at present. Things were prosperous and pretty good, the only discord I remember was the old lady (let's call her Gran) nagging M.C. about the helmet of one of his companions, a close friend/relative who had gone missing, presumably dead, during the battle against the Monster. He kept it hanging on the wall of their house, in case the man returned, which she thought was total silliness.
He responded by daring Gran to take it down if she wished, and she considered it- but she grinned, superstition getting the better of her practicality as she figured the man's ghost could have been watching it, after all. The thing was inscribed with some sort of runes, so who knew what they were all about.

Aaaanyway, dream ended with a fellow from the nearest town (I think M.C's house was a bit of a distance from it, not too far) coming to the house and inviting M.C. out to walk/talk with him for some reason or other. M.C. went, but was wary of the man since the other guy of the household had had a recent disagreement with him, which had ended up in the setting's equivalent of a trial, which the youngster neglected to attend since he was confident he wouldn't be convicted anyway.

He was right, but when M.C. realised this guy was armed he suspected he was trying to lure M.C. off to exact revenge. He said so, and the guy laughed off the idea, saying he would never be so petty. The dream starts to fade there, but it turned he was gathering a bunch of likely souls together for some sort of epic adventure, and M.C.'s presumed-dead friend was in on it.

I rambled there, apologies, I was half asleep and just wanted to write something out before I forgot it. :-\
It was mainly interesting because I remembered so much of it, and the setting was rather cool, too. Sort of Viking-inspired, but there was a lot of Dragon's Dogma in there as well. I guess that has something to do with the Viking-themed novel I read recently, and how much I've been playing Dragon's Dogma. :P It was a pretty cool dream all-in-all, wish I could remember the actual battles, and just what kind of monster the Big Bad actually was.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1118 on: September 10, 2013, 05:22:34 am »

I'm sorry to doublepost, but I want to keep two separate sleeps' worth of dreams separate.

I just slept a few hours during the day and had a long stream of odd dreams, one after the other. I don't remember them all that well.

The first one I can remember (almost certainly not the first one I had) was some sort of flashback- I'm not sure if it was a story dream-me read, or a story my mother told me, or what. But it was freaking creepy.
A group of people, for some reason or other, were making a trek into some mysterious land in some forgotten part of Australia, hidden in dense jungle/forest where the flora still looked recognizably Australian... but strange. Somehow fiercer looking.

I can't remember who this group was or just why they were going through this place where few humans had gone before (I think a ship might have washed up, or something? Actually no, I think they had a specific goal to their explorations) but at various points of the dream it included members of my family, as well as Rick and Carl Grimes for at least a moment.

One character who I can actually remember was some crazy old guy my mother had known, a family friend.
He lived as a recluse somewhere near the entrance to this secret place, near a beach, and would obsessively watch the ocean for any ships coming in. He was the group's guide, I believe- maybe entering this place before was why he was so messed up in the head.

The place itself, some sort of unexplored wilderness, I think in a canyon, was populated by two types of strange, mysterious sentient beings. The first were vaguely humanoid but had various oddities about them- I think they had some sort of spines/spikes- and were generally regarded as quite unhinged and scary by the humans.
The other species, which lived in tandem with the first lot, was rather horrifying to look at. They were like oversized spiders in shape, grown to almost human size, but they were definitely mammals. Elephants, actually. For some reason I remember that.
They were still vaguely 'sentient', but not very intelligent at all and their violent nature was seemingly held in check by the other beings as we made our way on this long, harsh journey- quite at their mercy.

I believe the goal of the trip had something to do with the beings these creatures worshipped, both species of them.
I can't remember exactly what they looked like, but they were some kind of gigantic, horrifying gorilla things which lived in the deepest forest and ruled over both races in the valley.

Meh, the dream's fading in my memory now. I can barely remember anything- something about a few people making a trip back down to the shore, finding some mysterious messages that had been sent to them since the group had entered and warning them just how screwed they were. Also the crazy guy was hit by a thrown spear/arrow.

Next dream, then!

After that the next bit of dream I remember was me riding in a car. (Can't remember who was driving, might have been my mother.)
We were going along a big road through some large, quite open area- seemed like a lot of vacant grassy lots.
There were a lot of buildings being constructed there, offices, huge, very strange-looking skyscrapers(?) with a lot of unusual (but still ugly) architecture. Some of them had been finished and occupied already, filled with offices from what I could see.
I was peering in through the windows as we passed, doing my best to see what the people inside were doing, getting an interesting snapshot of their little lives. I mentioned to Mum how much I liked spying on people, just going about their business- and then suddenly I was inside one of the buildings. Somehow.

So I got an inside view of it all as I wandered around, asking for directions to get out of there.
I don't actually remember a whole lot of what was going down in there, just asking some haggard-looking secretary how to get to the ground floor, being directed to an elevator, being my awkward self because there was someone in there already, and eventually coming out in a sort of open-air basement/parking lot.

I wandered out of there- apparently I was in a city, now- and started heading in the general direction of home.
(All of the architecture, sites etc in this part of the dream seem totally unfamiliar now. In my dream I believe it was a city that I lived in and knew quite well.)

I saw a police officer get out of his car as I was passing a park across from the tall building I'd just left (I think it was the same one), he had what looked like a single bike rack painted bright yellow, went over to an illegally-parked bicycle in the park and used it to impound it, locking it in place. (This all made sense to dream-me.)

As he was leaving I encountered the owner of the bike, a little kid coming back from someplace with his friends. They were all very annoyed and angry to discover another of their bikes had been impounded, and worried about what the one boy would tell his parents.
I walked with them a while since they were going the same way I was, I believe I offered to lend them a Spider man-branded bike belonging to my niece. I glanced over them, judged that they were close enough to the right side, and was going to help them- until I was distracted by a little stall selling secondhand videogames in a little laneway.

There were a bunch of Ps1 games for sale and I was rummaging through with interest, and I found something strange- a Ps2 game apparently made by Tarn. The box was very cryptic and confusing, red-themed and covered with overblown pictures of fantasy warriors in dramatic poses, but from what I could gather- dream-me having never heard of it before- it was about forming a party, running up lots of hills and maybe fighting the occasional monster.

Unfortunately it was priced at $120, I had nowhere near enough, and those kids were pestering me to hurry up.
I think I might have woken up right there from the emotional trauma of missing out on it. :P (There could have been more dreaming afterwards, but I've forgotten it all by now. Alas.)

This is what happens when I nap during the day, I guess. :o That first dream was genuinely creepy.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1119 on: September 10, 2013, 05:32:46 pm »

I had a dream that two identical-looking talking cats were watching me get dressed while perched on a shelf in a corner by my bed. Talking cats are a reoccurring theme from my dreams it looks like, whether they are commenting on my physique or talking to me about quantum physics and hallucinogens.
Warning: Subject may be antisocial and may not synchronize well with humans. Approach cordially and with caution or not at all.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1120 on: September 10, 2013, 07:09:45 pm »

So guys, kind of wondering...
What was the best/worst/scariest dreams you've ever had?
I have not posted in almost a year
But now in iambic verse I am here


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1121 on: September 10, 2013, 07:13:27 pm »

So guys, kind of wondering...
What was the best/worst/scariest dreams you've ever had?
I dreamed there was a huge black spider (like a metre or so wide and long) with red eyes calmly perched on the wall above my sleeping body. It wasn't moving or anything, so the whole time I was thinking don't wake up. If you wake up it'll kill you. Then I woke up and rolled off the bed and then under it and hid for a few minutes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1122 on: September 10, 2013, 10:16:39 pm »

So guys, kind of wondering...
What was the best/worst/scariest dreams you've ever had?
I dreamed there was a huge black spider (like a metre or so wide and long) with red eyes calmly perched on the wall above my sleeping body. It wasn't moving or anything, so the whole time I was thinking don't wake up. If you wake up it'll kill you. Then I woke up and rolled off the bed and then under it and hid for a few minutes.
Similarly i had a dream when i was a kid that there were smaller but still massive spiders chasing me in my house.

Edit: My best dream was probably the time i was raised as a zombie by a vampire girl (We hated each other. Definitely. Not lying.) As it turns out life as a vampire's undead servant involves adventuring a lot.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 10:30:21 pm by Steelmagic »
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1123 on: September 10, 2013, 10:29:25 pm »

So guys, kind of wondering...
What was the best/worst/scariest dreams you've ever had?
I dreamed there was a huge black spider (like a metre or so wide and long) with red eyes calmly perched on the wall above my sleeping body. It wasn't moving or anything, so the whole time I was thinking don't wake up. If you wake up it'll kill you. Then I woke up and rolled off the bed and then under it and hid for a few minutes.
Similarly i had a dream when i was a kid that there were smaller but still massive spiders chasing me in my house.
Have you ever seen Eight-Legged Freaks?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #1124 on: September 10, 2013, 10:31:05 pm »

So guys, kind of wondering...
What was the best/worst/scariest dreams you've ever had?
I dreamed there was a huge black spider (like a metre or so wide and long) with red eyes calmly perched on the wall above my sleeping body. It wasn't moving or anything, so the whole time I was thinking don't wake up. If you wake up it'll kill you. Then I woke up and rolled off the bed and then under it and hid for a few minutes.
Similarly i had a dream when i was a kid that there were smaller but still massive spiders chasing me in my house.
Have you ever seen Eight-Legged Freaks?
No I've heard of it though.
When i say "I'm no expert but..." It means "I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about but I'm going to try to sound like i do."
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