Now, i could give them lavish rooms, legendary meals and whatnot, but if i get serious casaualties, it won't help, since the happiness hit is so big. But, if they didn't really care about anything anymore, i guess it would be manageable.
Royal bedrooms are great for this. "Sleeping in a bedroom like a personal palace" is enough to bring normal Dwarves up to ecstatic. Without awesome booze/food.
Just wait till they're ecstatic, then start executing their pets/useless family members until they're either content (don't push into unhappiness) or don't care about anything anymore.
So, what is the best way to trauma train your fort? One that does not include dwarves dying. I can think of two things.
1. Kill all existing pets.
2. Give everyone wardog pets (wardogs can be assigned, just leaving them up for adoption takes away control).
3. Kill all of them.
4. Slaughter remains.
It's better if you do it on an evil biome/with a necromancer. Becoming a zombie removes the pet tag (after a bug that made zombie cats still adopt Dwarves), meaning you can butcher the crap out of them.
2. Pet slaughter. Some sort of elaborate mechanism for killing off pets.
Throw them down a moose pit. The best part about this is you can choose when you want your Dwarves to discover their missing pet is a zombie. Or dead.
(assuming they didn't got them plucked out, obviusly)?
Someone just needs to report the corpse some time later.
where will you get wild puppies? The animal must be wild for it's meat to be usable after non-butchery death.
Tame animals can be butchered, as long as they're not pets. All animals can be butchered if you resurrect the corpse first.
Also thanks to bacon science, this also increases meat/fat yields.