As one experiencing this, i was wondering how you lot found, or particularly are finding this, and compare between what it was like here and there and whence and meant and even now. Grumbling about kids today is much appreciated and falls on sympathetic ears.
I live in England, an country village to be precise, and have a good few friends. Grades wise, i could be doing far better, but thanks to various mishaps and admittedly my own laziness and distractions at times I've ended up with what i got. Thankfully though for my last lot of Gcse exams i did quite well, thanks to no such mishaps and putting my effort into it more, if not at max capacity, and I've gotten into 6th form with more or less the subjects I've wanted, English, History and Geography, though not psychology this year at least thanks to the maths resit I'll be doing, despite the whole apparent grading balls-up here, though how accurate it is remains to be seen.
On the other hand, I'm uncertain as to what i want to do. I know what i want from my job; travel all over, something that interests me, and something that matters. What exactly that is,though i have no idea. I'm worried about not taking science subjects, as some of the things that interest me most need that, but I'm helped by how diverse the applications of the subjects I'm taking are. Before that though, if i want to get somewhere good for university i need to excel at A levels, which as we all know will take quite the fuckload of work. So, here's hoping.
As for friends and people in general... well, I'm glad i live in the UK, especially after 100 pages into the American election thread (yes, i am reading the whole thing, partially because its useful for my history, which is covering America and Russia and the cold war, but mostly because I'm interested, and as has been said, it's Tragic Comedy.) I don't have much for the progressive rage thread, aside from the slang which is all too common among my friend group. I don't mind not politically correct jokes, but i expect a level of finesse which goes beyond "faggot". Asides from that, there's the usual uncaring attitudes to politics (I'll learn when i can vote!), the idealized wealthy, and the like. I really, really hope that fades one day. It's gotten to the point where a good half or more of the music my friends listen too annoys me simply because of the lifestyles of the people who wrote them. Then there's the frustration at the kind of spending my peers and indeed possibly i do in general, which at the moment i can just about personally justify.
Then of course there's dealing with my own mental scar tissue, which I'm starting to get on top off, and am currently being incentivesed towards in case lordbucket turns out to be right and we have telepathy one day.
So... how was, or is, your youth, what do you think about the rest of ours, and what do you think of today's?