Raise 2 army at V-28 (directly above the Kraken [2/51]
Raise 5 armies at each of U-58, CC-36 & CC-27. [17/51]
Raise 10 armies at P-28. [27/51]
Cede P-28 to the dwarves, preventing the human armies from robbing my stockpiles.
13 rob the human mines within reach. [41/51]
11 rob the human forges within reach. [51/51]
Operation Dagger Heard 'Round The World:
Step 1: The armies at U-58 are equiped as follows before moving to T-59:
A. Iron Dagger, Unicorn Herd Gamma
B. Nothing
C. Unicorn Herd Alpha
D. Nothing
E. Unicorn Herd Beta
F. Nothing
G. Nothing, Already at T-59
Step 2: Army A attacks the Dragon (+2). If Army A fails, Army B steals Unicorn Herd Gamma and passes it to Army G. Army C steals the dagger and attacks the Dragon (+2). If Army C fails, Army D steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army G. Army E steals the dagger and attacks the Dragon (+2). If Army E fails, Army F steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army G. If at any point an army is successful, they pass the Crown to Army G. Finally, Army G retreats to U-58 and releases everything into stocks.
Step 3: The armies at CC-36 are equiped as follows before moving to DD-37:
Ansuz. Iron Dagger, Unicorn Herd Gamma
Beorc. Nothing
Cen. Unicorn Herd Alpha
Daeg. Nothing
Eohl. Unicorn Herd Beta
Fehu. Nothing
Gyfu. Nothing, Already at DD-37
Step 4: Army Ansuz attacks the Roc (+2). If Army Ansuz fails, Army Beorc steals Unicorn Herd Gamma and passes it to Army Gygu. Army Cen steals the dagger and attacks the Roc (+2). If Army Cen fails, Army Daeg steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army Gyfu. Army Eohl steals the dagger and attacks the Roc (+2). If Army Eohl fails, Army Fehu steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army Gyfu. If at any point an army is successful, they pass the Eggs to Army Gyfu. Finally, Army Gyfu retreats to U-58 and releases everything into stocks.
Step 5: The armies at CC-27 are equiped as follows before moving to DD-27:
Amigo. Iron Dagger, Unicorn Herd Gamma
Buddy. Nothing
Comrade. Unicorn Herd Alpha
Dude. Nothing
Easymac. Unicorn Herd Beta
Friend. Nothing
Guy. Nothing, Already at DD-27
Step 6: Army Amigo attacks the Ent King (+2). If Army Amigo fails, Army Buddy steals Unicorn Herd Gamma and passes it to Army Guy. Army Comrade steals the dagger and attacks the Ent King (+2). If Army Comrade fails, Army Dude steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army Guy. Army Easymac steals the dagger and attacks the Ent King (+2). If Army Easymac fails, Army Friend steals Unicorn Herd Alpha and passes it to Army Guy. If at any point an army is successful, they pass the Gem to Army Guy. Finally, Army Guy retreats to U-58 and releases everything into stocks.
Step 7: The army formerly at the Tomb of Time moves back into kobold territory, releases the Sword to my stockpiles. One of the armies at V-28 is given the Sword of Time. Give the other army 2 Elf Population, 1 Human Population 10 Coal, 5 Wood, 1 Sulfur & 2 Iron Ore for safekeeping.
On a diplomatic note to the Elves, I'd love if you could get me F-18 so I can get even more theft from the human mines going.
Steps 1-6 should only be done if I actually have the unicorns and weapon to do them. If Ship actually steals them, everyone involved in steps 1-6 hold instead while I get those back.