Sorry for the delay here guys, been really, really busy!
The game works off of a pseudo-random number generator, as you guys suspected. No one will ever get the same playthrough unless they somehow set the seed number to exactly the same thing, which honestly wouldn't be fun. Rest assured that if you do the same set of actions in a second game, the entire game will diverge basically instantly.
We need pseudo random numbers for multiplayer, because otherwise there's not enough bandwidth to send it all across the network. There ARE true random number generators, but most of them are made with hacked smoke detectors. I thought used the Americium from a smoke detector, but maybe they've moved on to weirder sources of noise? Either way, there is no functional difference to the player, and this way we don't have to mail you radioactive substances if you buy the game.
As far as "better or worse", it really boils down to people detecting patterns where they don't exist. True random numbers actually seem "clumpy" to a human brain, so we have to use sophisticated methods to make our not-random numbers more spread out. I think the one we're using right now is a Mersenne twister, which is very common.
Tried to write a blog post today about chairs, but it was awful, so David talked about meat for a while. The newsletter contained a record of a strange twitter conversation, and we're all in need of sleep. Send sleep.