I'll say this now, I'd love their to be a game based around this throughout past and potential ages, but that's not the meat of this post. Firstly, let me say what i mean by first contact. I mean contact between one intelligent species and another, and by this i include all the way from contact between different species of primate, species of the genus homo and fellow animals such as dolphins and elephants, to the usual meaning of that between too different cultures and humans discovering aliens, including simply alien life.
Secondly, I'd like to say that this is about discussing both what has happened, the possibilities of how it could happen, the best and worst case scenarios, and the ramifications to all, in any of those forms. Everything from finally broaching the language barrier with dolphins, to discovering proof of life in some shape and form on mars, to how our early ancestors handled our evolution, to how groups of apes interact with never before seen apes, to how first contact happens today, such as with recently discovered pygmy tribes in Brazil. When talking about intelligent aliens, this should range from far more advanced, to a prehistory technological level, to equally advanced.
Thirdly, postulation is good and interesting, but I'd like to know how it would affect you, and hows it affects you now.
Derails aren't exactly going to be difficult here, and in fact, consider them encouraged, but let's keep them faintly related to the topic, which i trust you shall Bay12
Thank you for your time.