Jack: Be surprised by a random NPC sneaking up on you. Flip your shit and your keyboard.
The Keys are lost. Our Time is up.
Okay, no seriously, this mod is awful. You hear the final boss fight takes place on Imperialist General Crunch's ship. Just who would make something like this? Whatever. With your nice keyboard now a little bit smashed on the floor, you look over towards the other computer. It seems the SUBURB server's already installed! Huh. Must not have been as large as the client. Now you just need someone to connect to...
>ACHIM: Double-click on the game icons
Click click click. You open and close a bunch of blank windows. They say stuff like "TRIPLE ECHELADDER", "GRIST CACHE", and "OBJECT PLACEMENT". Unfortunately, they don't seem to DO anything until you've connected to someone.
You can hear the low roar of BOOTJACK's nefarious purr outside. Luckily, you are safe in here. Oh please be safe in here.
I'm gonna be gone for a while tomorrow, so don't expect any commands from me until about 7:00 P.M. That is, in my time. Not sure about what time it'll be for you guys.
>Andrew: Get Dad's laptop. He never uses it, because he couldn't figure out how to log in.
Good idea! You nab your fatherly figure's UNUSED LAPTOP from the living room and pop a disc in. It tells you "SUBURB Server" has started to install. This may take a little bit.
While you're waiting, you hear the faint "CAW-CAW" of a crow outside. Crows in a deep freeze? Weird. The thing is pretty annoying, though.
>Penny: Thank the maid for cluing you in, and go check the exercise room. Maybe daddy is in there.
Ah yes, the exercise room. Your FATHER relives his old glory in there. However, when you walk in you see the room empty except for a note taped to the back of the door.

Jon: Spend time playing TH11, but keep pesterchum open, I guess.
Aw yea. You spend a solid 15 minutes blowing up LITTLE GIRLS IN FRILLY DRESSES before you lose the game. On EASY MODO. Your FATHER would be ashamed for multiple reasons.
Looks like the server's done installing though. Says it's waiting for connections. Wasn't this a multiplayer-only game or something...?
GM note: you don't have to pester someone through Pesterchum. If they're not online you can carry a conversation out in-thread.