Come on, guys, that's just unadulterated slander. I abhor all forms of deception, and hereby openly admit that I have in fact chosen the fungus for my avatar.
Furthermore, our dominion is so low because we are a pro-choice R'lyeh. We don't force anybody to start dreaming of the Broccoli. No sir.
Our beliefs are not widely advertised, but eventualy reach the interested parties by word-of-mouth. The process is certainly slower, but much less obnoxious than e.g.Midgard's aggressive bilboard-and-booze campaing. Unlike the "receive sacraments and forget" blockbusters of our competitors, our dogma tends to develop devoted following over time, easily achieving cult status among the fans. We aim for the indie scene of the belief systems, you see. Small, arthouse churches. Private sermons, and bootleg copies of the Necronomicon. It's all very low-key and grassroots.
Also, and I admit this with some degree of disillusioned resignation, the foreign faiths tend to be generally better for the economy. Big names with lightning shows and explosions sell much better than existentialist, cerebral Broccoli. Maybe with the exception of that Italian necrophiliac grindfest from Ermor, but that's hardly mainstream.