Oh hey, the game's started!
So for pretenders we've got:
Ermor: Lichinca, Princess of Heavenly Fires, Goddess of Astral Fires, Princess of Clouds, Lady of Flames, Queen of the Crafts
Jomon: Not a Ninja, the God above All, King of Many Names, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory, the Unforgiving King, Patron of Soldiers, the Teacher of Philosophy
Abysia: Global Warming, Goddess of Pain, Goddess of Suffering, the Unforgiving Princess, Seducer of Life, the Raging Princess, the One Always at the Shoulder
Pangaea: Skull Kid, Goddess of Birth, Queen of Untimely Death, the One Always at the Shoulder
Midgård: Man's New Best Friend, Patron of Soldiers, the Stealer of Corpses, Queen of Eloquence
Utgård: Fluffie, God of Primordial Waters, First Born of Gaia, Lord of Fear and Trembling, God of the Forest, the Hidden One
Gath: Booze, Prince of Majesty, the Undeceivable God, Lord of Animals, God of Strength, Lord of Nature
Atlantis: Hummerjuden, Lord of Frost, the Earth Monster, Prince of the Ocean Underneath, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory
R'lyeh: Enchanted Broccoli, the Far Traveler, Lord of Stellar Lights, the Afterthought, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory
Some neat new titles I haven't seen before. I mean, my pretender is obviously the best, but some other ones have their moments, especially Fluffie. But my pretender is the best because it has six titles and the only other pretender with six titles has only generic and boring titles. Incidentally, your number of titles is tied to your dominion score! So me and Jomon have Awe on our pretenders, who are probably awake for early expansion. Anyway, guesses:
Ermor: Lich Queen
Jomon: Wyrm or Manticore
Midgård: Bitch Queen
I won't put much effort into pretender guesses this time, probably.