I'm sort-of back-ish.
We could start the game, but I'm having problems with setting it up on llamaserver. This particular WoW map hasn't been uploaded onto the server. There appears to be only WorldofWarhammerSquirellEdition(which is the actual balancing basis of the redux maps), but it's the dead seas version, which the Starspawns and Atlanteans don't like.
I can't really upload it myself, as my internet connection is really crappy and I can't reliably do much.
I need a volunteer to do it for me.
Whomever ends up uploading the map, should rename the files to contain no spaces(otherwise the sever won't accept them), and include a link to these renamed files in the map description, so that people can use it without wondering what exactly do they need to do to make it work.
Also, I believe(although am not 100% sure), that it doesn't matter which graphical version of the muted map we upload/tell the server to use. The .tga files appear to be just backgroung images for the .map file, so at least in my mind it shouldn't make any difference if some of us use the more muted one, while others use the one more saturated, as long as the .tga files are named the same.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.