Alright, the gig's up! Who picked me in the poll?
Eh, it was probably someone that just saw "Japanese Porn Industry" and said, "Yes Please". I doubt it counts as an actual vote of support.
I didn't, I voted for karlito
Anyway, someone wrote a very in depth and interesting analysis on dom3 regarding gath/hinnom/ashdod.
Thanks, but I already figured out the Giants were the Philistines. The three eras represent the three eras of Philistine power: Philistine Dominance (Himmon), Philistine-Hebrew Civil War (Ashdod), Philistine Subversion (Gath).
The timeline goes: Everything prior to Saul -> Philistine Dominance; Saul and David -> Civil War; The Perversion of Solomon and most future Hebrew Kings -> Philistine Subversion.
Since I'm most familiar with Gath, I'll restrict my further theories on comparing Gath to Israel post-David. The Philistines have been defeated, and the Israelies control the country. In Gath, the Giants are few in numbers. Instead of engaging in open warfare, Philistine women seduce Israeli Kings into abandoning worship of their God and into worshiping the Philistine gods. In Gath, the population generally worships the religion of the Giants.
At least that is my theory. And since I'm playing Gath this round, my theory must be right, at least until I'm wiped off the face of the World of Warhammer, at which point everyone can speculate until The One True Pancreator vanquishes the survivors and imposes whatever history upon Gath that they like.
So, it is safe to say that the true history of Gath will probably be that they were created as giant clowns to keep the Throne of Heaven amused.
EDIT: However, I'll appropriate a sentence from the article for propaganda purposes: "In Dom 3, no-one is objectively “good,” but, by comparison to R'lyeh and Ermor (and Pangaea), it is at least life-affirming."
Trust Gath. Don't trust R'lyeh, Ermor, or Pangaea (although why the author lumps Pangaea with Ermor and R'lyeh, I can't say).
EDIT 2: Ok, Pangaea's added because of Carrion Woods, where the forest rises up to kill us all. But we should all know when the game begins whether or not Pangaea has chosen such a path (and respond accordingly).