By the way, what is the Forbidden Frendship mod? I can't seem to find a description anywhere.
Good luck everyone in this epic battle. I was going to jump into the next offered game, but this one filled up too quickly.
Eh, I should probably be looking for work anyways.
There's still room! And you need something to look forward to while you're jobhunting.
While I really think the player number is at what I invision as capacity, you certainly make a compelling argument. Jobhunting does suck, royally.
I'll look and see if you dwarves left me any of the good nations to play...
Il Palazzo, would you mind putting the player nations next to their names?
Here is what I can piece together:
TempAcc: Atlantis or Caelum, but probably Atlantis because of the 10% water demand and realization Caelum isn't effected by benefits in LA (chose one!)
Boski: Abyssia (has chosen fire)
a1s: Ermor (has chosen to die first)
Shadowgandor: R'lyeh (has chosen to die second)
Korbac: Bogarus/Jomon (chose one!)
Il Palazzo: Mackaka/Ulm, probably neither because I don't think mackaka is playable LA and regretted Ulm as overpowered (chose something!)
EuchreJack: Gath (has chosen the weakest giants still in existence, confirmed interest)