Log of Spinning Welshman Semormafol
16th Timber, 203AF
The greenskins number nearly 100. I've ordered the gate closed until further notice. It might be a little cramped for a while, but we'll just have to deal with it as best we can.
Steel production continues at a good pace, Hauntedhalls shall have all the steel it needs shortly. I've begun to make some steel armour for the militia; soon Hauntedhalls shall not have to cower when the goblins come, and instead will stand tall and proud atop the bodies of it's foes!
23rd Timber, 203AF
I've decided to establish a compound for the breeding and training of animals. If we are to have a successful military, it should have the support of dispensable sacks of meat - ahem - noble animals of war.
I think it's also time I begin thinking about designing my own tomb. I've managed to keep Hauntedhalls safe thus far... But who knows what lies around the corner? I wish to be remembered if something unfortunate is to happen to me. I'll speak to the masons when I have time.
P.S This morning a dwarf informed me that a hunter had been missing for a week. I have to assume that the poor bugger was too preoccupied to heed the warning when the goblins arrived... Natural selection I suppose. If I had a plump helmet roast for every stupid ranger I've met, I'd be too fat to move.
25th Timber, 203AF
Another hunter reported missing. I guess those ravens out there just looked too damn tasty to pass up a chance at one of them even if it meant death by a goblin mauling. Sometimes I wonder about my fellow dwarves, I really do...
10th Moonstone, 203AF
I'd just finished laying out plans for my tomb when I was told to hurry to the main hall, whereupon I saw that one of the fishery workers had was thrashing around and jabbering in some foul, unknown language. It must be some kind of possession, but.... A
fishery worker? Some gods just have no taste. Oh well. I'll have a watch put on him, just incase he beats the odds and makes something useful. Yeah... Right.
20th Moonstone. 203AF
He created... A moonstone flute. Fabulous. Remind me to put him on the list of dwarves that get sent on any particularly dangerous tasks.
17th Obsidian, 203AF
At long last! The mausoleum of the great Spinning Welshman is complete!
There have been grumblings in the fort that this tomb is too extravagant, and some dwarves have been muttering that Tau Must resent one of his successors erecting a more expensive tomb than his, but I reject that ridiculous sentiment. I've earned this! No matter that some dwarves have been heard saying I've become greedy. I'm Overseer, and I'll do what I want!
I suspect that those mutterings might also be the reason why it took so long for my tomb to be built. Damn insolent plebs. No matter, it's finished now, my legacy is secured. All glory to Hauntedhalls!
Now to tie up my affairs in time for year's end and the next overseers coronation. Time to retire to my carpentry! I can't wait. While life as an overseer has been grand, I like the quiet life.
20th Obsidian, 203AF Wonderful news! Tau and gamerboy4life have had their first child!
Congratulations to the happy couple! She's a strong and healthy child, and things are looking good for their dynasty!
Perhaps one day, it'll be my turn to find love, and raise a family of my own?
...Not that I'm jealous at all. No. Not me.
Spring has arrived! Time to hand over leadership to the next overseer, and get back to my craft!
Ok guys, my turns done at long last! Sorry for the massive delays... I'll do better in future! I've had a great time with this fort, and I hope the next guy enjoys his time too.
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