Log of Spinning Welshman Semormafol
3rd Slate, 203AF
Damn lazy miners. I decided we needed to dig out a barracks and somewhere to store prisoners before processing, and the idle gits have barely touched their picks since. If they don't start working harder I might choose them for my axe militia. That'd teach them a lesson.
It's been a disconcerting week. First Tau shacked up with gamerboy last year, and now I've noticed charred_gp sneaking around with that cuckundu. Everyone's getting some lovin' except me.
21st Slate, 203AF
The miners finally got it together to finish off the barracks and prisoner holding area.
Barracks on the left, Holding area on the right.
So I guess that saves them from militia service for now. I just picked 5 dwarves who said they had experience using an axe and told them to train till their feet fall off.
I think I heard them grumbling over that. Ungrateful worms. Who wouldn't be happy to have a chance at cleaving greenskin flesh for the honour of Hauntedhalls?
2nd Felsite, 203AF
Migrants. A ton of them. We're now above one hundred dwarves. Don't know what to do with half of these useless fools, but a few of them have good skills in metalwork and medicine, so I suppose that'll be useful.
With that thought in mind, it's probably time to set up a hospital.
11th Felsite, 203AF
I decided to dig out the hospital next to the reservoir so there'd be no excuse for lazy nurses not bringing water to the wounded.
Hospital being smoothed.
Gamerboy just rushed past me with a crazed look in his eyes. Curious, I follow him. He went straight to the industrial level and started using one of the craft workshops.
I would watch him, but the elves have just arrived, bringing a giant magpie. Seeing as we have an arena, I think it'd be nice to have some critters to throw to the goblins, spice the events up somewhat.
While we were haggling with the elves we heard what could only be described as the sound of many footsteps, marching in unison... It must be an invasion! Yup, as we raced towards the gates I saw two squads of axe goblins come over the horizon. It looked like we'd make it inside before they got too close though.
I ordered the marksdwarves onto the ramparts, but they only shot a few bolts before just stopping to watch. I can sympathise, watching goblins kill elves is only slightly less fun than killing elves.
However, this has left us with a load of wooden crap lying outside our fortress... The price we pay for some entertainment I suppose.
While this was happening, Gamerboy finished his strange construction....
An earring!? Damn-it Gamerboy... You had us all interested there too. I hope you're ashamed of yourself.