Speaking of the Nuclear Plant, shouldn't security there be upgraded a tad to reflect the current defense of US Nulclear Power Plants? These days, they have bunkers guarding the entrance and guards with rifles manning the bunkers.
So, I'd suggest the security guards either be replaced with a new NPC (elite security guards: have rifles and training in their use) or corporate mercenaries (same to what I'm suggesting the NPC be, but not technically accurate), and the entrance be given an open area between the door and the squad entrance area (more time to get ambushed while fleeing, and it allows spraying graffiti without having to bust into the main facility).
And dogs. They would certainly have Guard Dogs.
Sleepers are stealing form their friends and business. Of course they loose juice, wouldn't you be sad if you stole from your friends and business and gave the money to a bunch of insane murderers?
After you join the LCS, only the LCS are your friends. Your collegues at work are at best sheep going to the slaughter and at worst
Evil Conservative Scum. Just be thankful that LCS doesn't allow poisoning co-workers as a sleeper action.
EDIT: Although, "Promoting liberalism" is never spelled out, so maybe it involves putting scorpions into your boss's car. So a more liberal individual is promoted to middle-management, of course.