Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger
No-one useful. Sent them to the army.
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
SHUT UP RAL!!!!!!!
Ral Kubuklolok, cripple cancels store owned item: too injured
That's it. I will find out what you're trying to store, and I will Destroy it! Then there will be nothing to store and he can stop bugging me.
After lots of snooping, I still have no idea what he is trying to store. So I evicted him from his room. Now he will stop bugging me.
I heard a rumour while snooping on Ral. Apparently, a ghost has gone missing. Odd.
We were good friends before he died.
'Nother dwarf has gone strange, claimed a jewelers workshop. hopefully this time it's not Entirely useless.
Talked to Melkor about our animal situation. There are now a fox, giant sparrow, giant peregrin falcon, giant louse, and a jumping spider available for adoption!
FOUND LIBASH THE GHOST!! he's playing in the old magma forges.
Someone should destroy Captain Mountainhomes coffin, so we can get his ghost to defend us.
Why isn't the magma burning the trees?
Of course, they evolved to be fireproof because of the sky-fires. How can we burn them for fuel though? thinking too much makes my head hurt.
Pretty, but useless. We have a legendary gemcutter
Dug my room. Nice little place at the bottom of the world.
Well, not the very bottom, but I don't dare go deeper.
oh yeah, Magma. I'l get working on that.