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Author Topic: You are an Adventurers' Agent  (Read 9226 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #60 on: August 21, 2012, 06:00:51 am »

Again, please don't worry overmuch about such matters.  I'm not the kind of DM where, if you say you "open the door" but fail to specify that you "turn the doorknob", I rule that you fail to open the door.  If a proposed course of action is deemed rude or offensive or highly unusual in the context of the game and the gameworld, I will flag it for you.

I still think that hiring those two is a bad idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2012, 08:30:58 pm »

Bumping and reposting for the new page.

Year 1, Month 2, Day 1

You walk over to Walde and Gyles' table and politely ask if you may join them.

Walde, a burly man with a scar across his left cheek, looks up from his meal and cracks a huge smile.  "Hey, you must be Durin!  Well met!  Sit, sit!  I'd invite you to share my meal except I don't think you like our style of eatings, do you?  Wahahaha!  Say, you are really much nicer than you look!  Not that I've heard anything bad about you, don't get me wrong, but a big guy like you's sure going to look scary to a small little man like me, don't you know?  Wahahaha!"

Gyles, a much leaner man with perpetually half-closed eyes, simply nods in acknowledgment as you approach, and returns to his food as you sit down at their table.

Walde tells you that the two of them actually live outside of the city, in cottages nearer the Misty Forest where they carry out their respective trades, and they are in the city today to unload their goods and because "it sure gets tired doing the cooking all the time, don't you know?  Wahahaha!" 

You ask Waldes whether it's dangerous to be out and about in the forest all the time, and he says that it's a generally peaceful place save for the occasional bear and "trees falling down on you cos you cut them down the wrong way, wahahaha!".  Speaking of bears, it seems like there's a particularly pissed-off bear currently rampaging around deeper in the forest, because both he and Gyles have been hearing a continuous deep, bestial growl from the forest depths for the past several days.  "Must have lost a fight with a bee hive, that one.  Wahahaha!"

Will you now: 

(a)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles if they will help you look for Bertrand's cat while they are doing their usual work in the forest?  If so, please specify what information you tell them and what you offer them for their services.

(b)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles to set aside their work for the next week and help you look for Bertrand's cat on a full-time basis?  If so, please specify what information you tell them and what you offer them for their services.

(c)  Ask Walde and/or Gyles for any other information you may like to have?  If so, please specify.

(d)  Move over to the hooded woman's table?

(e)  Something else?  (Please specify)

Note:  You are carrying the leash and food dish with "Frisky" engraved on them which Godfrey Bertrand's servant had passed to you, and can pass the items to Walde and/or Gyles if you wish to do so.

You have 7 Time Units left for today.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #62 on: August 22, 2012, 03:43:07 am »

Right. Since the whole "let the rest of the thread come up with details" thing didn't work last time, let's try again:

Offer Walde/Gyles 10 AWU per week to "do some odd jobs" for us in their off hours. If and when they accept, give them an advance on their pay and tell them that there's been a cat lost out in the woods that we've been asked to retreive. Show them the bowl and the leash and tell them to bring the cat to us a our office as soon as possible.  Then give them the adress of our office and our thanks.

AFTER that is done, then go talk to the spooky lady in the hood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #63 on: August 22, 2012, 04:13:22 am »

They'll hate us eternally if we ask them to search for some noble's cat. Ask about pubs, then go to the lady.


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #64 on: August 22, 2012, 05:46:26 am »

Year 1, Month 2, Day 1

"Do you know any other good public houses in Aqualonia?"  you ask Waldes and Gyles... well, mostly Waldes.  "The Smelly Donkey is a great place, but I'm always on the look out for new beer recipes to bring home to my dear sweet mother."

"You mother would be so proud to hear that, wahahaha!"  Waldes replies.  "Gyles and I went to the Dancing Dragon in the western harbour district two months ago cos we were told their Dragonsbreath Brew was fantastic, don't you know, but a brawl broke out 'fore we were there for barely five minutes, and some scurvy scumbug got me in the head with a stool while I was holding off three huge brutes and Gyles had to drag me home, wasn't that right Gyles, wahahaha!  You could also try Nyemya's three blocks down from the City Hall, but that's way too rich for my tastes, wahahaha!"

Gyles finishes his breakfast while Waldes is talking, and Waldes clears his plate soon after.  Before they leave, you tell them that you had promised your friend to help him look for his lost orange cat who answers to the name of "Frisky", and that you are searching the city for it.  In the meantime, just in case the cat had ran out into the forest, could they bring the cat to your office if they happen to come across it during their work? 

Waldes remarks that if the cat has escaped into the forest, it's "probably been et by that angry bear by now, wahahaha", but promises to bring the cat to you if he or Gyles finds it provided that you cover his drinks for one night, and warns you that it'll be costly because "if only I had the money I could drink the sea dry, wahahaha!"  Waldes also passes you his address in the forest and invites you to pay him a visit any time you are free.

You bid them a cheery farewell and turn towards the hooded woman, who is still idly flipping and catching the coin on her thumb.  Most of her hair is concealed under the hood, but a few dark brown strands fringe her forehead.   As you walk near her table, she turns a bold stare at you and says:

"Yellow butterfly
floating over the road;
Spring is beginning."

How do you reply?

You have 7 Time Units left for today.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #65 on: August 22, 2012, 05:57:12 am »

It would be daaaaamn awesome if you included a spoilered map in each update. :D

Uh, I'm out of ideas. Try to politely disengage from the woman and go visit the western shore in search of The Dancing Dragon, I guess.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #66 on: August 22, 2012, 05:59:39 am »

"Strange mountains
stand against the sky
the night coming."

I could probably google it to make sure my wording's correct, but going off from memory is way better here. Hell, I'm not even sure that's the right haiku. So what do we even want from this lady, again?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #67 on: August 22, 2012, 08:11:58 am »

It would be daaaaamn awesome if you included a spoilered map in each update. :D

Updated the city map with the locations of the Dancing Dragon, Nyemya's, and Walde's home.

Spoiler:  City Map (click to show/hide)

So what do we even want from this lady, again?

Maybe she's an experienced tracker / ranger who would be willing to look for Frisky as well.  Or she could have a mission she wants to hire you for.  Or she's got a bounty on her and you could make a profit by hiring another group of people to capture her.  Or something else entirely, but you won't know unless you talk to her, won't you?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #68 on: August 22, 2012, 08:13:17 am »

Waaaaaait a minute. How could we pinpoint TDD's location on the map so precisely based on a general verbal description? O_O


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #69 on: August 22, 2012, 08:25:48 am »

Waaaaaait a minute. How could we pinpoint TDD's location on the map so precisely based on a general verbal description? O_O

Ah, I think I'm seeing a trend in your comments and questions in this thread.

Okay, to be clear, despite this being posted on the Bay 12 Games forum, I'm not trying to emulate Dwarf Fortress in the sense of keeping track of every last hair and fat layer on every person in the city.  This is in no way, and makes no attempt to be, a simulation of a "realistic world" - it's more like a video game where many elements are abstracted (in most games, your PCs are not forced to go for regular toilet breaks unless it's a core part of the game itself, like The Sims).  Things like time, money and so on are handwaved / dealt with on an abstract level, and similarly so is Durin's knowledge of the locations of various places he hears about.

EDIT:  Also, the terrain map was not procedurally generated, the city was not organically developed from a small fishing village, the characters don't each have a biography going back to their births, and so on and so forth.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 08:35:19 am by JosephWongKS »


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #70 on: August 22, 2012, 08:38:48 am »

I generally look at games like a situation like this as 'we don't actually know the location but this is a good approximation.' Joseph has even stated that nothing on the maps is supposed to be 100% accurate. More like a general that-a-way type of map. Get yourself close enough to it and the locals can guide you the rest of the way in.

On topic: Go with the haiku bit posted earlier and then ask if you can join her for a drink. Ask what she's doing in the city and whether she'd be interested in making a little bit of coin.
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #71 on: August 22, 2012, 09:25:42 am »

Year 1, Month 2, Day 1

You reply to her cryptic statement with one of your own:

"Strange mountains
stand against the sky
the night coming."

"Nicely done!" she cheers, and twirls her coin in a dizzying pattern around her fingers before it vanishes too quickly for you to see where it had gone.  "It's so good to see a cultured man for once.  Have a seat.  Name's Mira.  What's yours?"

You introduce yourself as Durin Stronginthejaw, a proud member of that ancient dwarven clan.  A smile breaks out on her weather-beaten face as your describe your heritage, but she does not question it.  You ask her whether she's new to the district or the city, as you've not seen her at The Smelly Donkey during the month you've been here. 

"As a matter of fact, yes, I've just arrived this day," she says.  "I'm a poet, you see, and when I heard that there was a copy of "Alabaster Stormclouds", said to be the last piece of verse ever written by Achebe Ekwensi, in Aqualonia, I absolutely had to come here to track it down.  Say, would you happen to know where I might be able to find it?"

You have never heard of this "Achebe Ekwensi", but surmise that he's a famous poet, judging by her tone of voice.  You tell her that you don't know the location of "Alabaster Stormclouds" but will keep an ear out for it on her behalf. 

"Much obliged!  You can find me in The Smelly Donkey if you hear anything - I have a room here.  And yourself?  What are you doing in the city?"  she asks.

You tell her that you run a small business, but at the moment you are helping your friend to look for his lost cat.  Unfortunately, there's only so much that one person can search by himself, so it'd be great if you could find someone else to help look for the cat.

"Oh, really?"  she asks, a mischievous twinkle in her almond eyes.  "Tell me, out of curiosity, exactly how much is this... "friend" of yours paying for the recovery of his cat?"

How do you reply?

You have 7 Time Units left for today.

New information on Mira has been revealed.  Check "Adventurers' Traits and Attributes" below.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #72 on: August 22, 2012, 09:40:38 am »

Meh, a poet. I doubt she'll be of much use. 25 AUW.


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #73 on: August 22, 2012, 09:46:25 am »

Meh, a poet. I doubt she'll be of much use. 25 AUW.
Not a bad offer. It's a months-worth of living expenses!


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Re: You are an Adventurers' Agent
« Reply #74 on: August 22, 2012, 09:56:40 am »

Meh, a poet. I doubt she'll be of much use. 25 AUW.

She's perceptive, agile and intelligent. I'm sure that we can find something for her to do, if she's interested.
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