Well, spring has arrived. There are only nine dwarves left, all of whom have been sleeping in the hospital for most of the last month. Gozru is currently chasing animals through the fortress, and I think it's only a matter of time until either a) he finds and kills the dwarves, or b) they die of thirst.
Personally, I'm inclined to abandon at this point. What does everyone else think?
In the meantime, here's some information from the Battle of Weri (names in italics were un-dorfed dwarves):
Melbil Kelmat - Killed Opal 23rd by Ang Gusmulrusmo Xosunabesp
Litast Mimakmonon - Killed Opal 23rd by Eslul Ngopexost
Greasemunky - Killed Opal 23rd by Alece Relirafife
Rakkust Fikoddeleth - Killed Opal 24th by Eslul Ngopexost
Tasrak - Killed Opal 25th by Eslul Ngopexost
Helgoland - Killed Opal 25th by Ngoso Sumspastasost Sposnuustxu
Endok Atekthikut - Killed Opal 26th by Eslul Ngopexost
Triaxx - Killed Opal 27th by Ngoso Sumspastasost Sposnuustxu
Bates - Killed Opal 27th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
NightmareBros - Killed Opal 27th by Ang Gusmulrusmo Xosunabesp
Spishiban - Killed Opal 27th by Alece Relirafife
Tobul Kollek - Killed Opal 28th by Galka Eslimthacsum
Art - Killed Opal 28th by Ngoso Sumspastasost Sposnuustxu
Hunter - Killed Opal 28th by Ngoso Sumspastasost Sposnuustxu
Rimtar Kikrostakmam - Killed Obsidian 1st by Ngoso Sumspastasost Sposnuustxu
armageddonCounselor - Killed Obsidian 3rd by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Microblight - Killed Obsidian 6th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Kar Puwuncobi - Killed Obsidian 6th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
sensei_shade - Killed Obsidian 7th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Indricotherium - Killed Obsidian 9th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Kaamen - Killed Obsidian 13th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Deathsword - Killed Obsidian 18th by Gozru Azstrogem Ozud Sodor
Forgotten Beasts:
I let it keep running, and it didn't take long for them to start dying. The first dwarf died on Granite 7th, my dwarf died on Granite 17th, and by Granite 20th only Ledi and Destra remained.