Paprika sits and thinks for a moment longer. As she is sitting sideways in relation to the fire, half of her face is in shadow, the other thoughtful.
She starts, haltingly: "Well— once, I was walking along one of the cleaner rivers, one clear enough to see the floor but not clean enough to drink, with some of my companions then. And then—absolutely out of the blue!—one decided pushing me into the water would be a fun thing to do. You can see that I obviously am skinny and frail, not enough to withstand a sudden push and a shove. On the other hand, I'm not so weak that just anyone can think of pushing me into a running body of water, so I stopped a few inches from the edge. Then, of course the ground has to crumble. Poor me, being on the precise part of the river's bank that had loose gravel." Paprika sighs dramatically. "Crumble crumble goes the rocks, and tumble tumble goes me. The river wasn't fast nor deep, but being pushed into one ... I flailed in the water for what seemed to be an eternity before I got my bearings, and of course, I've picked up this and that skill over the years, so I swam like an .. a- an expert, straight to the ground. With my luck, there would have been a ... a set of rapids, or a waterfall, or a perfectly positioned down current, but not this time. But I still didn't get away from the bad fate that's upon me, and my music device was broken. It didn't work. I think the electrics inside were fried from the impure water in the river." She pauses.
"Well, I think that's it. It's not a dramatic story, and it might not be important in my life, but .. that's all I can think of right now. Really."
Her speech was hesitant at first, but she picked up pace during the middle, before slowing down again towards the end.